Commit 128e01e8 authored by Jean-Baptiste Kempf's avatar Jean-Baptiste Kempf

Freetype: split some functions in text_renderer.c

Too many functions are not related to freetype and could be used by
other renderers like QuartText or DirectWrite.
Moreover, this file was way too long.

This is just the beginning, and there are no functionnal change so far.
parent 41bad009
SOURCES_freetype = freetype.c SOURCES_freetype = freetype.c text_renderer.c text_renderer.h
SOURCES_quartztext = quartztext.c SOURCES_quartztext = quartztext.c
SOURCES_svg = svg.c SOURCES_svg = svg.c
SOURCES_tdummy = tdummy.c SOURCES_tdummy = tdummy.c
...@@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ ...@@ -40,7 +40,6 @@
#include <vlc_input.h> /* vlc_input_attachment_* */ #include <vlc_input.h> /* vlc_input_attachment_* */
#include <vlc_xml.h> /* xml_reader */ #include <vlc_xml.h> /* xml_reader */
#include <vlc_strings.h> /* resolve_xml_special_chars */ #include <vlc_strings.h> /* resolve_xml_special_chars */
#include <vlc_charset.h> /* ToCharset */
#include <vlc_dialog.h> /* FcCache dialog */ #include <vlc_dialog.h> /* FcCache dialog */
#include <vlc_filter.h> /* filter_sys_t */ #include <vlc_filter.h> /* filter_sys_t */
#include <vlc_text_style.h> /* text_style_t*/ #include <vlc_text_style.h> /* text_style_t*/
...@@ -133,17 +132,7 @@ ...@@ -133,17 +132,7 @@
#include <assert.h> #include <assert.h>
#ifdef __OS2__ #include "text_renderer.h"
typedef uint16_t uni_char_t;
typedef uint32_t uni_char_t;
# if defined(WORDS_BIGENDIAN)
# else
# endif
/***************************************************************************** /*****************************************************************************
* Module descriptor * Module descriptor
...@@ -322,17 +311,6 @@ struct line_desc_t ...@@ -322,17 +311,6 @@ struct line_desc_t
line_character_t *p_character; line_character_t *p_character;
}; };
typedef struct font_stack_t font_stack_t;
struct font_stack_t
char *psz_name;
int i_size;
uint32_t i_color; /* ARGB */
uint32_t i_karaoke_bg_color; /* ARGB */
font_stack_t *p_next;
/***************************************************************************** /*****************************************************************************
* filter_sys_t: freetype local data * filter_sys_t: freetype local data
***************************************************************************** *****************************************************************************
...@@ -1269,415 +1247,6 @@ static inline int RenderAXYZ( filter_t *p_filter, ...@@ -1269,415 +1247,6 @@ static inline int RenderAXYZ( filter_t *p_filter,
} }
static text_style_t *CreateStyle( char *psz_fontname, int i_font_size,
uint32_t i_font_color, uint32_t i_karaoke_bg_color,
int i_style_flags )
text_style_t *p_style = text_style_New();
if( !p_style )
return NULL;
p_style->psz_fontname = psz_fontname ? strdup( psz_fontname ) : NULL;
p_style->i_font_size = i_font_size;
p_style->i_font_color = (i_font_color & 0x00ffffff) >> 0;
p_style->i_font_alpha = (i_font_color & 0xff000000) >> 24;
p_style->i_karaoke_background_color = (i_karaoke_bg_color & 0x00ffffff) >> 0;
p_style->i_karaoke_background_alpha = (i_karaoke_bg_color & 0xff000000) >> 24;
p_style->i_style_flags |= i_style_flags;
return p_style;
static int PushFont( font_stack_t **p_font, const char *psz_name, int i_size,
uint32_t i_color, uint32_t i_karaoke_bg_color )
if( !p_font )
font_stack_t *p_new = malloc( sizeof(*p_new) );
if( !p_new )
return VLC_ENOMEM;
