Commit 4c0b7973 authored by Reka Inovan's avatar Reka Inovan Committed by Jean-Baptiste Kempf

Rewrites asx file support using vlc_xml API

Signed-off-by: default avatarJean-Baptiste Kempf <>
parent ab81a846
* asx.c : ASX playlist format import
* Copyright (C) 2005-2006 VLC authors and VideoLAN
* Copyright (C) 2005-2013 VLC authors and VideoLAN
* $Id$
* Authors: Derk-Jan Hartman <hartman at videolan dot org>
......@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.
/* See also:
/* See also:
......@@ -33,19 +34,15 @@
#include <vlc_common.h>
#include <vlc_demux.h>
#include <vlc_xml.h>
#include <vlc_strings.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <vlc_charset.h>
#include "playlist.h"
#include <vlc_meta.h>
struct demux_sys_t
char *psz_prefix;
char *psz_data;
int64_t i_data_len;
bool b_utf8;
bool b_skip_ads;
......@@ -53,721 +50,391 @@ struct demux_sys_t
static int Demux( demux_t *p_demux);
static int StoreString( demux_t *p_demux, char **ppsz_string,
const char *psz_source_start,
const char *psz_source_end )
static mtime_t ParseTime(xml_reader_t *p_xml_reader)
demux_sys_t *p_sys = p_demux->p_sys;
unsigned len = psz_source_end - psz_source_start;
char *psz_value = NULL;
char *psz_start = NULL;
free( *ppsz_string );
const char *psz_node = NULL;
const char *psz_txt = NULL;
char *buf = *ppsz_string = malloc ((len * (1 + !p_sys->b_utf8)) + 1);
if (buf == NULL)
return VLC_ENOMEM;
int i_subfractions = -1;
if( p_sys->b_utf8 )
memcpy (buf, psz_source_start, len);
(*ppsz_string)[len] = '\0';
EnsureUTF8 (*ppsz_string);
/* Latin-1 -> UTF-8 */
for (unsigned i = 0; i < len; i++)
unsigned char c = psz_source_start[i];
if (c & 0x80)
*buf++ = 0xc0 | (c >> 6);
*buf++ = 0x80 | (c & 0x3f);
*buf++ = c;
*buf++ = '\0';
int i_subresult = 0;
mtime_t i_result = 0;
buf = realloc (*ppsz_string, buf - *ppsz_string);
if( buf )
*ppsz_string = buf;
psz_txt = xml_ReaderNextAttr( p_xml_reader, &psz_node );
while( psz_txt && strncasecmp( psz_txt, "VALUE", 5 ) );
static char *SkipBlanks(char *s, size_t i_strlen )
while( i_strlen > 0 ) {
switch( *s )
case ' ':
case '\t':
case '\r':
case '\n':
i_strlen = 0;
return s;
psz_value = strdup( psz_node );
psz_start = psz_value;
static int ParseTime(char *s, size_t i_strlen)
// need to parse hour:minutes:sec.fraction string
int result = 0;
int val;
const char *end = s + i_strlen;
// skip leading spaces if any
s = SkipBlanks(s, i_strlen);
val = 0;
while( (s < end) && isdigit((unsigned char)*s) )
while( *psz_value )
int newval = val*10 + (*s - '0');
if( newval < val )
if( isdigit( *psz_value ) )
// overflow
val = 0;
i_subresult = i_subresult * 10;
i_subresult += *psz_value - '0';
if( i_subfractions != -1 )
val = newval;
result = val;
s = SkipBlanks(s, end-s);
if( *s == ':' )
s = SkipBlanks(s, end-s);
result = result * 60;
val = 0;
while( (s < end) && isdigit((unsigned char)*s) )
else if( *psz_value == ':' )
int newval = val*10 + (*s - '0');
if( newval < val )
// overflow
val = 0;
val = newval;
i_result += i_subresult;
i_result = i_result * 60;
i_subresult = 0;
result += val;
s = SkipBlanks(s, end-s);
if( *s == ':' )
else if( *psz_value == '.' )
s = SkipBlanks(s, end-s);
result = result * 60;
val = 0;
while( (s < end) && isdigit((unsigned char)*s) )
int newval = val*10 + (*s - '0');
if( newval < val )
// overflow
val = 0;
val = newval;
result += val;
// TODO: one day, we may need to parse fraction for sub-second resolution
i_subfractions = 0;
i_result += i_subresult;
i_subresult = 0;
if( i_subfractions == -1)
i_result += i_subresult;
/* Convert to microseconds */
if( i_subfractions == -1)
i_subfractions = 0;
while( i_subfractions < 6 )
i_subresult = i_subresult * 10;
return result;
i_result = i_result * 1000000;
if( i_subfractions != -1)
i_result += i_subresult;
free( psz_start );
return i_result;
static void ReadElement( xml_reader_t *p_xml_reader, char **ppsz_txt )
const char *psz_node = NULL;
/* Read the text node */
xml_ReaderNextNode( p_xml_reader, &psz_node );
free( *ppsz_txt );
*ppsz_txt = strdup( psz_node );
resolve_xml_special_chars( *ppsz_txt );
/* Read the end element */
xml_ReaderNextNode( p_xml_reader, &psz_node );
/* TODO :
* Currently we don't check the agreement of start and end element
* This function is only used to read the element that cannot have child
* according to the reference.
