Commit 18623f64 authored by Felix Paul Kühne's avatar Felix Paul Kühne

* minor fixes to the OSX-wizard (refs #13)

    - wrapped all lines to end after ~80 characters
    - added encap-formats information to the codec-info
        - made the fields in the nib a widther to show the entire text
    - fixed the input-field on the input-tab to accept network-streams
parent 3ab2d0dc
......@@ -13,6 +13,10 @@
<key>IBSystem Version</key>
......@@ -84,14 +84,16 @@ static VLCWizard *_o_sharedInstance = nil;
/* add audio-bitrates for transcoding */
NSArray * audioBitratesArray;
audioBitratesArray = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"512", @"256", @"192", @"128", @"64", @"32", @"16", nil ];
audioBitratesArray = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"512", @"256", @"192", \
@"128", @"64", @"32", @"16", nil ];
[o_t4_pop_audioBitrate removeAllItems];
[o_t4_pop_audioBitrate addItemsWithTitles: audioBitratesArray];
[o_t4_pop_audioBitrate selectItemWithTitle: @"192"];
/* add video-bitrates for transcoding */
NSArray * videoBitratesArray;
videoBitratesArray = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"3072", @"2048", @"1024", @"768", @"512", @"256", @"192", @"128", @"64", @"32", @"16", nil ];
videoBitratesArray = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"3072", @"2048", @"1024", \
@"768", @"512", @"256", @"192", @"128", @"64", @"32", @"16", nil ];
[o_t4_pop_videoBitrate removeAllItems];
[o_t4_pop_videoBitrate addItemsWithTitles: videoBitratesArray];
[o_t4_pop_videoBitrate selectItemWithTitle: @"1024"];
......@@ -113,26 +115,67 @@ static VLCWizard *_o_sharedInstance = nil;
NSArray * o_mjpg;
NSArray * o_theo;
NSArray * o_dummyVid;
o_mp1v = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"MPEG-1 Video", @"mp1v", _NS("MPEG-1 Video codec"), @"MUX_PS", @"MUX_TS", @"MUX_MPEG", @"MUX_OGG", @"MUX_RAW", @"NO", @"NO", @"NO", @"NO", nil];
o_mp2v = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"MPEG-2 Video", @"mp2v", _NS("MPEG-2 Video codec"), @"MUX_PS", @"MUX_TS", @"MUX_MPEG", @"MUX_OGG", @"MUX_RAW", @"NO", @"NO", @"NO", @"NO", nil];
o_mp4v = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"MPEG-4 Video", @"mp4v", _NS("MPEG-4 Video codec"), @"MUX_PS", @"MUX_TS", @"MUX_MPEG", @"MUX_ASF", @"MUX_MP4", @"MUX_OGG", @"MUX_RAW", @"NO", @"NO", nil];
o_div1 = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"DIVX 1", @"DIV1", _NS("DivX first version"), @"MUX_TS", @"MUX_MPEG", @"MUX_ASF", @"MUX_OGG", @"NO", @"NO", @"NO", @"NO", @"NO", nil];
o_div2 = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"DIVX 2", @"DIV2", _NS("DivX second version"), @"MUX_TS", @"MUX_MPEG", @"MUX_ASF", @"MUX_OGG", @"NO", @"NO", @"NO", @"NO", @"NO", nil];
o_div3 = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"DIVX 3", @"DIV3", _NS("DivX third version"), @"MUX_TS", @"MUX_MPEG", @"MUX_ASF", @"MUX_OGG", @"NO", @"NO", @"NO", @"NO", @"NO", nil];
o_h263 = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"H 263", @"H263", _NS("H263 is a video codec optimized for videoconference (low rates)"), @"MUX_TS", @"MUX_AVI", @"NO", @"NO", @"NO", @"NO", @"NO", @"NO", @"NO", nil];
o_h264 = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"H 264", @"H264", _NS("H264 is a new video codec"), @"MUX_TS", @"MUX_AVI", @"NO", @"NO", @"NO", @"NO", @"NO", @"NO", @"NO", nil];
o_wmv1 = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"WMV 1", @"WMV1", _NS("WMV (Windows Media Video) 1"), @"MUX_TS", @"MUX_MPEG", @"MUX_ASF", @"MUX_OGG", @"NO", @"NO", @"NO", @"NO", @"NO", nil];
o_wmv2 = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"WMV 2", @"WMV2", _NS("WMV (Windows Media Video) 2"), @"MUX_TS", @"MUX_MPEG", @"MUX_ASF", @"MUX_OGG", @"NO", @"NO", @"NO", @"NO", @"NO", nil];
o_mjpg = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"MJPEG", @"MJPG", _NS("MJPEG consists of a series of JPEG pictures"), @"MUX_TS", @"MUX_MPEG", @"MUX_ASF", @"MUX_OGG", @"NO", @"NO", @"NO", @"NO", @"NO", nil];
o_theo = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"Theora", @"theo", _NS("Theora is a free general-purpose codec"), @"MUX_TS", @"NO", @"NO", @"NO", @"NO", @"NO", @"NO", @"NO", @"NO", nil];
o_dummyVid = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"Dummy", @"dummy", _NS("Dummy codec (do not transcode)"), @"MUX_PS", @"MUX_TS", @"MUX_MPEG", @"MUX_ASF", @"MUX_MP4", @"MUX_OGG", @"MUX_WAV", @"MUX_RAW", @"MUX_MOV", nil];
o_videoCodecs = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: o_mp1v, o_mp2v, o_mp4v, o_div1, o_div2, o_div3, o_h263, o_h264, o_wmv1, o_wmv2, o_mjpg, o_theo, o_dummyVid, nil];
o_mp1v = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"MPEG-1 Video", @"mp1v", \
_NS("MPEG-1 Video codec (usable with MPEG PS, MPEG TS, MPEG1, OGG " \
"and RAW)"), @"MUX_PS", @"MUX_TS", @"MUX_MPEG", @"MUX_OGG", @"MUX_RAW", \
@"NO", @"NO", @"NO", @"NO", nil];
o_mp2v = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"MPEG-2 Video", @"mp2v", \
_NS("MPEG-2 Video codec (usable with MPEG PS, MPEG TS, MPEG1, OGG " \
"and RAW)"), @"MUX_PS", @"MUX_TS", @"MUX_MPEG", @"MUX_OGG", @"MUX_RAW", \
@"NO", @"NO", @"NO", @"NO", nil];
o_mp4v = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"MPEG-4 Video", @"mp4v", \
_NS("MPEG-4 Video codec (useable with MPEG PS, MPEG TS, MPEG1, ASF, " \
"MP4, OGG and RAW)"), @"MUX_PS", @"MUX_TS", @"MUX_MPEG", @"MUX_ASF", \
@"MUX_MP4", @"MUX_OGG", @"MUX_RAW", @"NO", @"NO", nil];
o_div1 = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"DIVX 1", @"DIV1", \
_NS("DivX first version (useable with MPEG TS, MPEG1, ASF and OGG)"), \
@"MUX_TS", @"MUX_MPEG", @"MUX_ASF", @"MUX_OGG", @"NO", @"NO", @"NO", \
@"NO", @"NO", nil];
o_div2 = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"DIVX 2", @"DIV2", \
_NS("DivX second version (useable with MPEG TS, MPEG1, ASF and OGG)"), \
@"MUX_TS", @"MUX_MPEG", @"MUX_ASF", @"MUX_OGG", @"NO", @"NO", @"NO", \
@"NO", @"NO", nil];
o_div3 = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"DIVX 3", @"DIV3", \
_NS("DivX third version (useable with MPEG TS, MPEG1, ASF and OGG)"), \
@"MUX_TS", @"MUX_MPEG", @"MUX_ASF", @"MUX_OGG", @"NO", @"NO", @"NO", \
@"NO", @"NO", nil];
o_h263 = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"H 263", @"H263", \
_NS("H263 is a video codec optimized for videoconference " \
"(low rates, useable with MPEG TS)"), @"MUX_TS", @"NO", @"NO", @"NO", \
@"NO", @"NO", @"NO", @"NO", @"NO", nil];
o_h264 = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"H 264", @"H264", \
_NS("H264 is a new video codec (useable with MPEG TS and MP4)"), \
@"MUX_TS", @"MUX_MP4", @"NO", @"NO", @"NO", @"NO", @"NO", @"NO", \
@"NO", nil];
o_wmv1 = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"WMV 1", @"WMV1", \
_NS("WMV (Windows Media Video) 1 (useable with MPEG TS, MPEG1, ASF and " \
"OGG)"), @"MUX_TS", @"MUX_MPEG", @"MUX_ASF", @"MUX_OGG", @"NO", @"NO", \
@"NO", @"NO", @"NO", nil];
o_wmv2 = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"WMV 2", @"WMV2", \
_NS("WMV (Windows Media Video) 2 (useable with MPEG TS, MPEG1, ASF and " \
"OGG)"), @"MUX_TS", @"MUX_MPEG", @"MUX_ASF", @"MUX_OGG", @"NO", @"NO", \
@"NO", @"NO", @"NO", nil];
o_mjpg = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"MJPEG", @"MJPG", \
_NS("MJPEG consists of a series of JPEG pictures (useable with MPEG TS," \
" MPEG1, ASF and OGG)"), @"MUX_TS", @"MUX_MPEG", @"MUX_ASF", @"MUX_OGG", \
@"NO", @"NO", @"NO", @"NO", @"NO", nil];
o_theo = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"Theora", @"theo", \
_NS("Theora is a free general-purpose codec (useable with MPEG TS)"), \
@"MUX_TS", @"NO", @"NO", @"NO", @"NO", @"NO", @"NO", @"NO", @"NO", nil];
o_dummyVid = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"Dummy", @"dummy", \
_NS("Dummy codec (do not transcode, useable with all encapsulation " \
"formats)"), @"MUX_PS", @"MUX_TS", @"MUX_MPEG", @"MUX_ASF", @"MUX_MP4", \
@"MUX_OGG", @"MUX_WAV", @"MUX_RAW", @"MUX_MOV", nil];