p_new->p_next = NULL;
if( psz_name )
p_new->psz_name = strdup( psz_name );
p_new->psz_name = NULL;
p_new->i_size = i_size;
p_new->i_color = i_color;
p_new->i_karaoke_bg_color = i_karaoke_bg_color;
if( !*p_font )
*p_font = p_new;
font_stack_t *p_last;
for( p_last = *p_font;
p_last = p_last->p_next )
p_last->p_next = p_new;
static int PopFont( font_stack_t **p_font )
font_stack_t *p_last, *p_next_to_last;
if( !p_font || !*p_font )
p_next_to_last = NULL;
for( p_last = *p_font;
p_last = p_last->p_next )
p_next_to_last = p_last;
if( p_next_to_last )
p_next_to_last->p_next = NULL;
*p_font = NULL;
free( p_last->psz_name );
free( p_last );
static int PeekFont( font_stack_t **p_font, char **psz_name, int *i_size,
uint32_t *i_color, uint32_t *i_karaoke_bg_color )
font_stack_t *p_last;
if( !p_font || !*p_font )
for( p_last=*p_font;
p_last=p_last->p_next )
*psz_name = p_last->psz_name;
*i_size = p_last->i_size;
*i_color = p_last->i_color;
*i_karaoke_bg_color = p_last->i_karaoke_bg_color;
static const struct {
const char *psz_name;
uint32_t i_value;
} p_html_colors[] = {
/* Official html colors */
{ "Aqua", 0x00FFFF },
{ "Black", 0x000000 },
{ "Blue", 0x0000FF },
{ "Fuchsia", 0xFF00FF },
{ "Gray", 0x808080 },
{ "Green", 0x008000 },
{ "Lime", 0x00FF00 },
{ "Maroon", 0x800000 },
{ "Navy", 0x000080 },
{ "Olive", 0x808000 },
{ "Purple", 0x800080 },
{ "Red", 0xFF0000 },
{ "Silver", 0xC0C0C0 },
{ "Teal", 0x008080 },
{ "White", 0xFFFFFF },
{ "Yellow", 0xFFFF00 },
/* Common ones */
{ "AliceBlue", 0xF0F8FF },
{ "AntiqueWhite", 0xFAEBD7 },
{ "Aqua", 0x00FFFF },
{ "Aquamarine", 0x7FFFD4 },
{ "Azure", 0xF0FFFF },
{ "Beige", 0xF5F5DC },
{ "Bisque", 0xFFE4C4 },
{ "Black", 0x000000 },
{ "BlanchedAlmond", 0xFFEBCD },
{ "Blue", 0x0000FF },
{ "BlueViolet", 0x8A2BE2 },
{ "Brown", 0xA52A2A },
{ "BurlyWood", 0xDEB887 },
{ "CadetBlue", 0x5F9EA0 },
{ "Chartreuse", 0x7FFF00 },
{ "Chocolate", 0xD2691E },
{ "Coral", 0xFF7F50 },
{ "CornflowerBlue", 0x6495ED },
{ "Cornsilk", 0xFFF8DC },
{ "Crimson", 0xDC143C },
{ "Cyan", 0x00FFFF },
{ "DarkBlue", 0x00008B },
{ "DarkCyan", 0x008B8B },
{ "DarkGoldenRod", 0xB8860B },
{ "DarkGray", 0xA9A9A9 },
{ "DarkGrey", 0xA9A9A9 },
{ "DarkGreen", 0x006400 },
{ "DarkKhaki", 0xBDB76B },
{ "DarkMagenta", 0x8B008B },
{ "DarkOliveGreen", 0x556B2F },
{ "Darkorange", 0xFF8C00 },
{ "DarkOrchid", 0x9932CC },
{ "DarkRed", 0x8B0000 },
{ "DarkSalmon", 0xE9967A },
{ "DarkSeaGreen", 0x8FBC8F },
{ "DarkSlateBlue", 0x483D8B },
{ "DarkSlateGray", 0x2F4F4F },
{ "DarkSlateGrey", 0x2F4F4F },
{ "DarkTurquoise", 0x00CED1 },
{ "DarkViolet", 0x9400D3 },
{ "DeepPink", 0xFF1493 },
{ "DeepSkyBlue", 0x00BFFF },
{ "DimGray", 0x696969 },
{ "DimGrey", 0x696969 },
{ "DodgerBlue", 0x1E90FF },
{ "FireBrick", 0xB22222 },
{ "FloralWhite", 0xFFFAF0 },
{ "ForestGreen", 0x228B22 },
{ "Fuchsia", 0xFF00FF },
{ "Gainsboro", 0xDCDCDC },
{ "GhostWhite", 0xF8F8FF },
{ "Gold", 0xFFD700 },
{ "GoldenRod", 0xDAA520 },
{ "Gray", 0x808080 },
{ "Grey", 0x808080 },
{ "Green", 0x008000 },
{ "GreenYellow", 0xADFF2F },
{ "HoneyDew", 0xF0FFF0 },
{ "HotPink", 0xFF69B4 },
{ "IndianRed", 0xCD5C5C },
{ "Indigo", 0x4B0082 },
{ "Ivory", 0xFFFFF0 },
{ "Khaki", 0xF0E68C },
{ "Lavender", 0xE6E6FA },
{ "LavenderBlush", 0xFFF0F5 },
{ "LawnGreen", 0x7CFC00 },
{ "LemonChiffon", 0xFFFACD },
{ "LightBlue", 0xADD8E6 },
{ "LightCoral", 0xF08080 },
{ "LightCyan", 0xE0FFFF },
{ "LightGoldenRodYellow", 0xFAFAD2 },
{ "LightGray", 0xD3D3D3 },
{ "LightGrey", 0xD3D3D3 },
{ "LightGreen", 0x90EE90 },