* Import_ASX: main import function
int Import_ASX( vlc_object_t *p_this )
demux_t *p_demux = (demux_t *)p_this;
const uint8_t *p_peek;
CHECK_PEEK( p_peek, 10 );
// skip over possible leading empty lines and empty spaces
p_peek = (uint8_t *)SkipBlanks((char *)p_peek, 6);
if( POKE( p_peek, "<asx", 4 ) || demux_IsPathExtension( p_demux, ".asx" ) ||
demux_IsPathExtension( p_demux, ".wax" ) || demux_IsPathExtension( p_demux, ".wvx" ) ||
if( demux_IsPathExtension( p_demux, ".asx" ) ||
demux_IsPathExtension( p_demux, ".wax" ) ||
demux_IsPathExtension( p_demux, ".wvx" ) ||
demux_IsForced( p_demux, "asx-open" ) )
STANDARD_DEMUX_INIT_MSG( "found valid ASX playlist" );
STANDARD_DEMUX_INIT_MSG( "found valid ASX playlist" );
p_demux->p_sys->psz_prefix = FindPrefix( p_demux );
p_demux->p_sys->psz_data = NULL;
p_demux->p_sys->i_data_len = -1;
p_demux->p_sys->b_utf8 = false;
p_demux->p_sys->b_skip_ads =
var_InheritBool( p_demux, "playlist-skip-ads" );
* Deactivate: frees unused data
void Close_ASX( vlc_object_t *p_this )
demux_t *p_demux = (demux_t *)p_this;
demux_sys_t *p_sys = p_demux->p_sys;
free( p_sys->psz_prefix );
free( p_sys->psz_data );
free( p_sys );
static int Demux( demux_t *p_demux )
static void ProcessEntry( int *pi_n_entry, xml_reader_t *p_xml_reader,
input_item_node_t *p_subitems,
input_item_t *p_current_input, char *psz_prefix )
demux_sys_t *p_sys = p_demux->p_sys;
char *psz_parse = NULL;
char *psz_backup = NULL;
bool b_entry = false;
input_item_t *p_current_input = GetCurrentItem(p_demux);
/* init txt */
if( p_sys->i_data_len < 0 )
const char *psz_node = NULL;
const char *psz_txt = NULL;
int i_type;
char *psz_title = NULL;
char *psz_artist = NULL;
char *psz_copyright = NULL;
char *psz_moreinfo = NULL;
char *psz_description = NULL;
char *psz_name = NULL;
char *psz_mrl = NULL;
char *psz_href = NULL;
input_item_t *p_entry = NULL;
int i_options;
mtime_t i_start = 0;
mtime_t i_duration = 0;
char *ppsz_options[2];
int64_t i_pos = 0;
p_sys->i_data_len = stream_Size( p_demux->s ) + 1; /* This is a cheat to prevent unnecessary realloc */
if( p_sys->i_data_len <= 0 || p_sys->i_data_len > 16384 ) p_sys->i_data_len = 1024;
p_sys->psz_data = xmalloc( p_sys->i_data_len +1);
/* load the complete file */
for( ;; )
int i_read = stream_Read( p_demux->s, &p_sys->psz_data[i_pos], p_sys->i_data_len - i_pos );
p_sys->psz_data[i_pos + i_read] = '\0';
if( i_read < p_sys->i_data_len - i_pos ) break; /* Done */
i_pos += i_read;
p_sys->i_data_len <<= 1 ;
p_sys->psz_data = xrealloc( p_sys->psz_data,
p_sys->i_data_len * sizeof( char * ) + 1 );
if( p_sys->i_data_len <= 0 ) return -1;
i_type = xml_ReaderNextNode( p_xml_reader, &psz_node );
input_item_node_t *p_subitems = input_item_node_Create( p_current_input );
psz_parse = p_sys->psz_data;
/* Find first element */
if( ( psz_parse = strcasestr( psz_parse, "<ASX" ) ) )
/* ASX element */
char *psz_string = NULL;
int i_strlen = 0;
char *psz_base_asx = NULL;
char *psz_title_asx = NULL;
char *psz_artist_asx = NULL;