o_videoCodecs = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: o_mp1v, o_mp2v, o_mp4v, \
o_div1, o_div2, o_div3, o_h263, o_h264, o_wmv1, o_wmv2, o_mjpg, o_theo, \
o_dummyVid, nil];
[o_t4_pop_videoCodec removeAllItems];
unsigned int x;
x = 0;
while (x != [o_videoCodecs count])
[o_t4_pop_videoCodec addItemWithTitle:[[o_videoCodecs objectAtIndex:x] objectAtIndex:0]];
[o_t4_pop_videoCodec addItemWithTitle:[[o_videoCodecs objectAtIndex:x] \
x = (x + 1);
......@@ -146,17 +189,44 @@ static VLCWizard *_o_sharedInstance = nil;
NSArray * o_s16l;
NSArray * o_fl32;
NSArray * o_dummyAud;
o_mpga = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"MPEG Audio", @"mpga", _NS("The standard MPEG audio (1/2) format"), @"MUX_PS", @"MUX_TS", @"MUX_MPEG", @"MUX_ASF", @"MUX_OGG", @"MUX_RAW", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", nil];
o_mp3 = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"MP3", @"mp3", _NS("MPEG Audio Layer 3"), @"MUX_PS", @"MUX_TS", @"MUX_MPEG", @"MUX_ASF", @"MUX_OGG", @"MUX_RAW", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", nil];
o_mp4a = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"MPEG 4 Audio", @"mp4a", _NS("Audio format for MPEG4"), @"MUX_TS", @"MUX_MP4", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", nil];
o_a52 = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"A/52", @"a52", _NS("DVD audio format"), @"MUX_PS", @"MUX_TS", @"MUX_MPEG", @"MUX_ASF", @"MUX_OGG", @"MUX_RAW", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", nil];
o_vorb = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"Vorbis", @"vorb", _NS("Vorbis is a free audio codec"), @"MUX_OGG", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", nil];
o_flac = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"FLAC", @"flac", _NS("FLAC is a lossless audio codec"), @"MUX_OGG", @"MUX_RAW", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", nil];
o_spx = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"Speex", @"spx", _NS("A free audio codec dedicated to compression of voice"), @"MUX_OGG", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", nil];
o_s16l = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"Uncompressed, integer", @"s16l", _NS("Uncompressed audio samples"), @"MUX_WAV", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", nil];
o_fl32 = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"Uncompressed, floating", @"fl32", _NS("Uncompressed audio samples"), @"MUX_WAV", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", nil];
o_dummyAud = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"Dummy", @"dummy", _NS("Dummy codec (do not transcode)"), @"MUX_PS", @"MUX_TS", @"MUX_MPEG", @"MUX_ASF", @"MUX_MP4", @"MUX_OGG", @"MUX_RAW", @"MUX_MOV", @"MUX_WAV", nil];
o_audioCodecs = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: o_mpga, o_mp3, o_mp4a, o_a52, o_vorb, o_flac, o_spx, o_s16l, o_fl32, o_dummyAud, nil];
o_mpga = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"MPEG Audio", @"mpga", \
_NS("The standard MPEG audio (1/2) format (useable with MPEG PS, MPEG TS, " \
"MPEG1, ASF, OGG and RAW)"), @"MUX_PS", @"MUX_TS", @"MUX_MPEG", \
@"MUX_ASF", @"MUX_OGG", @"MUX_RAW", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", nil];
o_mp3 = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"MP3", @"mp3", \
_NS("MPEG Audio Layer 3 (useable with MPEG PS, MPEG TS, MPEG1, ASF, OGG " \
"and RAW)"), @"MUX_PS", @"MUX_TS", @"MUX_MPEG", @"MUX_ASF", @"MUX_OGG", \
@"MUX_RAW", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", nil];
o_mp4a = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"MPEG 4 Audio", @"mp4a", \
_NS("Audio format for MPEG4 (useable with MPEG TS and MPEG4)"), @"MUX_TS", \
@"MUX_MP4", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", nil];
o_a52 = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"A/52", @"a52",
_NS("DVD audio format (useable with MPEG PS, MPEG TS, MPEG1, ASF, OGG " \
"and RAW)"), @"MUX_PS", @"MUX_TS", @"MUX_MPEG", @"MUX_ASF", @"MUX_OGG", \
@"MUX_RAW", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", nil];
o_vorb = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"Vorbis", @"vorb", \
_NS("Vorbis is a free audio codec (useable with OGG)"), @"MUX_OGG", \
@"-1", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", nil];
o_flac = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"FLAC", @"flac", \
_NS("FLAC is a lossless audio codec (useable with OGG and RAW)"), \
@"MUX_OGG", @"MUX_RAW", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", \
@"-1", nil];
o_spx = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"Speex", @"spx", \
_NS("A free audio codec dedicated to compression of voice (useable " \
"with OGG"), @"MUX_OGG", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", \
@"-1", @"-1", nil];
o_s16l = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"Uncompressed, integer", @"s16l", \
_NS("Uncompressed audio samples (useable with WAV)"), @"MUX_WAV", \
@"-1", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", nil];
o_fl32 = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"Uncompressed, floating", @"fl32", \
_NS("Uncompressed audio samples (useable with WAV)"), @"MUX_WAV", \
@"-1", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", @"-1", nil];
o_dummyAud = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"Dummy", @"dummy", \
_NS("Dummy codec (do not transcode, useable with all encapsulation " \
"formats)"), @"MUX_PS", @"MUX_TS", @"MUX_MPEG", @"MUX_ASF", @"MUX_MP4", \
@"MUX_OGG", @"MUX_RAW", @"MUX_MOV", @"MUX_WAV", nil];
o_audioCodecs = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: o_mpga, o_mp3, o_mp4a, \
o_a52, o_vorb, o_flac, o_spx, o_s16l, o_fl32, o_dummyAud, nil];
[o_t4_pop_audioCodec removeAllItems];
x = 0;
while (x != [o_audioCodecs count])
......@@ -179,9 +249,12 @@ static VLCWizard *_o_sharedInstance = nil;
NSArray * o_mp4;
NSArray * o_mov;
NSArray * o_wav;
o_ps = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"ps", @"MPEG PS", _NS("MPEG Program Stream"), nil];
o_ts = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"ts", @"MPEG TS", _NS("MPEG Transport Stream"), nil];
o_mpeg = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"ps", @"MPEG 1", _NS("MPEG 1 Format"), nil];
o_ps = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"ps", @"MPEG PS", \
_NS("MPEG Program Stream"), nil];
o_ts = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"ts", @"MPEG TS", \
_NS("MPEG Transport Stream"), nil];
o_mpeg = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"ps", @"MPEG 1", \
_NS("MPEG 1 Format"), nil];
o_ogg = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"ogg", @"OGG", @"OGG", nil];
o_raw = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"raw", @"RAW", @"RAW", nil];
o_asf = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"asf", @"ASF", @"ASF", nil];
......@@ -189,7 +262,8 @@ static VLCWizard *_o_sharedInstance = nil;
o_mp4 = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"mp4", @"MP4", @"MPEG4", nil];
o_mov = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"mov", @"MOV", @"MOV", nil];
o_wav = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"wav", @"WAV", @"WAV", nil];
o_encapFormats = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: o_ps, o_ts, o_mpeg, o_ogg, o_raw, o_asf, o_avi, o_mp4, o_mov, o_wav, nil];
o_encapFormats = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: o_ps, o_ts, o_mpeg, \
o_ogg, o_raw, o_asf, o_avi, o_mp4, o_mov, o_wav, nil];
/* yet another array on streaming methods including help texts */
NSArray * o_http;
......@@ -242,7 +316,6 @@ static VLCWizard *_o_sharedInstance = nil;
[self t2_enableExtract:nil];
[o_t2_matrix_inputSourceType selectCellAtRow:0 column:0];
[[o_t2_matrix_inputSourceType cellAtRow:1 column:0] setState: NSOffState];
/* FIXME: we need to refresh the playlist-table as well */
[o_t2_fld_pathToNewStrm setEnabled:YES];
[o_t2_btn_chooseFile setEnabled:YES];