{ "LightPink", 0xFFB6C1 },
{ "LightSalmon", 0xFFA07A },
{ "LightSeaGreen", 0x20B2AA },
{ "LightSkyBlue", 0x87CEFA },
{ "LightSlateGray", 0x778899 },
{ "LightSlateGrey", 0x778899 },
{ "LightSteelBlue", 0xB0C4DE },
{ "LightYellow", 0xFFFFE0 },
{ "Lime", 0x00FF00 },
{ "LimeGreen", 0x32CD32 },
{ "Linen", 0xFAF0E6 },
{ "Magenta", 0xFF00FF },
{ "Maroon", 0x800000 },
{ "MediumAquaMarine", 0x66CDAA },
{ "MediumBlue", 0x0000CD },
{ "MediumOrchid", 0xBA55D3 },
{ "MediumPurple", 0x9370D8 },
{ "MediumSeaGreen", 0x3CB371 },
{ "MediumSlateBlue", 0x7B68EE },
{ "MediumSpringGreen", 0x00FA9A },
{ "MediumTurquoise", 0x48D1CC },
{ "MediumVioletRed", 0xC71585 },
{ "MidnightBlue", 0x191970 },
{ "MintCream", 0xF5FFFA },
{ "MistyRose", 0xFFE4E1 },
{ "Moccasin", 0xFFE4B5 },
{ "NavajoWhite", 0xFFDEAD },
{ "Navy", 0x000080 },
{ "OldLace", 0xFDF5E6 },
{ "Olive", 0x808000 },
{ "OliveDrab", 0x6B8E23 },
{ "Orange", 0xFFA500 },
{ "OrangeRed", 0xFF4500 },
{ "Orchid", 0xDA70D6 },
{ "PaleGoldenRod", 0xEEE8AA },
{ "PaleGreen", 0x98FB98 },
{ "PaleTurquoise", 0xAFEEEE },
{ "PaleVioletRed", 0xD87093 },
{ "PapayaWhip", 0xFFEFD5 },
{ "PeachPuff", 0xFFDAB9 },
{ "Peru", 0xCD853F },
{ "Pink", 0xFFC0CB },
{ "Plum", 0xDDA0DD },
{ "PowderBlue", 0xB0E0E6 },
{ "Purple", 0x800080 },
{ "Red", 0xFF0000 },
{ "RosyBrown", 0xBC8F8F },
{ "RoyalBlue", 0x4169E1 },
{ "SaddleBrown", 0x8B4513 },
{ "Salmon", 0xFA8072 },
{ "SandyBrown", 0xF4A460 },
{ "SeaGreen", 0x2E8B57 },
{ "SeaShell", 0xFFF5EE },
{ "Sienna", 0xA0522D },
{ "Silver", 0xC0C0C0 },
{ "SkyBlue", 0x87CEEB },
{ "SlateBlue", 0x6A5ACD },
{ "SlateGray", 0x708090 },
{ "SlateGrey", 0x708090 },
{ "Snow", 0xFFFAFA },
{ "SpringGreen", 0x00FF7F },
{ "SteelBlue", 0x4682B4 },
{ "Tan", 0xD2B48C },
{ "Teal", 0x008080 },
{ "Thistle", 0xD8BFD8 },
{ "Tomato", 0xFF6347 },
{ "Turquoise", 0x40E0D0 },
{ "Violet", 0xEE82EE },
{ "Wheat", 0xF5DEB3 },
{ "White", 0xFFFFFF },
{ "WhiteSmoke", 0xF5F5F5 },
{ "Yellow", 0xFFFF00 },
{ "YellowGreen", 0x9ACD32 },
{ NULL, 0 }
static int HandleFontAttributes( xml_reader_t *p_xml_reader,
font_stack_t **p_fonts )
int rv;
char *psz_fontname = NULL;
uint32_t i_font_color = 0xffffff;
int i_font_alpha = 255;
uint32_t i_karaoke_bg_color = 0x00ffffff;
int i_font_size = 24;
/* Default all attributes to the top font in the stack -- in case not
* all attributes are specified in the sub-font
if( VLC_SUCCESS == PeekFont( p_fonts,
&i_karaoke_bg_color ))
psz_fontname = strdup( psz_fontname );
i_font_alpha = (i_font_color >> 24) & 0xff;
i_font_color &= 0x00ffffff;
const char *name, *value;
while( (name = xml_ReaderNextAttr( p_xml_reader, &value )) != NULL )
if( !strcasecmp( "face", name ) )
free( psz_fontname );
psz_fontname = strdup( value );
else if( !strcasecmp( "size", name ) )
if( ( *value == '+' ) || ( *value == '-' ) )
int i_value = atoi( value );
if( ( i_value >= -5 ) && ( i_value <= 5 ) )
i_font_size += ( i_value * i_font_size ) / 10;
else if( i_value < -5 )
i_font_size = - i_value;
else if( i_value > 5 )
i_font_size = i_value;
i_font_size = atoi( value );
else if( !strcasecmp( "color", name ) )
if( value[0] == '#' )
i_font_color = strtol( value + 1, NULL, 16 );
i_font_color &= 0x00ffffff;
char *end;
uint32_t i_value = strtol( value, &end, 16 );
if( *end == '\0' || *end == ' ' )
i_font_color = i_value & 0x00ffffff;
for( int i = 0; p_html_colors[i].psz_name != NULL; i++ )
if( !strncasecmp( value, p_html_colors[i].psz_name, strlen(p_html_colors[i].psz_name) ) )
i_font_color = p_html_colors[i].i_value;