char *psz_copyright_asx = NULL;
char *psz_moreinfo_asx = NULL;
char *psz_abstract_asx = NULL;
char *psz_base_entry = NULL;
char *psz_title_entry = NULL;
char *psz_artist_entry = NULL;
char *psz_copyright_entry = NULL;
char *psz_moreinfo_entry = NULL;
char *psz_abstract_entry = NULL;
int i_entry_count = 0;
bool b_skip_entry = false;
char *psz_href = NULL;
int i_starttime = 0;
int i_duration = 0;
psz_parse = strcasestr( psz_parse, ">" );
/* counter for single ad item */
input_item_t *uniq_entry_ad_backup = NULL;
int i_inserted_entries = 0;
while( psz_parse && ( psz_parse = strcasestr( psz_parse, "<" ) ) )
if( i_type == XML_READER_STARTELEM )
if( !strncasecmp( psz_parse, "<!--", 4 ) )
/* this is a comment */
if( ( psz_parse = strcasestr( psz_parse, "-->" ) ) )
else continue;
else if( !strncasecmp( psz_parse, "<PARAM ", 7 ) )
/* Metadata Node */
if( !strncasecmp( psz_node, "TITLE", 5 ) )
ReadElement( p_xml_reader, &psz_title );
if( !strncasecmp( psz_node, "AUTHOR", 6 ) )
ReadElement( p_xml_reader, &psz_artist );
if( !strncasecmp( psz_node, "COPYRIGHT", 9 ) )
ReadElement( p_xml_reader, &psz_copyright );
if( !strncasecmp( psz_node,"MOREINFO", 8 ) )
bool b_encoding_flag = false;
psz_parse = SkipBlanks(psz_parse+7, (unsigned)-1);
if( !strncasecmp( psz_parse, "name", 4 ) )
if( ( psz_parse = strcasestr( psz_parse, "\"" ) ) )
psz_backup = ++psz_parse;
if( ( psz_parse = strcasestr( psz_parse, "\"" ) ) )
i_strlen = psz_parse-psz_backup;
if( i_strlen < 1 ) continue;
msg_Dbg( p_demux, "param name strlen: %d", i_strlen);
psz_string = xmalloc( i_strlen + 1);
memcpy( psz_string, psz_backup, i_strlen );
psz_string[i_strlen] = '\0';
msg_Dbg( p_demux, "param name: %s", psz_string);
b_encoding_flag = !strcasecmp( psz_string, "encoding" );
free( psz_string );
else continue;
else continue;
if( !strncasecmp( psz_parse, "value", 5 ) )
if( ( psz_parse = strcasestr( psz_parse, "\"" ) ) )
psz_backup = ++psz_parse;
if( ( psz_parse = strcasestr( psz_parse, "\"" ) ) )
i_strlen = psz_parse-psz_backup;
if( i_strlen < 1 ) continue;
msg_Dbg( p_demux, "param value strlen: %d", i_strlen);
psz_string = xmalloc( i_strlen +1);
memcpy( psz_string, psz_backup, i_strlen );
psz_string[i_strlen] = '\0';
msg_Dbg( p_demux, "param value: %s", psz_string);
if( b_encoding_flag && !strcasecmp( psz_string, "utf-8" ) ) p_sys->b_utf8 = true;
free( psz_string );
else continue;
else continue;
psz_txt = xml_ReaderNextAttr( p_xml_reader, &psz_node );
if( ( psz_parse = strcasestr( psz_parse, "/>" ) ) )
psz_parse += 2;
else continue;
else if( !strncasecmp( psz_parse, "<BANNER", 7 ) )
/* We skip this element */
if( ( psz_parse = strcasestr( psz_parse, "</BANNER>" ) ) )
psz_parse += 9;
else continue;
else if( !strncasecmp( psz_parse, "<PREVIEWDURATION", 16 ) ||
!strncasecmp( psz_parse, "<LOGURL", 7 ) ||
!strncasecmp( psz_parse, "<Skin", 5 ) )
/* We skip this element */
if( ( psz_parse = strcasestr( psz_parse, "/>" ) ) )
psz_parse += 2;
else continue;
while(psz_txt && strncasecmp( psz_txt, "HREF", 4 ) );
if( !psz_txt )