[o_t2_tbl_plst setEnabled:NO];
......@@ -281,21 +354,30 @@ static VLCWizard *_o_sharedInstance = nil;
/* page one ("Hello") */
[o_t1_txt_title setStringValue: _NS("Streaming/Transcoding Wizard")];
[o_t1_txt_text setStringValue: _NS("This wizard helps you to stream, transcode or save a stream.")];
[o_t1_txt_text setStringValue: _NS("This wizard helps you to stream, " \
"transcode or save a stream.")];
[o_t1_btn_mrInfo_strmg setTitle: _NS("More Info")];
[o_t1_btn_mrInfo_trnscd setTitle: _NS("More Info")];
[o_t1_txt_notice setStringValue: _NS("This wizard only gives access to a small subset of VLC's streaming and transcoding capabilities. Use the Open and Stream Output dialogs to get all of them.")];
[[o_t1_matrix_strmgOrTrnscd cellAtRow:0 column:0] setTitle: _NS("Stream to network")];
[[o_t1_matrix_strmgOrTrnscd cellAtRow:1 column:0] setTitle: _NS("Transcode/Save to file")];
[o_t1_txt_notice setStringValue: _NS("This wizard only gives access to " \
"a small subset of VLC's streaming and transcoding capabilities. " \
"Use the Open and Stream Output dialogs to get all of them.")];
[[o_t1_matrix_strmgOrTrnscd cellAtRow:0 column:0] setTitle: _NS("Stream " \
"to network")];
[[o_t1_matrix_strmgOrTrnscd cellAtRow:1 column:0] setTitle: _NS("" \
"Transcode/Save to file")];
/* page two ("Input") */
[o_t2_title setStringValue: _NS("Choose input")];
[o_t2_text setStringValue: _NS("Choose here your input stream.")];
[[o_t2_matrix_inputSourceType cellAtRow:0 column:0] setTitle: _NS("Select a stream")];
[[o_t2_matrix_inputSourceType cellAtRow:1 column:0] setTitle: _NS("Existing playlist item")];
[[o_t2_matrix_inputSourceType cellAtRow:0 column:0] setTitle: \
_NS("Select a stream")];
[[o_t2_matrix_inputSourceType cellAtRow:1 column:0] setTitle: \
_NS("Existing playlist item")];
[o_t2_btn_chooseFile setTitle: _NS("Choose...")];
// [[[o_t2_tbl_plst tableColumnWithIdentifier:@"name"] headerCell] setStringValue: _NS("Name")];
// [[[o_t2_tbl_plst tableColumnWithIdentifier:@"uri"] headerCell] setStringValue: _NS("URI")];
[[[o_t2_tbl_plst tableColumnWithIdentifier:@"1"] headerCell] \
setStringValue: _NS("Title")];
[[[o_t2_tbl_plst tableColumnWithIdentifier:@"2"] headerCell] \
setStringValue: _NS("Author")];
[o_t2_box_prtExtrct setTitle: _NS("Partial Extract")];
[o_t2_ckb_enblPartExtrct setTitle: _NS("Enable")];
[o_t2_ckb_enblPartExtrct setToolTip: _NS("Use this to read only a part of " \
......@@ -307,32 +389,37 @@ static VLCWizard *_o_sharedInstance = nil;
/* page three ("Streaming 1") */
[o_t3_txt_title setStringValue: _NS("Streaming")];
[o_t3_txt_text setStringValue: _NS("In this page, you will select how your input stream will be sent.")];
[o_t3_txt_text setStringValue: _NS("In this page, you will select how " \
"your input stream will be sent.")];
[o_t3_box_dest setTitle: _NS("Destination")];
[o_t3_box_strmgMthd setTitle: _NS("Streaming method")];
[o_t3_txt_destInfo setStringValue: _NS("Enter the address of the computer to stream to.")];
[o_t3_txt_destInfo setStringValue: _NS("Enter the address of the computer " \
"to stream to.")];
[[o_t3_matrix_stmgMhd cellAtRow:1 column:0] setTitle: _NS("UDP Unicast")];
[[o_t3_matrix_stmgMhd cellAtRow:1 column:1] setTitle: _NS("UDP Multicast")];
[o_t3_txt_strgMthdInfo setStringValue: _NS("Use this to stream to a single computer.")];
[o_t3_txt_strgMthdInfo setStringValue: _NS("Use this to stream to a single " \
/* page four ("Transcode 1") */
[o_t4_title setStringValue: _NS("Transcode")];
[o_t4_text setStringValue: _NS("If you want to change the compression format of the audio or video tracks, fill in this page. (If you only want to change the container format, proceed to next page.)")];
[o_t4_text setStringValue: _NS("If you want to change the compression " \
"format of the audio or video tracks, fill in this page. (If you only " \
"want to change the container format, proceed to next page.)")];
[o_t4_box_audio setTitle: _NS("Audio")];
[o_t4_box_video setTitle: _NS("Video")];
[o_t4_ckb_audio setTitle: _NS("Transcode audio")];
[o_t4_ckb_video setTitle: _NS("Transcode video")];
[o_t4_txt_videoBitrate setStringValue: _NS("Bitrate (kb/s)")];
[o_t4_txt_videoCodec setStringValue: _NS("Codec")];
[o_t4_txt_hintAudio setStringValue: _NS("If your stream has audio and you want to " \
"transcode it, enable this.")];
[o_t4_txt_hintVideo setStringValue: _NS("If your stream has video and you want to " \
"transcode it, enable this.")];
[o_t4_txt_hintAudio setStringValue: _NS("If your stream has audio and you " \
"want to transcode it, enable this.")];
[o_t4_txt_hintVideo setStringValue: _NS("If your stream has video and you " \
"want to transcode it, enable this.")];
/* page five ("Encap") */
[o_t5_title setStringValue: _NS("Encapsulation format")];
[o_t5_text setStringValue: _NS("In this page, you will select how the stream will be "\
"encapsulated. Depending on the choices you made, all "\
[o_t5_text setStringValue: _NS("In this page, you will select how the " \
"stream will be encapsulated. Depending on the choices you made, all " \
"formats won't be available.")];
/* page six ("Streaming 2") */
......@@ -355,15 +442,24 @@ static VLCWizard *_o_sharedInstance = nil;
[o_t8_txt_text setStringValue: _NS("This page lists all your selections. " \
"Click \"Finish\" to start your streaming or transcoding.")];
[o_t8_txt_title setStringValue: _NS("Summary")];
[o_t8_txt_destination setStringValue: [_NS("Destination") stringByAppendingString: @":"]];
[o_t8_txt_encapFormat setStringValue: [_NS("Encap. format") stringByAppendingString: @":"]];
[o_t8_txt_inputStream setStringValue: [_NS("Input stream") stringByAppendingString: @":"]];
[o_t8_txt_partExtract setStringValue: [_NS("Partial Extract") stringByAppendingString: @":"]];
[o_t8_txt_sap setStringValue: [_NS("SAP Announce") stringByAppendingString: @":"]];
[o_t8_txt_saveFileTo setStringValue: [_NS("Save file to") stringByAppendingString: @":"]];
[o_t8_txt_strmgMthd setStringValue: [_NS("Streaming method") stringByAppendingString: @":"]];
[o_t8_txt_trnscdAudio setStringValue: [_NS("Transcode audio") stringByAppendingString: @":"]];
[o_t8_txt_trnscdVideo setStringValue: [_NS("Transcode video") stringByAppendingString: @":"]];
[o_t8_txt_destination setStringValue: [_NS("Destination") \
stringByAppendingString: @":"]];
[o_t8_txt_encapFormat setStringValue: [_NS("Encap. format") \
stringByAppendingString: @":"]];
[o_t8_txt_inputStream setStringValue: [_NS("Input stream") \
stringByAppendingString: @":"]];
[o_t8_txt_partExtract setStringValue: [_NS("Partial Extract") \
stringByAppendingString: @":"]];
[o_t8_txt_sap setStringValue: [_NS("SAP Announce") \
stringByAppendingString: @":"]];
[o_t8_txt_saveFileTo setStringValue: [_NS("Save file to") \
stringByAppendingString: @":"]];
[o_t8_txt_strmgMthd setStringValue: [_NS("Streaming method") \
stringByAppendingString: @":"]];
[o_t8_txt_trnscdAudio setStringValue: [_NS("Transcode audio") \
stringByAppendingString: @":"]];
[o_t8_txt_trnscdVideo setStringValue: [_NS("Transcode video") \
stringByAppendingString: @":"]];
/* wizard help window */
[o_wh_btn_okay setTitle: _NS("OK")];
......@@ -401,8 +497,10 @@ static VLCWizard *_o_sharedInstance = nil;
if ([o_t2_ckb_enblPartExtrct state] == NSOnState)
[o_userSelections setObject:@"YES" forKey:@"partExtract"];
[o_userSelections setObject:[o_t2_fld_prtExtrctFrom stringValue] forKey:@"partExtractFrom"];
[o_userSelections setObject:[o_t2_fld_prtExtrctTo stringValue] forKey:@"partExtractTo"];
[o_userSelections setObject:[o_t2_fld_prtExtrctFrom stringValue] \
[o_userSelections setObject:[o_t2_fld_prtExtrctTo stringValue] \
[o_userSelections setObject:@"NO" forKey:@"partExtract"];
......@@ -424,7 +522,8 @@ static VLCWizard *_o_sharedInstance = nil;
[o_userSelections setObject:[@"file://" stringByAppendingString:[o_t2_fld_pathToNewStrm stringValue]] forKey:@"pathToStrm"];
[o_userSelections setObject:[o_t2_fld_pathToNewStrm stringValue] \