else if( !strcasecmp( "alpha", name ) && ( value[0] == '#' ) )
i_font_alpha = strtol( value + 1, NULL, 16 );
i_font_alpha &= 0xff;
rv = PushFont( p_fonts,
(i_font_color & 0xffffff) | ((i_font_alpha & 0xff) << 24),
i_karaoke_bg_color );
free( psz_fontname );
return rv;
static int HandleTT(font_stack_t **p_fonts, const char *p_fontfamily )
char *psz_unused_fontname = NULL;
uint32_t i_font_color = 0xffffff;
uint32_t i_karaoke_bg_color = 0x00ffffff;
int i_font_size = 24;
/* Default all attributes to the top font in the stack -- in case not
* all attributes are specified in the sub-font
PeekFont( p_fonts,
&i_karaoke_bg_color );
/* Keep all the parent's font attributes, but change to a monospace font */
return PushFont( p_fonts,
i_karaoke_bg_color );
/* Turn any multiple-whitespaces into single spaces */
static void HandleWhiteSpace( char *psz_node )
char *s = strpbrk( psz_node, "\t\r\n " );
while( s )
int i_whitespace = strspn( s, "\t\r\n " );
if( i_whitespace > 1 )
memmove( &s[1],
strlen( s ) - i_whitespace + 1 );
*s++ = ' ';
s = strpbrk( s, "\t\r\n " );
static text_style_t *GetStyleFromFontStack( filter_t *p_filter, static text_style_t *GetStyleFromFontStack( filter_t *p_filter,
font_stack_t **p_fonts, font_stack_t **p_fonts,
...@@ -1699,47 +1268,6 @@ static text_style_t *GetStyleFromFontStack( filter_t *p_filter, ...@@ -1699,47 +1268,6 @@ static text_style_t *GetStyleFromFontStack( filter_t *p_filter,
i_style_flags ); i_style_flags );
} }
static unsigned SetupText( filter_t *p_filter,
uni_char_t *psz_text_out,
text_style_t **pp_styles,
uint32_t *pi_k_dates,
const char *psz_text_in,
text_style_t *p_style,
uint32_t i_k_date )
size_t i_string_length;
size_t i_string_bytes;
uni_char_t *psz_tmp = ToCharset( FREETYPE_TO_UCS, psz_text_in, &i_string_bytes );
if( psz_tmp )
memcpy( psz_text_out, psz_tmp, i_string_bytes );
i_string_length = i_string_bytes / sizeof( *psz_tmp );
free( psz_tmp );
msg_Warn( p_filter, "failed to convert string to unicode (%m)" );
i_string_length = 0;
if( i_string_length > 0 )
for( unsigned i = 0; i < i_string_length; i++ )
pp_styles[i] = p_style;
text_style_Delete( p_style );
if( i_string_length > 0 && pi_k_dates )
for( unsigned i = 0; i < i_string_length; i++ )
pi_k_dates[i] = i_k_date;
return i_string_length;
static int ProcessNodes( filter_t *p_filter, static int ProcessNodes( filter_t *p_filter,
uni_char_t *psz_text, uni_char_t *psz_text,
...@@ -2033,19 +1561,6 @@ static FT_Face LoadFace( filter_t *p_filter, ...@@ -2033,19 +1561,6 @@ static FT_Face LoadFace( filter_t *p_filter,
return p_face; return p_face;
} }
static bool FaceStyleEquals( const text_style_t *p_style1,
const text_style_t *p_style2 )
if( !p_style1 || !p_style2 )
return false;
if( p_style1 == p_style2 )
return true;
const int i_style_mask = STYLE_BOLD | STYLE_ITALIC;
return (p_style1->i_style_flags & i_style_mask) == (p_style2->i_style_flags & i_style_mask) &&
!strcmp( p_style1->psz_fontname, p_style2->psz_fontname );
static int GetGlyph( filter_t *p_filter, static int GetGlyph( filter_t *p_filter,
FT_Glyph *pp_glyph, FT_BBox *p_glyph_bbox, FT_Glyph *pp_glyph, FT_BBox *p_glyph_bbox,
FT_Glyph *pp_outline, FT_BBox *p_outline_bbox, FT_Glyph *pp_outline, FT_BBox *p_outline_bbox,
* freetype.c : Put text on the video, using freetype2
* Copyright (C) 2002 - 2012 VLC authors and VideoLAN
* $Id$
* Authors: Sigmund Augdal Helberg <>
* Gildas Bazin <>
* Bernie Purcell <>
* Jean-Baptiste Kempf <>
* Felix Paul Kühne <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.
