Commit 3005a8a9 authored by Jean-Baptiste Kempf's avatar Jean-Baptiste Kempf

Qt: add a --qt-embedded-open option to have the 0.9 integration of open panel...

Qt: add a --qt-embedded-open option to have the 0.9 integration of open panel using the NON-native Qt open dialog.

I know people prefer native dialog, but Qt4.5 improved the QFileDialog a lot, and some people (including devs) ask for it, so here it is. It doesn't increase the code a lot and the code is tested.
parent e725795f
......@@ -56,29 +56,64 @@ static const char *psz_devModule[] = { "v4l", "v4l2", "pvr", "dvb", "bda",
* Open Files and subtitles *
FileOpenPanel::FileOpenPanel( QWidget *_parent, intf_thread_t *_p_intf ) :
OpenPanel( _parent, _p_intf )
OpenPanel( _parent, _p_intf ), dialogBox( NULL )
/* Classic UI Setup */
ui.setupUi( this );
#if 0
/** BEGIN QFileDialog tweaking **/
/* Use a QFileDialog and customize it because we don't want to
rewrite it all. Be careful to your eyes cause there are a few hacks.
Be very careful and test correctly when you modify this. */
/* Set Filters for file selection */
QString fileTypes = "";
/* QString fileTypes = "";
ADD_FILTER_MEDIA( fileTypes );
ADD_FILTER_VIDEO( fileTypes );
ADD_FILTER_AUDIO( fileTypes );
ADD_FILTER_ALL( fileTypes );
fileTypes.replace( QString(";*"), QString(" *"));
fileTypes.replace( QString(";*"), QString(" *")); */
/* lineFileEdit = ui.fileEdit;
//TODO later: fill the fileCompleteList with previous items played.
QCompleter *fileCompleter = new QCompleter( fileCompleteList, this );
fileCompleter->setModel( new QDirModel( fileCompleter ) );
lineFileEdit->setCompleter( fileCompleter );*/
if( config_GetInt( p_intf, "qt-embedded-open" ) )
/* Subtitles */
/* Deactivate the subtitles control by default. */
ui.subFrame->setEnabled( false );
/* Build the subs size combo box */
setfillVLCConfigCombo( "freetype-rel-fontsize" , p_intf,
ui.sizeSubComboBox );
/* Build the subs align combo box */
setfillVLCConfigCombo( "subsdec-align", p_intf, ui.alignSubComboBox );
/* Connects */
BUTTONACT( ui.fileBrowseButton, browseFile() );
BUTTONACT( ui.delFileButton, deleteFile() );
BUTTONACT( ui.subBrowseButton, browseFileSub() );
CONNECT( ui.subCheckBox, toggled( bool ), this, toggleSubtitleFrame( bool ) );
CONNECT( ui.fileListWidg, itemChanged( QListWidgetItem * ), this, updateMRL() );
CONNECT( ui.subInput, textChanged( QString ), this, updateMRL() );
CONNECT( ui.alignSubComboBox, currentIndexChanged( int ), this, updateMRL() );
CONNECT( ui.sizeSubComboBox, currentIndexChanged( int ), this, updateMRL() );
// Make this QFileDialog a child of tempWidget from the ui.
inline void FileOpenPanel::BuildOldPanel()
/** BEGIN QFileDialog tweaking **/
/* Use a QFileDialog and customize it because we don't want to
rewrite it all. Be careful to your eyes cause there are a few hacks.
Be very careful and test correctly when you modify this. */
/* Make this QFileDialog a child of tempWidget from the ui. */
dialogBox = new FileOpenBox( ui.tempWidget, NULL,
qfu( p_intf->p_sys->psz_filepath ), fileTypes );
qfu( p_intf->p_sys->psz_filepath ), "" );
dialogBox->setFileMode( QFileDialog::ExistingFiles );
dialogBox->setAcceptMode( QFileDialog::AcceptOpen );
......@@ -99,7 +134,7 @@ FileOpenPanel::FileOpenPanel( QWidget *_parent, intf_thread_t *_p_intf ) :
/* Ugly hacks to get the good Widget */
//This lineEdit is the normal line in the fileDialog.
lineFileEdit = dialogBox->findChildren<QLineEdit*>()[0];
QLineEdit *lineFileEdit = dialogBox->findChildren<QLineEdit*>()[0];
/* Make a list of QLabel inside the QFileDialog to access the good ones */
QList<QLabel *> listLabel = dialogBox->findChildren<QLabel*>();