......@@ -440,7 +539,6 @@ static VLCWizard *_o_sharedInstance = nil;
stop = YES;
/* FIXME: put the path of the selected pl-item to pathToStrm */
} else {
/* set a flag that no item is selected */
stop = YES;
......@@ -450,7 +548,8 @@ static VLCWizard *_o_sharedInstance = nil;
/* show either "Streaming 1" or "Transcode 1" to the user */
if (stop == NO)
if ([[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdOrStrmg"] isEqualToString:@"strmg"])
if ([[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdOrStrmg"] \
/* we are streaming */
[o_tab_pageHolder selectTabViewItemAtIndex:2];
......@@ -460,13 +559,15 @@ static VLCWizard *_o_sharedInstance = nil;
} else {
/* show a sheet that the user didn't select a file */
NSBeginInformationalAlertSheet(_NS("No input selected"), _NS("OK"), @"", @"", o_wizard_window, nil, nil, nil, nil, _NS("You selected neither " \
"a new stream nor a valid playlist item. VLC is unable to " \
"guess, which input you want use. \n\n Choose one " \
"before going to the next page."));
NSBeginInformationalAlertSheet(_NS("No input selected"), \
_NS("OK"), @"", @"", o_wizard_window, nil, nil, nil, nil, \
_NS("You selected neither a new stream nor a valid playlist " \
"item. VLC is unable to guess, which input you want use. "\
"\n\n Choose one before going to the next page."));
else if ([[[o_tab_pageHolder selectedTabViewItem] label] isEqualToString: @"Streaming 1"])
else if ([[[o_tab_pageHolder selectedTabViewItem] label] isEqualToString: \
@"Streaming 1"])
/* check which streaming method is selected and store it */
NSString *o_mode;
......@@ -514,44 +615,52 @@ static VLCWizard *_o_sharedInstance = nil;
if( [[o_t3_fld_address stringValue] isEqualToString: @""] )
/* complain to the user that "" is no valid dest. */
NSBeginInformationalAlertSheet(_NS("No valid destination"), _NS("OK"), @"", @"", o_wizard_window, nil, nil, nil, nil, _NS("You need to enter " \
"a valid destination you want to stream to. Enter either a " \
"Unicast-IP or a Multicast-IP.\n\n If you don't know "
"what this means, have a look at the VLC Streaming HOWTO and " \
"the help texts in this window."));
NSBeginInformationalAlertSheet(_NS("No valid destination"), \
_NS("OK"), @"", @"", o_wizard_window, nil, nil, nil, nil, \
_NS("You need to enter a valid destination you want to "\
"stream to. Enter either a Unicast-IP or a Multicast-IP." \
"\n\n If you don't know what this means, have a look at the " \
"VLC Streaming HOWTO and the help texts in this window."));
} else {
/* FIXME: check whether the entered IP is really valid */
[o_userSelections setObject:[o_t3_fld_address stringValue] forKey:@"stmgDest"];
[o_userSelections setObject:[o_t3_fld_address stringValue] \
/* let's go to the encap-tab */
[o_tab_pageHolder selectTabViewItemAtIndex:4];
} else {
[o_userSelections setObject:[o_t3_fld_address stringValue] forKey:@"stmgDest"];
[o_userSelections setObject:[o_t3_fld_address stringValue] \
/* let's go to the encap-tab */
[o_tab_pageHolder selectTabViewItemAtIndex:4];
else if ([[[o_tab_pageHolder selectedTabViewItem] label] isEqualToString: @"Transcode 1"])
else if ([[[o_tab_pageHolder selectedTabViewItem] label] isEqualToString: \
@"Transcode 1"])
/* check whether the user wants to transcode the video-track and store the related options */
/* check whether the user wants to transcode the video-track and store
* the related options */
if ([o_t4_ckb_video state] == NSOnState)
NSNumber * theNum;
theNum = [NSNumber numberWithInt:[o_t4_pop_videoCodec indexOfSelectedItem]];
[o_userSelections setObject:@"YES" forKey:@"trnscdVideo"];
[o_userSelections setObject:[o_t4_pop_videoBitrate titleOfSelectedItem] forKey:@"trnscdVideoBitrate"];
[o_userSelections setObject:[o_t4_pop_videoBitrate titleOfSelectedItem] \
[o_userSelections setObject:theNum forKey:@"trnscdVideoCodec"];
} else {
[o_userSelections setObject:@"NO" forKey:@"trnscdVideo"];
/* check whether the user wants to transcode the audio-track and store the related options */
/* check whether the user wants to transcode the audio-track and store
* the related options */
if ([o_t4_ckb_audio state] == NSOnState)
NSNumber * theNum;
theNum = [NSNumber numberWithInt:[o_t4_pop_audioCodec indexOfSelectedItem]];
[o_userSelections setObject:@"YES" forKey:@"trnscdAudio"];
[o_userSelections setObject:[o_t4_pop_audioBitrate titleOfSelectedItem] forKey:@"trnscdAudioBitrate"];
[o_userSelections setObject:[o_t4_pop_audioBitrate titleOfSelectedItem] \
[o_userSelections setObject:theNum forKey:@"trnscdAudioCodec"];
} else {
[o_userSelections setObject:@"NO" forKey:@"trnscdAudio"];
......@@ -578,81 +687,102 @@ static VLCWizard *_o_sharedInstance = nil;
if ([[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdVideo"] isEqualTo: @"YES"])
/* we are transcoding both audio and video, so we need to check both deps */
if ([[o_videoCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdVideoCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_PS"])
if ([[o_videoCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey: \
@"trnscdVideoCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_PS"])
if ([[o_audioCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdAudioCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_PS"])
if ([[o_audioCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections \
objectForKey:@"trnscdAudioCodec"] intValue]] \
containsObject: @"MUX_PS"])
[[o_t5_matrix_encap cellAtRow:0 column:0] setEnabled:YES];
[o_t5_matrix_encap selectCellAtRow:0 column:0];
if ([[o_videoCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdVideoCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_TS"])
if ([[o_videoCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections \
objectForKey:@"trnscdVideoCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_TS"])
if ([[o_audioCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdAudioCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_TS"])
if ([[o_audioCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey: \
@"trnscdAudioCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_TS"])
[[o_t5_matrix_encap cellAtRow:1 column:0] setEnabled:YES];
[o_t5_matrix_encap selectCellAtRow:1 column:0];
if ([[o_videoCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdVideoCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_MPEG"])
if ([[o_videoCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey: \
@"trnscdVideoCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_MPEG"])
if ([[o_audioCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdAudioCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_MPEG"])
if ([[o_audioCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey: \
@"trnscdAudioCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_MPEG"])
[[o_t5_matrix_encap cellAtRow:2 column:0] setEnabled:YES];
[o_t5_matrix_encap selectCellAtRow:2 column:0];
if ([[o_videoCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdVideoCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_OGG"])
if ([[o_videoCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey: \
@"trnscdVideoCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_OGG"])
if ([[o_audioCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdAudioCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_OGG"])
if ([[o_audioCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections \
objectForKey:@"trnscdAudioCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_OGG"])
[[o_t5_matrix_encap cellAtRow:3 column:0] setEnabled:YES];
[o_t5_matrix_encap selectCellAtRow:3 column:0];
if ([[o_videoCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdVideoCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_RAW"])
if ([[o_videoCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey: \
@"trnscdVideoCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_RAW"])
if ([[o_audioCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdAudioCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_RAW"])