# include "config.h"
#include <vlc_common.h>
#include <vlc_variables.h>
#include <vlc_filter.h> /* filter_sys_t */
#include <vlc_xml.h> /* xml_reader */
#include <vlc_charset.h> /* ToCharset */
#include "text_renderer.h"
text_style_t *CreateStyle( char *psz_fontname, int i_font_size,
uint32_t i_font_color, uint32_t i_karaoke_bg_color,
int i_style_flags )
text_style_t *p_style = text_style_New();
if( !p_style )
return NULL;
p_style->psz_fontname = psz_fontname ? strdup( psz_fontname ) : NULL;
p_style->i_font_size = i_font_size;
p_style->i_font_color = (i_font_color & 0x00ffffff) >> 0;
p_style->i_font_alpha = (i_font_color & 0xff000000) >> 24;
p_style->i_karaoke_background_color = (i_karaoke_bg_color & 0x00ffffff) >> 0;
p_style->i_karaoke_background_alpha = (i_karaoke_bg_color & 0xff000000) >> 24;
p_style->i_style_flags |= i_style_flags;
return p_style;
int PushFont( font_stack_t **p_font, const char *psz_name, int i_size,
uint32_t i_color, uint32_t i_karaoke_bg_color )
if( !p_font )
font_stack_t *p_new = malloc( sizeof(*p_new) );
if( !p_new )
return VLC_ENOMEM;
p_new->p_next = NULL;
if( psz_name )
p_new->psz_name = strdup( psz_name );
p_new->psz_name = NULL;
p_new->i_size = i_size;
p_new->i_color = i_color;
p_new->i_karaoke_bg_color = i_karaoke_bg_color;
if( !*p_font )
*p_font = p_new;
font_stack_t *p_last;
for( p_last = *p_font;
p_last = p_last->p_next )
p_last->p_next = p_new;
int PopFont( font_stack_t **p_font )
font_stack_t *p_last, *p_next_to_last;
if( !p_font || !*p_font )
p_next_to_last = NULL;
for( p_last = *p_font;
p_last = p_last->p_next )
p_next_to_last = p_last;
if( p_next_to_last )
p_next_to_last->p_next = NULL;
*p_font = NULL;
free( p_last->psz_name );
free( p_last );
int PeekFont( font_stack_t **p_font, char **psz_name, int *i_size,
uint32_t *i_color, uint32_t *i_karaoke_bg_color )
font_stack_t *p_last;
if( !p_font || !*p_font )
for( p_last=*p_font;
p_last=p_last->p_next )
*psz_name = p_last->psz_name;
*i_size = p_last->i_size;
*i_color = p_last->i_color;
*i_karaoke_bg_color = p_last->i_karaoke_bg_color;
static const struct {
const char *psz_name;
uint32_t i_value;
} p_html_colors[] = {
/* Official html colors */
{ "Aqua", 0x00FFFF },
{ "Black", 0x000000 },
{ "Blue", 0x0000FF },
{ "Fuchsia", 0xFF00FF },
{ "Gray", 0x808080 },
{ "Green", 0x008000 },
{ "Lime", 0x00FF00 },
{ "Maroon", 0x800000 },
{ "Navy", 0x000080 },
{ "Olive", 0x808000 },
{ "Purple", 0x800080 },
{ "Red", 0xFF0000 },
{ "Silver", 0xC0C0C0 },
{ "Teal", 0x008080 },
{ "White", 0xFFFFFF },
{ "Yellow", 0xFFFF00 },
/* Common ones */
{ "AliceBlue", 0xF0F8FF },
{ "AntiqueWhite", 0xFAEBD7 },
{ "Aqua", 0x00FFFF },
{ "Aquamarine", 0x7FFFD4 },
{ "Azure", 0xF0FFFF },
{ "Beige", 0xF5F5DC },
{ "Bisque", 0xFFE4C4 },
{ "Black", 0x000000 },
{ "BlanchedAlmond", 0xFFEBCD },
{ "Blue", 0x0000FF },
{ "BlueViolet", 0x8A2BE2 },
{ "Brown", 0xA52A2A },
{ "BurlyWood", 0xDEB887 },
{ "CadetBlue", 0x5F9EA0 },
{ "Chartreuse", 0x7FFF00 },
{ "Chocolate", 0xD2691E },