ReadElement( p_xml_reader, &psz_moreinfo );
psz_moreinfo = strdup( psz_node );
resolve_xml_special_chars( psz_moreinfo );
else if( !strncasecmp( psz_parse, "<BASE ", 6 ) )
if( !strncasecmp( psz_node, "ABSTRACT", 8 ) )
ReadElement( p_xml_reader, &psz_description );
if( !strncasecmp( psz_node, "DURATION", 8 ) )
i_duration = ParseTime( p_xml_reader );
if( !strncasecmp( psz_node, "STARTTIME", 9 ) )
i_start = ParseTime( p_xml_reader );
/* Reference Node */
/* All ref node will be converted into an entry */
if( !strncasecmp( psz_node, "REF", 3 ) )
psz_parse = SkipBlanks(psz_parse+6, (unsigned)-1);
if( !strncasecmp( psz_parse, "HREF", 4 ) )
*pi_n_entry = *pi_n_entry + 1;
if( !psz_title )
psz_title = input_item_GetTitle( p_current_input );
if( !psz_artist )
psz_artist = input_item_GetArtist( p_current_input );
if( !psz_copyright )
psz_copyright = input_item_GetCopyright( p_current_input );
if( !psz_description )
psz_description = input_item_GetDescription( p_current_input );
if( ( psz_parse = strcasestr( psz_parse, "\"" ) ) )
psz_backup = ++psz_parse;
if( ( psz_parse = strcasestr( psz_parse, "\"" ) ) )
StoreString( p_demux, (b_entry ? &psz_base_entry : &psz_base_asx), psz_backup, psz_parse );
else continue;
else continue;
psz_txt = xml_ReaderNextAttr( p_xml_reader, &psz_node );
if( ( psz_parse = strcasestr( psz_parse, "/>" ) ) )
psz_parse += 2;
else continue;
else if( !strncasecmp( psz_parse, "<TITLE>", 7 ) )
psz_backup = psz_parse+=7;
if( ( psz_parse = strcasestr( psz_parse, "</TITLE>" ) ) )
while( strncasecmp( psz_txt, "HREF", 4) );
psz_href = strdup( psz_node );
if( asprintf( &psz_name, "%d. %s", *pi_n_entry, psz_title ) == -1)
psz_name = strdup( psz_title );
resolve_xml_special_chars( psz_href );
psz_mrl = ProcessMRL( psz_href, psz_prefix );
/* Add Time information */
i_options = 0;
if( i_start )
StoreString( p_demux, (b_entry ? &psz_title_entry : &psz_title_asx), psz_backup, psz_parse );
psz_parse += 8;
if( asprintf( ppsz_options, ":start-time=%d" ,(int) i_start/1000000 ) != -1)
else continue;
else if( !strncasecmp( psz_parse, "<Author>", 8 ) )
psz_backup = psz_parse+=8;
if( ( psz_parse = strcasestr( psz_parse, "</Author>" ) ) )
if( i_duration)
StoreString( p_demux, (b_entry ? &psz_artist_entry : &psz_artist_asx), psz_backup, psz_parse );
psz_parse += 9;
if( asprintf( ppsz_options + i_options, ":stop-time=%d",
(int) (i_start+i_duration)/1000000 ) != -1)
else continue;
/* Create the input item */
p_entry = input_item_NewExt( psz_mrl, psz_name, i_options,
(const char* const*) ppsz_options, VLC_INPUT_OPTION_TRUSTED, i_duration );
input_item_CopyOptions( p_current_input, p_entry );
/* Add the metadata */
if( psz_name )
input_item_SetTitle( p_entry, psz_name );
if( psz_artist )
input_item_SetArtist( p_entry, psz_artist );
if( psz_copyright )
input_item_SetCopyright( p_entry, psz_copyright );
if( psz_moreinfo )
input_item_SetURL( p_entry, psz_moreinfo );
if( psz_description )
input_item_SetDescription( p_entry, psz_description );
if( i_duration > 0)
