Commit 4a51b48a authored by Felix Paul Kühne's avatar Felix Paul Kühne

macosx: make sure that the fspanel is always displayed on the same screen as the vout it belongs to

parent f091e0d4
......@@ -357,8 +357,10 @@
[o_vout_window release];
o_vout_window = [o_window retain];
int i_newdevice = (int)[[o_vout_window screen] displayID];
if (i_newdevice != i_device && i_device != 0)
if ((i_newdevice != i_device && i_device != 0) || i_newdevice != [[self screen] displayID]) {
i_device = i_newdevice;
[self center];
} else
i_device = i_newdevice;
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