if ([[o_audioCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey: \
@"trnscdAudioCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_RAW"])
[[o_t5_matrix_encap cellAtRow:4 column:0] setEnabled:YES];
[o_t5_matrix_encap selectCellAtRow:4 column:0];
if ([[o_videoCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdVideoCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_ASF"])
if ([[o_videoCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey: \
@"trnscdVideoCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_ASF"])
if ([[o_audioCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdAudioCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_ASF"])
if ([[o_audioCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey: \
@"trnscdAudioCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_ASF"])
[[o_t5_matrix_encap cellAtRow:5 column:0] setEnabled:YES];
[o_t5_matrix_encap selectCellAtRow:5 column:0];
if ([[o_videoCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdVideoCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_AVI"])
if ([[o_videoCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey: \
@"trnscdVideoCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_AVI"])
if ([[o_audioCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdAudioCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_AVI"])
if ([[o_audioCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey: \
@"trnscdAudioCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_AVI"])
[[o_t5_matrix_encap cellAtRow:6 column:0] setEnabled:YES];
[o_t5_matrix_encap selectCellAtRow:6 column:0];
if ([[o_videoCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdVideoCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_MP4"])
if ([[o_videoCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey: \
@"trnscdVideoCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_MP4"])
if ([[o_audioCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdAudioCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_MP4"])
if ([[o_audioCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey: \
@"trnscdAudioCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_MP4"])
[[o_t5_matrix_encap cellAtRow:7 column:0] setEnabled:YES];
[o_t5_matrix_encap selectCellAtRow:7 column:0];
if ([[o_videoCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdVideoCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_MOV"])
if ([[o_videoCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey: \
@"trnscdVideoCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_MOV"])
if ([[o_audioCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdAudioCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_MOV"])
if ([[o_audioCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey: \
@"trnscdAudioCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_MOV"])
[[o_t5_matrix_encap cellAtRow:8 column:0] setEnabled:YES];
[o_t5_matrix_encap selectCellAtRow:8 column:0];
if ([[o_videoCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdVideoCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_WAV"])
if ([[o_videoCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey: \
@"trnscdVideoCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_WAV"])
if ([[o_audioCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdAudioCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_WAV"])
if ([[o_audioCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey: \
@"trnscdAudioCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_WAV"])
[[o_t5_matrix_encap cellAtRow:9 column:0] setEnabled:YES];
[o_t5_matrix_encap selectCellAtRow:9 column:0];
......@@ -664,52 +794,62 @@ static VLCWizard *_o_sharedInstance = nil;
/* we just transcoding the audio */
/* select formats supported by the audio codec */
if ([[o_audioCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdAudioCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_PS"])
if ([[o_audioCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey: \
@"trnscdAudioCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_PS"])
[[o_t5_matrix_encap cellAtRow:0 column:0] setEnabled:YES];
[o_t5_matrix_encap selectCellAtRow:0 column:0];
if ([[o_audioCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdAudioCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_TS"])
if ([[o_audioCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey: \
@"trnscdAudioCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_TS"])
[[o_t5_matrix_encap cellAtRow:1 column:0] setEnabled:YES];
[o_t5_matrix_encap selectCellAtRow:1 column:0];
if ([[o_audioCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdAudioCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_MPEG"])
if ([[o_audioCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey: \
@"trnscdAudioCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_MPEG"])
[[o_t5_matrix_encap cellAtRow:2 column:0] setEnabled:YES];
[o_t5_matrix_encap selectCellAtRow:2 column:0];
if ([[o_audioCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdAudioCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_OGG"])
if ([[o_audioCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey: \
@"trnscdAudioCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_OGG"])
[[o_t5_matrix_encap cellAtRow:3 column:0] setEnabled:YES];
[o_t5_matrix_encap selectCellAtRow:3 column:0];
if ([[o_audioCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdAudioCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_RAW"])
if ([[o_audioCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey: \
@"trnscdAudioCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_RAW"])
[[o_t5_matrix_encap cellAtRow:4 column:0] setEnabled:YES];
[o_t5_matrix_encap selectCellAtRow:4 column:0];
if ([[o_audioCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdAudioCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_ASF"])
if ([[o_audioCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey: \
@"trnscdAudioCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_ASF"])
[[o_t5_matrix_encap cellAtRow:5 column:0] setEnabled:YES];
[o_t5_matrix_encap selectCellAtRow:5 column:0];
if ([[o_audioCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdAudioCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_AVI"])
if ([[o_audioCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey: \
@"trnscdAudioCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_AVI"])
[[o_t5_matrix_encap cellAtRow:6 column:0] setEnabled:YES];
[o_t5_matrix_encap selectCellAtRow:6 column:0];
if ([[o_audioCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdAudioCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_MP4"])
if ([[o_audioCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey: \
@"trnscdAudioCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_MP4"])
[[o_t5_matrix_encap cellAtRow:7 column:0] setEnabled:YES];
[o_t5_matrix_encap selectCellAtRow:7 column:0];
if ([[o_audioCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdAudioCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_MOV"])
if ([[o_audioCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey: \
@"trnscdAudioCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_MOV"])
[[o_t5_matrix_encap cellAtRow:8 column:0] setEnabled:YES];
[o_t5_matrix_encap selectCellAtRow:8 column:0];
if ([[o_audioCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdAudioCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_WAV"])
if ([[o_audioCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey: \
@"trnscdAudioCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_WAV"])
[[o_t5_matrix_encap cellAtRow:9 column:0] setEnabled:YES];
[o_t5_matrix_encap selectCellAtRow:9 column:0];
......@@ -722,52 +862,62 @@ static VLCWizard *_o_sharedInstance = nil;
/* select formats supported by the video-codec */
if ([[o_videoCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdVideoCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_PS"])