input_item_SetDuration( p_entry, i_duration );
input_item_node_AppendItem( p_subitems, p_entry );
while( i_options )
free( ppsz_options[--i_options] );
free( psz_name );
free( psz_mrl );
else if( !strncasecmp( psz_parse, "<Copyright", 10 ) )
while( i_type != XML_READER_ENDELEM || strncasecmp( psz_node, "ENTRY", 5 ) );
free( psz_href );
free( psz_title );
free( psz_artist );
free( psz_copyright );
free( psz_moreinfo );
free( psz_description );
static int Demux( demux_t *p_demux )
const char *psz_node = NULL;
char *psz_txt = NULL;
char *psz_base = FindPrefix( p_demux );
char *psz_title_asx = NULL;
char *psz_entryref = NULL;
xml_reader_t *p_xml_reader = NULL;
bool b_first_node = false;
int i_type;
int i_n_entry = 0;
p_xml_reader = xml_ReaderCreate( p_demux, p_demux->s );
if( !p_xml_reader )
msg_Err( p_demux, "Cannot parse ASX input file as XML");
goto error;
input_item_t *p_current_input = GetCurrentItem( p_demux );
input_item_node_t *p_subitems = input_item_node_Create( p_current_input );
i_type = xml_ReaderNextNode( p_xml_reader, &psz_node );
if( i_type == XML_READER_STARTELEM )
if( !b_first_node )
psz_backup = psz_parse+=11;
if( ( psz_parse = strcasestr( psz_parse, "</Copyright>" ) ) )
if(!strncasecmp( psz_node, "ASX", 3 ) )
b_first_node = true;
StoreString( p_demux, (b_entry ? &psz_copyright_entry : &psz_copyright_asx), psz_backup, psz_parse );
psz_parse += 12;
msg_Err( p_demux, "invalid root node" );
goto error;
else continue;
else if( !strncasecmp( psz_parse, "<MoreInfo ", 10 ) )
/* Metadata Node Handler */
if( !strncasecmp( psz_node, "TITLE", 5 ) )
psz_parse = SkipBlanks(psz_parse+10, (unsigned)-1);
if( !strncasecmp( psz_parse, "HREF", 4 ) )
if( ( psz_parse = strcasestr( psz_parse, "\"" ) ) )
psz_backup = ++psz_parse;
if( ( psz_parse = strcasestr( psz_parse, "\"" ) ) )
StoreString( p_demux, (b_entry ? &psz_moreinfo_entry : &psz_moreinfo_asx), psz_backup, psz_parse );
else continue;
else continue;
if( ( psz_backup = strcasestr( psz_parse, "/>" ) ) )
psz_parse = psz_backup + 2;
else if( ( psz_backup = strcasestr( psz_parse, "</MoreInfo>") ) )
psz_parse = psz_backup + 11;
psz_parse = NULL;
ReadElement( p_xml_reader, &psz_title_asx );
input_item_SetTitle( p_current_input, psz_title_asx );
else if( !strncasecmp( psz_parse, "<ABSTRACT>", 10 ) )
if( !strncasecmp( psz_node, "AUTHOR", 6 ) )
psz_backup = psz_parse+=10;
if( ( psz_parse = strcasestr( psz_parse, "</ABSTRACT>" ) ) )
StoreString( p_demux, (b_entry ? &psz_abstract_entry : &psz_abstract_asx), psz_backup, psz_parse );
psz_parse += 11;
else continue;
ReadElement( p_xml_reader, &psz_txt );
input_item_SetArtist( p_current_input, psz_txt );
else if( !strncasecmp( psz_parse, "<EntryRef ", 10 ) )
if( !strncasecmp( psz_node, "COPYRIGHT", 9 ) )
psz_parse = SkipBlanks(psz_parse+10, (unsigned)-1);
if( !strncasecmp( psz_parse, "HREF", 4 ) )
if( ( psz_parse = strcasestr( psz_parse, "\"" ) ) )
psz_backup = ++psz_parse;
if( ( psz_parse = strcasestr( psz_parse, "\"" ) ) )
i_strlen = psz_parse-psz_backup;