......@@ -114,40 +149,16 @@ FileOpenPanel::FileOpenPanel( QWidget *_parent, intf_thread_t *_p_intf ) :
/** END of QFileDialog tweaking **/
// Add the DialogBox to the layout
ui.gridLayout->addWidget( dialogBox, 0, 0, 1, 3 );
/* lineFileEdit = ui.fileEdit;
//TODO later: fill the fileCompleteList with previous items played.
QCompleter *fileCompleter = new QCompleter( fileCompleteList, this );
fileCompleter->setModel( new QDirModel( fileCompleter ) );
lineFileEdit->setCompleter( fileCompleter );*/
// Hide the subtitles control by default.
ui.subFrame->setEnabled( false );
/* Build the subs size combo box */
setfillVLCConfigCombo( "freetype-rel-fontsize" , p_intf,
ui.sizeSubComboBox );
ui.gridLayout_3->addWidget( dialogBox, 0, 0, 1, 3 );
/* Build the subs align combo box */
setfillVLCConfigCombo( "subsdec-align", p_intf, ui.alignSubComboBox );
/* Connects */
BUTTONACT( ui.fileBrowseButton, browseFile() );
BUTTONACT( ui.delFileButton, deleteFile() );
BUTTONACT( ui.subBrowseButton, browseFileSub() );
CONNECT( ui.subCheckBox, toggled( bool ), this, toggleSubtitleFrame( bool ) );
CONNECT( ui.fileListWidg, itemChanged( QListWidgetItem * ), this, updateMRL() );
CONNECT( ui.subInput, textChanged( QString ), this, updateMRL() );
CONNECT( ui.alignSubComboBox, currentIndexChanged( int ), this, updateMRL() );
CONNECT( ui.sizeSubComboBox, currentIndexChanged( int ), this, updateMRL() );
CONNECT( lineFileEdit, textChanged( QString ), this, updateMRL() );
dialogBox->installEventFilter( this );
// getSettings()->setValue( "file-dialog-state", dialogBox->saveState() );
if( dialogBox )
getSettings()->setValue( "file-dialog-state", dialogBox->saveState() );
void FileOpenPanel::browseFile()
......@@ -201,12 +212,17 @@ void FileOpenPanel::updateMRL()
QStringList fileList;
QString mrl;
/* File Listing */
if( dialogBox == NULL )
for( int i = 0; i < ui.fileListWidg->count(); i++ )
if( !ui.fileListWidg->item( i )->text().isEmpty() )
fileList << ui.fileListWidg->item( i )->text();
fileList = dialogBox->selectedFiles();
/* Options */
if( ui.subCheckBox->isChecked() && !ui.subInput->text().isEmpty() ) {
mrl.append( " :sub-file=" + colon_escape( ui.subInput->text() ) );
int align = ui.alignSubComboBox->itemData(
......@@ -95,6 +95,19 @@ signals:
void methodChanged( QString method );
class FileOpenBox: public QFileDialog
FileOpenBox( QWidget *parent, const QString &caption,
const QString &directory, const QString &filter ):
QFileDialog( parent, caption, directory, filter ) {}
public slots:
void accept(){}
void reject(){}
class FileOpenPanel: public OpenPanel
......@@ -103,8 +116,22 @@ public:
virtual ~FileOpenPanel();
virtual void clear() ;
virtual void accept() ;
bool eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event)
if( event->type() == QEvent::Hide ||
event->type() == QEvent::HideToParent )
msg_Warn( p_intf, "here" );
return true;
return false;
Ui::OpenFile ui;
FileOpenBox *dialogBox;
void BuildOldPanel();
public slots:
virtual void updateMRL();
private slots:
......@@ -154,6 +154,7 @@ static void ShowDialog ( intf_thread_t *, int, int, intf_dialog_args_t * );
#define QT_MINIMAL_MODE_TEXT N_( "Minimal look with no menus" )
#define QT_FULLSCREEN_TEXT N_( "Show a controller in fullscreen mode" )
#define QT_NATIVEOPEN_TEXT N_( "Integrate the file browser in open dialog" )
/* Various modes definition */
static const int i_mode_list[] =
......@@ -202,6 +203,8 @@ vlc_module_begin ()
change_autosave ()
change_internal ()
add_bool( "qt-embedded-open", false, NULL, QT_NATIVEOPEN_TEXT,
add_bool( "qt-recentplay", true, NULL, RECENTPLAY_TEXT,
add_string( "qt-recentplay-filter", "", NULL,
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