if ([[o_videoCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey: \
@"trnscdVideoCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_PS"])
[[o_t5_matrix_encap cellAtRow:0 column:0] setEnabled:YES];
[o_t5_matrix_encap selectCellAtRow:0 column:0];
if ([[o_videoCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdVideoCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_TS"])
if ([[o_videoCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey: \
@"trnscdVideoCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_TS"])
[[o_t5_matrix_encap cellAtRow:1 column:0] setEnabled:YES];
[o_t5_matrix_encap selectCellAtRow:1 column:0];
if ([[o_videoCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdVideoCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_MPEG"])
if ([[o_videoCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey: \
@"trnscdVideoCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_MPEG"])
[[o_t5_matrix_encap cellAtRow:2 column:0] setEnabled:YES];
[o_t5_matrix_encap selectCellAtRow:2 column:0];
if ([[o_videoCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdVideoCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_OGG"])
if ([[o_videoCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey: \
@"trnscdVideoCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_OGG"])
[[o_t5_matrix_encap cellAtRow:3 column:0] setEnabled:YES];
[o_t5_matrix_encap selectCellAtRow:3 column:0];
if ([[o_videoCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdVideoCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_RAW"])
if ([[o_videoCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey: \
@"trnscdVideoCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_RAW"])
[[o_t5_matrix_encap cellAtRow:4 column:0] setEnabled:YES];
[o_t5_matrix_encap selectCellAtRow:4 column:0];
if ([[o_videoCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdVideoCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_ASF"])
if ([[o_videoCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey: \
@"trnscdVideoCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_ASF"])
[[o_t5_matrix_encap cellAtRow:5 column:0] setEnabled:YES];
[o_t5_matrix_encap selectCellAtRow:5 column:0];
if ([[o_videoCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdVideoCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_AVI"])
if ([[o_videoCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey: \
@"trnscdVideoCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_AVI"])
[[o_t5_matrix_encap cellAtRow:6 column:0] setEnabled:YES];
[o_t5_matrix_encap selectCellAtRow:6 column:0];
if ([[o_videoCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdVideoCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_MP4"])
if ([[o_videoCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey: \
@"trnscdVideoCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_MP4"])
[[o_t5_matrix_encap cellAtRow:7 column:0] setEnabled:YES];
[o_t5_matrix_encap selectCellAtRow:7 column:0];
if ([[o_videoCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdVideoCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_MOV"])
if ([[o_videoCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey: \
@"trnscdVideoCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_MOV"])
[[o_t5_matrix_encap cellAtRow:8 column:0] setEnabled:YES];
[o_t5_matrix_encap selectCellAtRow:8 column:0];
if ([[o_videoCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdVideoCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_WAV"])
if ([[o_videoCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey: \
@"trnscdVideoCodec"] intValue]] containsObject: @"MUX_WAV"])
[[o_t5_matrix_encap cellAtRow:9 column:0] setEnabled:YES];
[o_t5_matrix_encap selectCellAtRow:9 column:0];
......@@ -776,7 +926,8 @@ static VLCWizard *_o_sharedInstance = nil;
/* we don't do any transcoding
* -> enabled the encap-formats allowed when streaming content via http
* since this should work fine in most cases */
/* FIXME: choose a selection of encap-formats based upon the actually used codecs */
/* FIXME: choose a selection of encap-formats based upon the
* actually used codecs */
/* enable MPEG PS, MPEG TS, MPEG 1, OGG, RAW and ASF; select MPEG PS */
[[o_t5_matrix_encap cellAtRow:0 column:0] setEnabled:YES];
......@@ -808,9 +959,10 @@ static VLCWizard *_o_sharedInstance = nil;
[o_tab_pageHolder selectTabViewItemAtIndex:4];
} else {
/* show a sheet that the selected codecs are not compatible */
NSBeginInformationalAlertSheet(_NS("Invalid selection"), _NS("OK"), @"", @"", o_wizard_window, nil, nil, nil, nil, _NS("Your chosen codecs are " \
"not compatible with each other. For example: you cannot " \
"mix uncompressed audio with any video codec.\n\n" \
NSBeginInformationalAlertSheet(_NS("Invalid selection"), _NS("OK"), \
@"", @"", o_wizard_window, nil, nil, nil, nil, _NS("Your " \
"chosen codecs are not compatible with each other. For example: " \
"you cannot mix uncompressed audio with any video codec.\n\n" \
"Correct your selection and try again."));
......@@ -832,7 +984,8 @@ static VLCWizard *_o_sharedInstance = nil;
[o_tab_pageHolder selectTabViewItemAtIndex:6];
else if ([[[o_tab_pageHolder selectedTabViewItem] label] isEqualToString: @"Streaming 2"])
else if ([[[o_tab_pageHolder selectedTabViewItem] label] isEqualToString: \
@"Streaming 2"])
/* store the chosen TTL */
[o_userSelections setObject:[o_t6_fld_ttl stringValue] forKey:@"ttl"];
......@@ -849,23 +1002,28 @@ static VLCWizard *_o_sharedInstance = nil;
/* go to "Summary" */
[self showSummary];
else if ([[[o_tab_pageHolder selectedTabViewItem] label] isEqualToString: @"Transcode 2"])
else if ([[[o_tab_pageHolder selectedTabViewItem] label] isEqualToString: \
@"Transcode 2"])
/* check whether the path != "" and store it */
if( [[o_t7_fld_filePath stringValue] isEqualToString: @""] )
/* complain to the user that "" is no valid path */
NSBeginInformationalAlertSheet(_NS("No file selected"), _NS("OK"), @"", @"", o_wizard_window, nil, nil, nil, nil, _NS("You you need to select a file, you want to save to. " \
"\n\n Enter either a valid path or choose a location through " \
"the button's dialog-box."));
NSBeginInformationalAlertSheet(_NS("No file selected"), _NS("OK"), \
@"", @"", o_wizard_window, nil, nil, nil, nil, _NS("You you " \
"need to select a file, you want to save to. \n\n Enter either " \
"a valid path or choose a location through the button's " \
} else {
[o_userSelections setObject:[o_t7_fld_filePath stringValue] forKey:@"trnscdFilePath"];
[o_userSelections setObject:[o_t7_fld_filePath stringValue] forKey: \
/* go to "Summary" */
[self showSummary];
else if ([[[o_tab_pageHolder selectedTabViewItem] label] isEqualToString: @"Summary"])
else if ([[[o_tab_pageHolder selectedTabViewItem] label] isEqualToString: \
intf_thread_t * p_intf = VLCIntf;
......@@ -873,20 +1031,26 @@ static VLCWizard *_o_sharedInstance = nil;
if( p_playlist )
playlist_item_t *p_item = playlist_ItemNew( p_playlist, [[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"pathToStrm"] UTF8String], _("Streaming/Transcoding Wizard") );
playlist_item_t *p_item = playlist_ItemNew( p_playlist, [[o_userSelections \
objectForKey:@"pathToStrm"] UTF8String], _("Streaming/Transcoding Wizard") );
playlist_ItemAddOption( p_item, [[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"opts"] UTF8String]);
if(! [[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"partExtractFrom"] isEqualToString:@""] )
playlist_ItemAddOption( p_item, [[@"start-time=" stringByAppendingString: [o_userSelections objectForKey:@"partExtractFrom"]] UTF8String] );
playlist_ItemAddOption( p_item, [[@"start-time=" \
stringByAppendingString: [o_userSelections \
objectForKey:@"partExtractFrom"]] UTF8String] );
if(! [[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"partExtractTo"] isEqualToString:@""] )