if( i_strlen < 1 ) continue;
psz_string = xmalloc( i_strlen +1);
memcpy( psz_string, psz_backup, i_strlen );
psz_string[i_strlen] = '\0';
input_item_t *p_input;
p_input = input_item_New( psz_string, psz_title_asx );
input_item_CopyOptions( p_current_input, p_input );
input_item_node_AppendItem( p_subitems, p_input );
vlc_gc_decref( p_input );
free( psz_string );
else continue;
else continue;
if( ( psz_parse = strcasestr( psz_parse, "/>" ) ) )
psz_parse += 2;
ReadElement( p_xml_reader, &psz_txt );
input_item_SetCopyright( p_current_input, psz_txt );
else if( !strncasecmp( psz_parse, "</Entry>", 8 ) )
if( !strncasecmp( psz_node, "MOREINFO", 8 ) )
input_item_t *p_entry = NULL;
char *psz_name = NULL;
char * ppsz_options[2];
int i_options = 0;
/* add a new entry */
if( !b_entry )
const char *psz_tmp;
msg_Err( p_demux, "end of entry without start?" );
psz_tmp = xml_ReaderNextAttr( p_xml_reader, &psz_node );
while( psz_tmp && strncasecmp( psz_tmp, "HREF", 4 ) );
if( !psz_href )
msg_Err( p_demux, "entry without href?" );
/* An skip entry is an ad only if other entries exist without skip */
if( p_sys->b_skip_ads && b_skip_entry && i_inserted_entries != 0 )
char *psz_current_input_name = input_item_GetName( p_current_input );
msg_Dbg( p_demux, "skipped entry %d %s (%s)",
( psz_title_entry ? psz_title_entry : psz_current_input_name ), psz_href );
free( psz_current_input_name );
if( !psz_tmp ) // If HREF attribute doesn't exist
ReadElement( p_xml_reader, &psz_txt );
if( i_starttime || i_duration )
if( i_starttime )
if( asprintf(ppsz_options+i_options, ":start-time=%d", i_starttime) == -1 )
*(ppsz_options+i_options) = NULL;
if( i_duration )
if( asprintf(ppsz_options+i_options, ":stop-time=%d", i_starttime + i_duration) == -1 )
*(ppsz_options+i_options) = NULL;
/* create the new entry */
char *psz_current_input_name = input_item_GetName( p_current_input );
if( asprintf( &psz_name, "%d %s", i_entry_count, ( psz_title_entry ? psz_title_entry : psz_current_input_name ) ) != -1 )
char *psz_mrl = ProcessMRL( psz_href, p_demux->p_sys->psz_prefix );
p_entry = input_item_NewExt( psz_mrl, psz_name,
i_options, (const char * const *)ppsz_options, VLC_INPUT_OPTION_TRUSTED, -1 );
free( psz_name );
free( psz_mrl );
input_item_CopyOptions( p_current_input, p_entry );
while( i_options )
psz_name = ppsz_options[--i_options];
free( psz_name );
psz_name = NULL;
if( psz_title_entry ) input_item_SetTitle( p_entry, psz_title_entry );
if( psz_artist_entry ) input_item_SetArtist( p_entry, psz_artist_entry );
if( psz_copyright_entry ) input_item_SetCopyright( p_entry, psz_copyright_entry );
if( psz_moreinfo_entry ) input_item_SetURL( p_entry, psz_moreinfo_entry );
if( psz_abstract_entry ) input_item_SetDescription( p_entry, psz_abstract_entry );
if( p_sys->b_skip_ads && b_skip_entry )
// We put the entry as a backup for unique ad case
uniq_entry_ad_backup = p_entry;
if( uniq_entry_ad_backup != NULL )
vlc_gc_decref( uniq_entry_ad_backup );
uniq_entry_ad_backup = NULL;