{ "Coral", 0xFF7F50 },
{ "CornflowerBlue", 0x6495ED },
{ "Cornsilk", 0xFFF8DC },
{ "Crimson", 0xDC143C },
{ "Cyan", 0x00FFFF },
{ "DarkBlue", 0x00008B },
{ "DarkCyan", 0x008B8B },
{ "DarkGoldenRod", 0xB8860B },
{ "DarkGray", 0xA9A9A9 },
{ "DarkGrey", 0xA9A9A9 },
{ "DarkGreen", 0x006400 },
{ "DarkKhaki", 0xBDB76B },
{ "DarkMagenta", 0x8B008B },
{ "DarkOliveGreen", 0x556B2F },
{ "Darkorange", 0xFF8C00 },
{ "DarkOrchid", 0x9932CC },
{ "DarkRed", 0x8B0000 },
{ "DarkSalmon", 0xE9967A },
{ "DarkSeaGreen", 0x8FBC8F },
{ "DarkSlateBlue", 0x483D8B },
{ "DarkSlateGray", 0x2F4F4F },
{ "DarkSlateGrey", 0x2F4F4F },
{ "DarkTurquoise", 0x00CED1 },
{ "DarkViolet", 0x9400D3 },
{ "DeepPink", 0xFF1493 },
{ "DeepSkyBlue", 0x00BFFF },
{ "DimGray", 0x696969 },
{ "DimGrey", 0x696969 },
{ "DodgerBlue", 0x1E90FF },
{ "FireBrick", 0xB22222 },
{ "FloralWhite", 0xFFFAF0 },
{ "ForestGreen", 0x228B22 },
{ "Fuchsia", 0xFF00FF },
{ "Gainsboro", 0xDCDCDC },
{ "GhostWhite", 0xF8F8FF },
{ "Gold", 0xFFD700 },
{ "GoldenRod", 0xDAA520 },
{ "Gray", 0x808080 },
{ "Grey", 0x808080 },
{ "Green", 0x008000 },
{ "GreenYellow", 0xADFF2F },
{ "HoneyDew", 0xF0FFF0 },
{ "HotPink", 0xFF69B4 },
{ "IndianRed", 0xCD5C5C },
{ "Indigo", 0x4B0082 },
{ "Ivory", 0xFFFFF0 },
{ "Khaki", 0xF0E68C },
{ "Lavender", 0xE6E6FA },
{ "LavenderBlush", 0xFFF0F5 },
{ "LawnGreen", 0x7CFC00 },
{ "LemonChiffon", 0xFFFACD },
{ "LightBlue", 0xADD8E6 },
{ "LightCoral", 0xF08080 },
{ "LightCyan", 0xE0FFFF },
{ "LightGoldenRodYellow", 0xFAFAD2 },
{ "LightGray", 0xD3D3D3 },
{ "LightGrey", 0xD3D3D3 },
{ "LightGreen", 0x90EE90 },
{ "LightPink", 0xFFB6C1 },
{ "LightSalmon", 0xFFA07A },
{ "LightSeaGreen", 0x20B2AA },
{ "LightSkyBlue", 0x87CEFA },
{ "LightSlateGray", 0x778899 },
{ "LightSlateGrey", 0x778899 },
{ "LightSteelBlue", 0xB0C4DE },
{ "LightYellow", 0xFFFFE0 },
{ "Lime", 0x00FF00 },
{ "LimeGreen", 0x32CD32 },
{ "Linen", 0xFAF0E6 },
{ "Magenta", 0xFF00FF },
{ "Maroon", 0x800000 },
{ "MediumAquaMarine", 0x66CDAA },
{ "MediumBlue", 0x0000CD },
{ "MediumOrchid", 0xBA55D3 },
{ "MediumPurple", 0x9370D8 },
{ "MediumSeaGreen", 0x3CB371 },
{ "MediumSlateBlue", 0x7B68EE },
{ "MediumSpringGreen", 0x00FA9A },
{ "MediumTurquoise", 0x48D1CC },
{ "MediumVioletRed", 0xC71585 },
{ "MidnightBlue", 0x191970 },
{ "MintCream", 0xF5FFFA },
{ "MistyRose", 0xFFE4E1 },
{ "Moccasin", 0xFFE4B5 },
{ "NavajoWhite", 0xFFDEAD },
{ "Navy", 0x000080 },
{ "OldLace", 0xFDF5E6 },
{ "Olive", 0x808000 },
{ "OliveDrab", 0x6B8E23 },
{ "Orange", 0xFFA500 },
{ "OrangeRed", 0xFF4500 },
{ "Orchid", 0xDA70D6 },
{ "PaleGoldenRod", 0xEEE8AA },
{ "PaleGreen", 0x98FB98 },
{ "PaleTurquoise", 0xAFEEEE },
{ "PaleVioletRed", 0xD87093 },
{ "PapayaWhip", 0xFFEFD5 },
{ "PeachPuff", 0xFFDAB9 },
{ "Peru", 0xCD853F },
{ "Pink", 0xFFC0CB },
{ "Plum", 0xDDA0DD },
{ "PowderBlue", 0xB0E0E6 },
{ "Purple", 0x800080 },
{ "Red", 0xFF0000 },
{ "RosyBrown", 0xBC8F8F },
{ "RoyalBlue", 0x4169E1 },
{ "SaddleBrown", 0x8B4513 },
{ "Salmon", 0xFA8072 },
{ "SandyBrown", 0xF4A460 },