playlist_ItemAddOption( p_item, [[@"stop-time=" stringByAppendingString: [o_userSelections objectForKey:@"partExtractTo"]] UTF8String] );
playlist_ItemAddOption( p_item, [[@"stop-time=" \
stringByAppendingString: [o_userSelections objectForKey: \
@"partExtractTo"]] UTF8String] );
playlist_ItemAddOption( p_item, [[@"ttl=" stringByAppendingString: [o_userSelections objectForKey:@"ttl"]] UTF8String] );
playlist_ItemAddOption( p_item, [[@"ttl=" stringByAppendingString: \
[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"ttl"]] UTF8String] );
playlist_AddItem( p_playlist, p_item, PLAYLIST_GO, PLAYLIST_END );
......@@ -911,7 +1075,12 @@ static VLCWizard *_o_sharedInstance = nil;
if ([[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"partExtract"] isEqualToString: @"YES"])
[o_t8_fld_partExtract setStringValue: [[[[[_NS("yes") stringByAppendingString:@" - "] stringByAppendingString: _NS("from ")] stringByAppendingString: [o_userSelections objectForKey:@"partExtractFrom"]] stringByAppendingString: _NS(" to ")] stringByAppendingString: [o_userSelections objectForKey:@"partExtractTo"]]];
[o_t8_fld_partExtract setStringValue: [[[[[_NS("yes") \
stringByAppendingString:@" - "] stringByAppendingString: \
_NS("from ")] stringByAppendingString: [o_userSelections \
objectForKey:@"partExtractFrom"]] stringByAppendingString: \
_NS(" to ")] stringByAppendingString: [o_userSelections \
} else {
[o_t8_fld_partExtract setStringValue: _NS("no")];
......@@ -922,8 +1091,11 @@ static VLCWizard *_o_sharedInstance = nil;
[o_t8_fld_saveFileTo setStringValue: @"-"];
[o_t8_fld_trnscdAudio setStringValue: @"-"];
[o_t8_fld_trnscdVideo setStringValue: @"-"];
[o_t8_fld_strmgMthd setStringValue: [[o_strmgMthds objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"stmgMhd"] intValue]] objectAtIndex:1]];
[o_t8_fld_destination setStringValue: [o_userSelections objectForKey:@"stmgDest"]];
[o_t8_fld_strmgMthd setStringValue: [[o_strmgMthds objectAtIndex: \
[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"stmgMhd"] intValue]] \
[o_t8_fld_destination setStringValue: [o_userSelections objectForKey: \
[o_t8_fld_ttl setStringValue: [o_userSelections objectForKey:@"ttl"]];
if ([[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"sap"] isEqualToString: @"YES"])
......@@ -939,19 +1111,33 @@ static VLCWizard *_o_sharedInstance = nil;
[o_t8_fld_sap setStringValue: @"-"];
if ([[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdVideo"] isEqualToString:@"YES"])
[o_t8_fld_trnscdVideo setStringValue: [[[[[_NS("yes") stringByAppendingString:@": "] stringByAppendingString: [[o_videoCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdVideoCodec"] intValue]] objectAtIndex:0]] stringByAppendingString:@" @ "] stringByAppendingString: [o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdVideoBitrate"]] stringByAppendingString:@" kb/s"]];
[o_t8_fld_trnscdVideo setStringValue: [[[[[_NS("yes") \
stringByAppendingString:@": "] stringByAppendingString: \
[[o_videoCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey: \
@"trnscdVideoCodec"] intValue]] objectAtIndex:0]] \
stringByAppendingString:@" @ "] stringByAppendingString: \
[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdVideoBitrate"]] \
stringByAppendingString:@" kb/s"]];
[o_t8_fld_trnscdVideo setStringValue: _NS("no")];
if ([[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdAudio"] isEqualToString:@"YES"])
[o_t8_fld_trnscdAudio setStringValue: [[[[[_NS("yes") stringByAppendingString:@": "] stringByAppendingString: [[o_audioCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdAudioCodec"] intValue]] objectAtIndex:0]] stringByAppendingString:@" @ "] stringByAppendingString: [o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdAudioBitrate"]] stringByAppendingString:@" kb/s"]];
[o_t8_fld_trnscdAudio setStringValue: [[[[[_NS("yes") \
stringByAppendingString:@": "] stringByAppendingString: \
[[o_audioCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey: \
@"trnscdAudioCodec"] intValue]] objectAtIndex:0]] \
stringByAppendingString:@" @ "] stringByAppendingString: \
[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdAudioBitrate"]] \
stringByAppendingString:@" kb/s"]];
[o_t8_fld_trnscdAudio setStringValue: _NS("no")];
[o_t8_fld_saveFileTo setStringValue: [o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdFilePath"]];
[o_t8_fld_saveFileTo setStringValue: [o_userSelections objectForKey: \
[o_t8_fld_encapFormat setStringValue: [[o_encapFormats objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"encapFormat"] intValue]] objectAtIndex:1]];
[o_t8_fld_encapFormat setStringValue: [[o_encapFormats objectAtIndex: \
[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"encapFormat"] intValue]] objectAtIndex:1]];
[self createOpts];
[o_t8_fld_mrl setStringValue: [o_userSelections objectForKey:@"opts"]];
......@@ -970,11 +1156,15 @@ static VLCWizard *_o_sharedInstance = nil;
if ([[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdVideo"] isEqualToString:@"YES"])
[o_trnscdCmd appendString: @"transcode{"];
[o_trnscdCmd appendFormat: @"vcodec=%s,vb=%i", [[[o_videoCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdVideoCodec"] intValue]] objectAtIndex:1] UTF8String], [[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdVideoBitrate"] intValue]];
[o_trnscdCmd appendFormat: @"vcodec=%s,vb=%i", [[[o_videoCodecs \
objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdVideoCodec"] \
intValue]] objectAtIndex:1] UTF8String], [[o_userSelections \
objectForKey:@"trnscdVideoBitrate"] intValue]];
if ([[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdAudio"] isEqualToString:@"YES"])
[o_trnscdCmd appendString: @","];
} else
[o_trnscdCmd appendString: @"}:"];
......@@ -986,9 +1176,16 @@ static VLCWizard *_o_sharedInstance = nil;
/* in case we transcode the audio only, add this */
[o_trnscdCmd appendString: @"transcode{"];
[o_trnscdCmd appendFormat: @"acodec=%s,ab=%i}:", [[[o_audioCodecs objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdAudioCodec"] intValue]] objectAtIndex:1] UTF8String], [[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdAudioBitrate"] intValue]];
[o_trnscdCmd appendFormat: @"acodec=%s,ab=%i}:", [[[o_audioCodecs \
objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdAudioCodec"] \
intValue]] objectAtIndex:1] UTF8String], [[o_userSelections \
objectForKey:@"trnscdAudioBitrate"] intValue]];
[o_opts_string appendFormat: @":sout=#%sstandard{mux=%s,url=%s,access=file}", [o_trnscdCmd UTF8String], [[[o_encapFormats objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"encapFormat"] intValue]] objectAtIndex:0] UTF8String], [[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdFilePath"] UTF8String]];
[o_opts_string appendFormat: @":sout=#%sstandard{mux=%s,url=%s,access=file}", \
[o_trnscdCmd UTF8String], [[[o_encapFormats objectAtIndex: \
[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"encapFormat"] intValue]] \
objectAtIndex:0] UTF8String], [[o_userSelections objectForKey: \
@"trnscdFilePath"] UTF8String]];
} else {
......@@ -1001,12 +1198,24 @@ static VLCWizard *_o_sharedInstance = nil;
[o_sap_option appendString: @"sap"];
} else {
[o_sap_option appendFormat: @"sap,name=\"%s\"",[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"sapText"] UTF8String]];
[o_sap_option appendFormat: @"sap,name=\"%s\"",[[o_userSelections \
objectForKey:@"sapText"] UTF8String]];
[o_opts_string appendFormat: @":sout=#standard{mux=%s,url=%s,access=%s,%s}", [[[o_encapFormats objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"encapFormat"] intValue]] objectAtIndex:0] UTF8String], [[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"stmgDest"] UTF8String], [[[o_strmgMthds objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"stmgMhd"] intValue]] objectAtIndex:0] UTF8String], [o_sap_option UTF8String]];
[o_opts_string appendFormat: @":sout=#standard{mux=%s,url=%s,access=%s,%s}", \
[[[o_encapFormats objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey: \
