Commit 41631564 authored by David Fuhrmann's avatar David Fuhrmann

macosx: set video frame to detached window frame, instead of vice versa

Now, the detached window position is restored on relaunch. Furthermore,
this fixes some positioning issue when switching from macosx-background to
detached video view.
parent edf76b1d
......@@ -1800,23 +1800,27 @@ static VLCMainWindow *_o_sharedInstance = nil;
if ([o_video_view superview] != NULL)
[o_video_view removeFromSuperviewWithoutNeedingDisplay];
NSRect frame = [o_detached_video_window frame];
NSRect videoFrame = [o_video_view frame];
frame.size.width = videoFrame.size.width;
NSRect videoFrame;
videoFrame.size = [[o_detached_video_window contentView] frame].size;
if (b_video_deco)
frame.size.height = videoFrame.size.height + [o_detached_bottombar_view frame].size.height + [o_titlebar_view frame].size.height;
videoFrame.size.height -= [o_detached_bottombar_view frame].size.height;
if( b_dark_interface )
videoFrame.size.height -= [o_detached_titlebar_view frame].size.height;
videoFrame.origin.x = .0;
videoFrame.origin.y = [o_detached_bottombar_view frame].size.height;
frame.size.height = videoFrame.size.height;
videoFrame.origin.y = .0;
videoFrame.origin.x = .0;
[o_video_view setFrame: videoFrame];
[o_detached_video_window setFrame: frame display: NO];
[o_video_view setFrame: videoFrame];
[[o_detached_video_window contentView] addSubview: o_video_view positioned:NSWindowAbove relativeTo:nil];
[o_detached_video_window setLevel:NSNormalWindowLevel];
[o_detached_video_window useOptimizedDrawing: YES];
[o_detached_video_window center];
b_nonembedded = YES;
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