{ "SeaGreen", 0x2E8B57 },
{ "SeaShell", 0xFFF5EE },
{ "Sienna", 0xA0522D },
{ "Silver", 0xC0C0C0 },
{ "SkyBlue", 0x87CEEB },
{ "SlateBlue", 0x6A5ACD },
{ "SlateGray", 0x708090 },
{ "SlateGrey", 0x708090 },
{ "Snow", 0xFFFAFA },
{ "SpringGreen", 0x00FF7F },
{ "SteelBlue", 0x4682B4 },
{ "Tan", 0xD2B48C },
{ "Teal", 0x008080 },
{ "Thistle", 0xD8BFD8 },
{ "Tomato", 0xFF6347 },
{ "Turquoise", 0x40E0D0 },
{ "Violet", 0xEE82EE },
{ "Wheat", 0xF5DEB3 },
{ "White", 0xFFFFFF },
{ "WhiteSmoke", 0xF5F5F5 },
{ "Yellow", 0xFFFF00 },
{ "YellowGreen", 0x9ACD32 },
{ NULL, 0 }
int HandleFontAttributes( xml_reader_t *p_xml_reader,
font_stack_t **p_fonts )
int rv;
char *psz_fontname = NULL;
uint32_t i_font_color = 0xffffff;
int i_font_alpha = 255;
uint32_t i_karaoke_bg_color = 0x00ffffff;
int i_font_size = 24;
/* Default all attributes to the top font in the stack -- in case not
* all attributes are specified in the sub-font
if( VLC_SUCCESS == PeekFont( p_fonts,
&i_karaoke_bg_color ))
psz_fontname = strdup( psz_fontname );
i_font_alpha = (i_font_color >> 24) & 0xff;
i_font_color &= 0x00ffffff;
const char *name, *value;
while( (name = xml_ReaderNextAttr( p_xml_reader, &value )) != NULL )
if( !strcasecmp( "face", name ) )
free( psz_fontname );
psz_fontname = strdup( value );
else if( !strcasecmp( "size", name ) )
if( ( *value == '+' ) || ( *value == '-' ) )
int i_value = atoi( value );
if( ( i_value >= -5 ) && ( i_value <= 5 ) )
i_font_size += ( i_value * i_font_size ) / 10;
else if( i_value < -5 )
i_font_size = - i_value;
else if( i_value > 5 )
i_font_size = i_value;
i_font_size = atoi( value );
else if( !strcasecmp( "color", name ) )
if( value[0] == '#' )
i_font_color = strtol( value + 1, NULL, 16 );
i_font_color &= 0x00ffffff;
char *end;
uint32_t i_value = strtol( value, &end, 16 );
if( *end == '\0' || *end == ' ' )
i_font_color = i_value & 0x00ffffff;
for( int i = 0; p_html_colors[i].psz_name != NULL; i++ )
if( !strncasecmp( value, p_html_colors[i].psz_name, strlen(p_html_colors[i].psz_name) ) )
i_font_color = p_html_colors[i].i_value;
else if( !strcasecmp( "alpha", name ) && ( value[0] == '#' ) )
i_font_alpha = strtol( value + 1, NULL, 16 );
i_font_alpha &= 0xff;
rv = PushFont( p_fonts,
(i_font_color & 0xffffff) | ((i_font_alpha & 0xff) << 24),
i_karaoke_bg_color );
free( psz_fontname );
return rv;
int HandleTT(font_stack_t **p_fonts, const char *p_fontfamily )
char *psz_unused_fontname = NULL;
uint32_t i_font_color = 0xffffff;
uint32_t i_karaoke_bg_color = 0x00ffffff;
int i_font_size = 24;
/* Default all attributes to the top font in the stack -- in case not
* all attributes are specified in the sub-font
PeekFont( p_fonts,
&i_karaoke_bg_color );
/* Keep all the parent's font attributes, but change to a monospace font */
return PushFont( p_fonts,
i_karaoke_bg_color );
/* Turn any multiple-whitespaces into single spaces */
void HandleWhiteSpace( char *psz_node )
char *s = strpbrk( psz_node, "\t\r\n " );
while( s )