@"encapFormat"] intValue]] objectAtIndex:0] UTF8String], \
[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"stmgDest"] UTF8String], \
[[[o_strmgMthds objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey: \
@"stmgMhd"] intValue]] objectAtIndex:0] UTF8String], \
[o_sap_option UTF8String]];
} else {
/* no SAP, just streaming */
[o_opts_string appendFormat: @":sout=#standard{mux=%s,url=%s,access=%s}", [[[o_encapFormats objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"encapFormat"] intValue]] objectAtIndex:0] UTF8String], [[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"stmgDest"] UTF8String], [[[o_strmgMthds objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"stmgMhd"] intValue]] objectAtIndex:0] UTF8String]];
[o_opts_string appendFormat: @":sout=#standard{mux=%s,url=%s,access=%s}", \
[[[o_encapFormats objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey: \
@"encapFormat"] intValue]] objectAtIndex:0] UTF8String], \
[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"stmgDest"] UTF8String], \
[[[o_strmgMthds objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey: \
@"stmgMhd"] intValue]] objectAtIndex:0] UTF8String]];
......@@ -1029,20 +1238,24 @@ static VLCWizard *_o_sharedInstance = nil;
/* rename the forward-button */
[o_btn_forward setTitle: _NS("Next")];
else if ([[[o_tab_pageHolder selectedTabViewItem] label] isEqualToString: @"Transcode 2"])
else if ([[[o_tab_pageHolder selectedTabViewItem] label] isEqualToString: \
@"Transcode 2"])
/* show "Encap" */
[o_tab_pageHolder selectTabViewItemAtIndex:4];
else if ([[[o_tab_pageHolder selectedTabViewItem] label] isEqualToString: @"Streaming 2"])
else if ([[[o_tab_pageHolder selectedTabViewItem] label] isEqualToString: \
@"Streaming 2"])
/* show "Encap" */
[o_tab_pageHolder selectTabViewItemAtIndex:4];
else if ([[[o_tab_pageHolder selectedTabViewItem] label] isEqualToString: @"Encap"])
else if ([[[o_tab_pageHolder selectedTabViewItem] label] isEqualToString: \
/* check whether we are streaming or transcoding and go back */
if ([[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdOrStrmg"] isEqualToString:@"strmg"])
if ([[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"trnscdOrStrmg"] isEqualToString: \
/* show "Streaming 1" */
[o_tab_pageHolder selectTabViewItemAtIndex:2];
......@@ -1051,17 +1264,20 @@ static VLCWizard *_o_sharedInstance = nil;
[o_tab_pageHolder selectTabViewItemAtIndex:3];
else if ([[[o_tab_pageHolder selectedTabViewItem] label] isEqualToString: @"Streaming 1"])
else if ([[[o_tab_pageHolder selectedTabViewItem] label] isEqualToString: \
@"Streaming 1"])
/* show "Input" */
[o_tab_pageHolder selectTabViewItemAtIndex:1];
else if ([[[o_tab_pageHolder selectedTabViewItem] label] isEqualToString: @"Transcode 1"])
else if ([[[o_tab_pageHolder selectedTabViewItem] label] isEqualToString: \
@"Transcode 1"])
/* show "Input" */
[o_tab_pageHolder selectTabViewItemAtIndex:1];
else if ([[[o_tab_pageHolder selectedTabViewItem] label] isEqualToString: @"Input"])
else if ([[[o_tab_pageHolder selectedTabViewItem] label] isEqualToString: \
/* show "Hello" */
[o_tab_pageHolder selectTabViewItemAtIndex:0];
......@@ -1103,14 +1319,17 @@ static VLCWizard *_o_sharedInstance = nil;
NSOpenPanel * openPanel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel];
SEL sel = @selector(t2_getNewStreamFromDialog:returnCode:contextInfo:);
[openPanel beginSheetForDirectory:nil file:nil types:nil modalForWindow:o_wizard_window modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:sel contextInfo:nil];
[openPanel beginSheetForDirectory:nil file:nil types:nil modalForWindow: \
o_wizard_window modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:sel contextInfo:nil];
- (void)t2_getNewStreamFromDialog: (NSOpenPanel *)sheet returnCode: (int)returnCode contextInfo: (void *)contextInfo
- (void)t2_getNewStreamFromDialog: (NSOpenPanel *)sheet returnCode: \
(int)returnCode contextInfo: (void *)contextInfo
if (returnCode == NSOKButton)
[o_t2_fld_pathToNewStrm setStringValue:[sheet filename]];
[o_t2_fld_pathToNewStrm setStringValue: [@"file://" \
stringByAppendingString: [sheet filename]]];
......@@ -1156,27 +1375,35 @@ static VLCWizard *_o_sharedInstance = nil;
if( [o_mode intValue] == 2 )
/* HTTP */
[o_t3_txt_destInfo setStringValue: [[o_strmgMthds objectAtIndex:0] objectAtIndex:2]];
[o_t3_txt_strgMthdInfo setStringValue: [[o_strmgMthds objectAtIndex:0] objectAtIndex:3]];
[o_t3_txt_destInfo setStringValue: [[o_strmgMthds objectAtIndex:0] \
[o_t3_txt_strgMthdInfo setStringValue: [[o_strmgMthds objectAtIndex:0] \
else if( [o_mode intValue] == 1 )
/* UDP-Multicast */
[o_t3_txt_destInfo setStringValue: [[o_strmgMthds objectAtIndex:1] objectAtIndex:2]];
[o_t3_txt_strgMthdInfo setStringValue: [[o_strmgMthds objectAtIndex:1] objectAtIndex:3]];
[o_t3_txt_destInfo setStringValue: [[o_strmgMthds objectAtIndex:1] \
[o_t3_txt_strgMthdInfo setStringValue: [[o_strmgMthds objectAtIndex:1] \
else if( [o_mode intValue] == 0 )
/* UDP-Unicast */
[o_t3_txt_destInfo setStringValue: [[o_strmgMthds objectAtIndex:2] objectAtIndex:2]];
[o_t3_txt_strgMthdInfo setStringValue: [[o_strmgMthds objectAtIndex:2] objectAtIndex:3]]; }
[o_t3_txt_destInfo setStringValue: [[o_strmgMthds objectAtIndex:2] \
[o_t3_txt_strgMthdInfo setStringValue: [[o_strmgMthds objectAtIndex:2] \
[o_mode release];
- (IBAction)t4_AudCdcChanged:(id)sender
/* update codec info */
[o_t4_txt_hintAudio setStringValue:[[o_audioCodecs objectAtIndex:[o_t4_pop_audioCodec indexOfSelectedItem]] objectAtIndex:2]];
[o_t4_txt_hintAudio setStringValue:[[o_audioCodecs objectAtIndex: \
[o_t4_pop_audioCodec indexOfSelectedItem]] objectAtIndex:2]];
- (IBAction)t4_enblAudTrnscd:(id)sender
......@@ -1216,7 +1443,8 @@ static VLCWizard *_o_sharedInstance = nil;
- (IBAction)t4_VidCdcChanged:(id)sender
/* update codec info */
[o_t4_txt_hintVideo setStringValue:[[o_videoCodecs objectAtIndex:[o_t4_pop_videoCodec indexOfSelectedItem]] objectAtIndex:2]];
[o_t4_txt_hintVideo setStringValue:[[o_videoCodecs objectAtIndex: \
[o_t4_pop_videoCodec indexOfSelectedItem]] objectAtIndex:2]];
- (IBAction)t6_enblSapAnnce:(id)sender
......@@ -1236,7 +1464,7 @@ static VLCWizard *_o_sharedInstance = nil;
/* show a sheet for the help */
[o_wh_txt_title setStringValue: _NS("Time-To-Live (TTL)")];
[o_wh_txt_text setStringValue: _NS("Define the TTL (Time-To-Live) of the stream. "\
"This parameter is the maximum number of routers your stream can go "
"This parameter is the maximum number of routers your stream can go " \
"through. If you don't know what it means, or if you want to stream on " \
"your local network only, leave this setting to 1.")];
[NSApp beginSheet: o_wizardhelp_window
......@@ -1268,12 +1496,15 @@ static VLCWizard *_o_sharedInstance = nil;
/* provide a save-to-dialogue, so the user can choose a location for his/her new file */
NSSavePanel * savePanel = [NSSavePanel savePanel];
SEL sel = @selector(t7_getTrnscdDestFile:returnCode:contextInfo:);
[savePanel setRequiredFileType:[[o_encapFormats objectAtIndex:[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"encapFormat"] intValue]] objectAtIndex:0]];
[savePanel setRequiredFileType:[[o_encapFormats objectAtIndex: \
[[o_userSelections objectForKey:@"encapFormat"] intValue]] objectAtIndex:0]];
[savePanel setCanSelectHiddenExtension:YES];
[savePanel beginSheetForDirectory:nil file:nil modalForWindow:o_wizard_window modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:sel contextInfo:nil];
[savePanel beginSheetForDirectory:nil file:nil modalForWindow: \
o_wizard_window modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:sel contextInfo:nil];
- (void)t7_getTrnscdDestFile: (NSSavePanel *)sheet returnCode: (int)returnCode contextInfo: (void *)contextInfo
- (void)t7_getTrnscdDestFile: (NSSavePanel *)sheet returnCode: \
(int)returnCode contextInfo: (void *)contextInfo
if (returnCode == NSOKButton)
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