Commit 4a2ea217 authored by Sam Hocevar's avatar Sam Hocevar

* ./plugins/chroma/i420_yuy2.h: bugfix for the I420 to YUY2 MMX chroma

    transformations, with the help of Pascal Levesque.
parent 0cd5d913
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* i420_yuy2.h : YUV to YUV conversion module for vlc
* Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 VideoLAN
* $Id: i420_yuy2.h,v 1.5 2002/05/21 02:46:39 sam Exp $
* $Id: i420_yuy2.h,v 1.6 2002/05/22 21:05:18 sam Exp $
* Authors: Samuel Hocevar <>
......@@ -29,15 +29,11 @@ UNUSED_LONGLONG(woo_00ffw) = 0x00ff00ff00ff00ff;
UNUSED_LONGLONG(woo_80w) = 0x0000000080808080;
#define MMX_LOAD " \n\
pushl %%ebx \n\
movl %8,%%eax \n\
movl %9,%%ebx \n\
#define MMX_SAVE " \n\
movl %%eax,%8 \n\
movl %%ebx,%9 \n\
popl %%ebx \n\
#define MMX_INC " \n\
......@@ -61,8 +57,8 @@ addl $2, %%ebx \n\
: "=c" (p_line1), "=d" (p_line2), "=D" (p_y1), "=S" (p_y2) \
: "c" (p_line1), "d" (p_line2), "D" (p_y1), "S" (p_y2), \
"m" (p_u), "m" (p_v) \
: "eax", "memory" );
"a" (p_u), "m" (p_v) \
: "ebx", "memory" );
#define MMX_YUV420_YUYV " \n\
movq (%2), %%mm0 # Load 8 Y y7 y6 y5 y4 y3 y2 y1 y0 \n\
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