int i_whitespace = strspn( s, "\t\r\n " );
if( i_whitespace > 1 )
memmove( &s[1],
strlen( s ) - i_whitespace + 1 );
*s++ = ' ';
s = strpbrk( s, "\t\r\n " );
unsigned SetupText( filter_t *p_filter,
uni_char_t *psz_text_out,
text_style_t **pp_styles,
uint32_t *pi_k_dates,
const char *psz_text_in,
text_style_t *p_style,
uint32_t i_k_date )
size_t i_string_length;
size_t i_string_bytes;
uni_char_t *psz_tmp = ToCharset( FREETYPE_TO_UCS, psz_text_in, &i_string_bytes );
if( psz_tmp )
memcpy( psz_text_out, psz_tmp, i_string_bytes );
i_string_length = i_string_bytes / sizeof( *psz_tmp );
free( psz_tmp );
msg_Warn( p_filter, "failed to convert string to unicode (%m)" );
i_string_length = 0;
if( i_string_length > 0 )
for( unsigned i = 0; i < i_string_length; i++ )
pp_styles[i] = p_style;
text_style_Delete( p_style );
if( i_string_length > 0 && pi_k_dates )
for( unsigned i = 0; i < i_string_length; i++ )
pi_k_dates[i] = i_k_date;
return i_string_length;
bool FaceStyleEquals( const text_style_t *p_style1,
const text_style_t *p_style2 )
if( !p_style1 || !p_style2 )
return false;
if( p_style1 == p_style2 )
return true;
const int i_style_mask = STYLE_BOLD | STYLE_ITALIC;
return (p_style1->i_style_flags & i_style_mask) == (p_style2->i_style_flags & i_style_mask) &&
!strcmp( p_style1->psz_fontname, p_style2->psz_fontname );
* text_renderer.h : fonts, text styles helpers
* Copyright (C) 2002 - 2013 VLC authors and VideoLAN
* $Id$
* Authors: Sigmund Augdal Helberg <>
* Gildas Bazin <>
* Bernie Purcell <>
* Jean-Baptiste Kempf <>
* Felix Paul Kühne <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <vlc_text_style.h> /* text_style_t*/
/* fonts and font_stack_t functions */
typedef struct font_stack_t font_stack_t;
struct font_stack_t
char *psz_name;
int i_size;
uint32_t i_color; /* ARGB */
uint32_t i_karaoke_bg_color; /* ARGB */
font_stack_t *p_next;
int PushFont( font_stack_t **p_font, const char *psz_name, int i_size,
uint32_t i_color, uint32_t i_karaoke_bg_color );
int PopFont( font_stack_t **p_font );
int PeekFont( font_stack_t **p_font, char **psz_name, int *i_size,
uint32_t *i_color, uint32_t *i_karaoke_bg_color );
int HandleFontAttributes( xml_reader_t *p_xml_reader,
font_stack_t **p_fonts );
int HandleTT(font_stack_t **p_fonts, const char *p_fontfamily );
/* Turn any multiple-whitespaces into single spaces */
void HandleWhiteSpace( char *psz_node );
/* text_style_t functions */
text_style_t *CreateStyle( char *psz_fontname, int i_font_size,
uint32_t i_font_color, uint32_t i_karaoke_bg_color,
int i_style_flags );
#ifdef __OS2__
typedef uint16_t uni_char_t;
typedef uint32_t uni_char_t;
# if defined(WORDS_BIGENDIAN)
# else
# endif
unsigned SetupText( filter_t *p_filter,
uni_char_t *psz_text_out,
text_style_t **pp_styles,
uint32_t *pi_k_dates,
const char *psz_text_in,
text_style_t *p_style,
uint32_t i_k_date );
bool FaceStyleEquals( const text_style_t *p_style1,
const text_style_t *p_style2 );
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