Commit 4e8cc7fd authored by Clément Stenac's avatar Clément Stenac

File mangler

This can be used to detect crashes due to bad streams (see the end of the program for the files which are tested)
parent de6439f8
import logging
import urllib2
def getLogger( module ):
logger = logging.getLogger( module )
stl = logging.StreamHandler( )
formatter = logging.Formatter( '%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s %(message)s' )
stl.setFormatter( formatter )
logger.addHandler( stl )
logger.setLevel( logging.DEBUG )
return logger
def downloadFile( file, source, target, l ): "Opening %s/%s" % (source,file ) )
remote = urllib2.urlopen( "%s/%s" % (source,file ) )
l.debug( "Open success, downloading" )
local = open( target + "/" + file, "w+" )
local.write( )
return 1
return 0
import VLCUtil
import shutil
import os
from random import randint
import glob
# Todo
# - Correctly handle errors
# - Launch VLC in a separate thread and detect hangs
# - Correct path handling
global conf
global l
def play_mangled( filename, logfile ):
os.chdir( "../.." )
vlc_pid = os.spawnvp( os.P_NOWAIT, "./vlc",
[ "vlc", "-I", "logger", "--quiet", "--stop-time", "1",
filename , "vlc:quit", "--logfile", logfile ])
( exit_pid, exit_status ) = os.waitpid( vlc_pid, 0 )
os.chdir( "test/mangle" )
l.debug( "VLC exited with status %i" % exit_status )
return exit_status
def mangle_file( filename, header_size, percentage , new_file):
shutil.copyfile( filename, new_file )
file = open ( new_file, "r+" )
for i in range( header_size ): i)
if( randint(0, 100/percentage) == 0 ):
file.write( "%i" % randint (0, 255 ));
def process_file_once( file, header_size ):
suffix = randint( 0, 65535 )
new_file = conf["temp_folder"] + conf["prefix"] + "%i" % suffix
log_file = conf["temp_folder"] + conf["log_prefix"] + "%i" % suffix
mangle_file( file, header_size, conf["mangle_ratio"], new_file )
status = play_mangled( new_file, log_file )
if( status == 0 ):
os.remove( new_file )
os.remove( log_file )
else: "Potential crash detected : %i, saving results" % suffix )
shutil.move( new_file , conf["crashdir"] )
shutil.move( log_file , conf["crashdir"] )
def process_file( file, source, header_size ): "Starting work on " + file )
if( len( glob.glob( conf["inputdir"] + "/" + file ) ) == 0 ):
l.warn( "%s does not exist in %s" % (file, conf["inputdir"] ) )
if( VLCUtil.downloadFile( file, source, conf["inputdir"], l ) != 0 ):
l.error( "Unable to download %s" % file )
for i in range( conf["loops"] ):
process_file_once( conf["inputdir"] + "/" + file, header_size )
l = VLCUtil.getLogger( "Mangle" )
conf = {}
conf["inputdir"] = "input"
conf["crashdir"] = "crashers"
conf["temp_folder"] = "/tmp/"
conf["prefix"] = "mangle."
conf["log_prefix"] = "vlc-log."
conf["mangle_ratio"] = 4 # Change X% of bytes within header
conf["loops"] = 20
l.debug( "Creating folders" )
os.makedirs( conf["crashdir"] )
os.makedirs( conf["inputdir"] )
os.makedirs( conf["temp_folder"] )
process_file( "bl.mp4", "", 3000 )
process_file( "", "", 3000 )
process_file( "x264.avi", "", 3000 )
process_file( "batidadomontoya.wmv", "", 3000 )
process_file( "tarzan.ogm", "", 3000 )
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