input_item_node_AppendItem( p_subitems, p_entry );
vlc_gc_decref( p_entry );
free( psz_current_input_name );
psz_txt = strdup( psz_node );
/* cleanup entry */;
FREENULL( psz_href );
FREENULL( psz_title_entry );
FREENULL( psz_base_entry );
FREENULL( psz_artist_entry );
FREENULL( psz_copyright_entry );
FREENULL( psz_moreinfo_entry );
FREENULL( psz_abstract_entry );
b_entry = false;
resolve_xml_special_chars( psz_txt );
input_item_SetURL( p_current_input, psz_txt );
else if( !strncasecmp( psz_parse, "<Entry", 6 ) )
if( !strncasecmp( psz_node, "ABSTRACT", 8 ) )
char *psz_clientskip;
if( b_entry )
msg_Err( p_demux, "We already are in an entry section" );
i_entry_count += 1;
b_entry = true;
psz_clientskip = strcasestr( psz_parse, "clientskip=\"no\"" );
psz_parse = strcasestr( psz_parse, ">" );
/* If clientskip was enabled ... this is an ad */
b_skip_entry = (NULL != psz_clientskip) && (psz_clientskip < psz_parse);
// init entry details
i_starttime = 0;
i_duration = 0;
ReadElement( p_xml_reader, &psz_txt );
input_item_SetDescription( p_current_input, psz_txt );
else if( !strncasecmp( psz_parse, "<Ref ", 5 ) )
psz_parse = SkipBlanks(psz_parse+5, (unsigned)-1);
if( !b_entry )
msg_Err( p_demux, "A ref outside an entry section" );
if( !strncasecmp( psz_parse, "HREF", 4 ) )
if( ( psz_parse = strcasestr( psz_parse, "\"" ) ) )
psz_backup = ++psz_parse;
psz_backup = SkipBlanks(psz_backup, (unsigned)-1);
if( ( psz_parse = strcasestr( psz_parse, "\"" ) ) )
char *psz_tmp;
i_strlen = psz_parse-psz_backup;
if( i_strlen < 1 ) continue;
if( psz_href )
/* we have allready one href in this entry, lets make new input from it and
continue with new href, don't free meta/options*/
input_item_t *p_entry = NULL;
char *psz_name = input_item_GetName( p_current_input );
char *psz_mrl = ProcessMRL( psz_href, p_demux->p_sys->psz_prefix );
p_entry = input_item_NewExt( psz_mrl, psz_name,
free( psz_mrl );
input_item_CopyOptions( p_current_input, p_entry );
if( psz_title_entry ) input_item_SetTitle( p_entry, psz_title_entry );
if( psz_artist_entry ) input_item_SetArtist( p_entry, psz_artist_entry );
if( psz_copyright_entry ) input_item_SetCopyright( p_entry, psz_copyright_entry );
if( psz_moreinfo_entry ) input_item_SetURL( p_entry, psz_moreinfo_entry );
if( psz_abstract_entry ) input_item_SetDescription( p_entry, psz_abstract_entry );
input_item_node_AppendItem( p_subitems, p_entry );
vlc_gc_decref( p_entry );
free( psz_href );
psz_href = xmalloc( i_strlen +1);
memcpy( psz_href, psz_backup, i_strlen );
psz_href[i_strlen] = '\0';
psz_tmp = psz_href + (i_strlen-1);
while( psz_tmp >= psz_href &&
( *psz_tmp == '\r' || *psz_tmp == '\n' ) )
*psz_tmp = '\0';
else continue;
else continue;
if( ( psz_parse = strcasestr( psz_parse, ">" ) ) )
else continue;
else if( !strncasecmp( psz_parse, "<starttime ", 11 ) )
psz_parse = SkipBlanks(psz_parse+11, (unsigned)-1);
if( !b_entry )
msg_Err( p_demux, "starttime outside an entry section" );
/* Base Node handler */
if( !strncasecmp( psz_node, "BASE", 4 ) )
ReadElement( p_xml_reader, &psz_base );
if( !strncasecmp( psz_parse, "value", 5 ) )
if( ( psz_parse = strcasestr( psz_parse, "\"" ) ) )
psz_backup = ++psz_parse;
if( ( psz_parse = strcasestr( psz_parse, "\"" ) ) )
i_strlen = psz_parse-psz_backup;
if( i_strlen < 1 ) continue;
i_starttime = ParseTime(psz_backup, i_strlen);
else continue;
else continue;
if( ( psz_parse = strcasestr( psz_parse, ">" ) ) )
else continue;
else if( !strncasecmp( psz_parse, "<duration ", 11 ) )
/* Entry Ref Handler */
if( !strncasecmp( psz_node, "ENTRYREF", 7 ) )
psz_parse = SkipBlanks(psz_parse+5, (unsigned)-1);
if( !b_entry )
const char *psz_tmp;
msg_Err( p_demux, "duration outside an entry section" );
psz_tmp = xml_ReaderNextAttr( p_xml_reader, &psz_node );
while( psz_tmp && !strncasecmp( psz_tmp, "HREF", 4 ) );
if( !strncasecmp( psz_parse, "value", 5 ) )
if( ( psz_parse = strcasestr( psz_parse, "\"" ) ) )
psz_backup = ++psz_parse;
if( ( psz_parse = strcasestr( psz_parse, "\"" ) ) )
i_strlen = psz_parse-psz_backup;
if( i_strlen < 1 ) continue;
i_duration = ParseTime(psz_backup, i_strlen);
else continue;
else continue;
if( ( psz_parse = strcasestr( psz_parse, ">" ) ) )
else continue;
/* Create new input item */
input_item_t *p_input;
psz_txt = strdup( psz_node );
resolve_xml_special_chars( psz_txt );
p_input = input_item_New( psz_txt, psz_title_asx );
input_item_CopyOptions( p_current_input, p_input );
input_item_node_AppendItem( p_subitems, p_input );
vlc_gc_decref( p_input );
else if( !strncasecmp( psz_parse, "</ASX", 5 ) )
/* Entry Handler */
if( !strncasecmp( psz_node, "ENTRY", 5 ) )
if( psz_title_asx ) input_item_SetTitle( p_current_input, psz_title_asx );
if( psz_artist_asx ) input_item_SetArtist( p_current_input, psz_artist_asx );
if( psz_copyright_asx ) input_item_SetCopyright( p_current_input, psz_copyright_asx );
if( psz_moreinfo_asx ) input_item_SetURL( p_current_input, psz_moreinfo_asx );
if( psz_abstract_asx ) input_item_SetDescription( p_current_input, psz_abstract_asx );
FREENULL( psz_base_asx );
FREENULL( psz_title_asx );
FREENULL( psz_artist_asx );
FREENULL( psz_copyright_asx );
FREENULL( psz_moreinfo_asx );
FREENULL( psz_abstract_asx );
ProcessEntry( &i_n_entry, p_xml_reader, p_subitems,
p_current_input, psz_base);
else psz_parse++;
if ( uniq_entry_ad_backup != NULL )
msg_Dbg( p_demux, "added unique entry even if ad");
/* If ASX contains a unique entry, we add it, it is probably not an ad */
input_item_node_AppendItem( p_subitems, uniq_entry_ad_backup );
vlc_gc_decref( uniq_entry_ad_backup);
#if 0
/* FIXME Unsupported elements */
/* FIXME Unsupported elements
while( i_type != XML_READER_ENDELEM || strncasecmp( psz_node, "ASX", 3 ) );
free( psz_base );
free( psz_title_asx );
free( psz_entryref );
free( psz_txt );
input_item_node_PostAndDelete( p_subitems );
vlc_gc_decref( p_current_input );
if( p_xml_reader)
xml_ReaderDelete( p_xml_reader );
return 0; /* Needed for correct operation of go back */
return 0;
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