/***************************************************************************** * vlm_streampanel:cpp ***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2000-2005 the VideoLAN team * $Id: playlist.cpp 12582 2005-09-17 14:15:32Z zorglub $ * * Authors: Cl�ment Stenac <zorglub@videolan.org> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/OR MODIFy * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA. *****************************************************************************/ #include "dialogs/vlm/vlm_streampanel.hpp" #include "dialogs/vlm/vlm_stream.hpp" #include "dialogs/vlm/vlm_slider_manager.hpp" #include "dialogs/vlm/vlm_panel.hpp" #include "bitmaps/play.xpm" #include "bitmaps/pause.xpm" #include "bitmaps/stop.xpm" #include "bitmaps/trash.xpm" enum { BPlay_Event, BStop_Event, BSlider_Event, BEdit_Event, BTrash_Event, }; BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( VLMBroadcastStreamPanel, wxPanel ) EVT_BUTTON( BPlay_Event, VLMBroadcastStreamPanel::OnPlay ) EVT_BUTTON( BStop_Event, VLMBroadcastStreamPanel::OnStop ) EVT_BUTTON( BEdit_Event, VLMBroadcastStreamPanel::OnEdit ) EVT_BUTTON( BTrash_Event, VLMBroadcastStreamPanel::OnTrash ) EVT_COMMAND_SCROLL( BSlider_Event, VLMBroadcastStreamPanel::OnSliderUpdate ) END_EVENT_TABLE() /*********************************************************************** * VLMStream ***********************************************************************/ VLMStreamPanel::VLMStreamPanel( intf_thread_t * _p_intf, wxWindow * _p_parent ): wxPanel( _p_parent, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize ) { p_intf = _p_intf; p_slider = NULL; } VLMStreamPanel::~VLMStreamPanel() { } /*********************************************************************** * VLMBroadcastStream ***********************************************************************/ VLMBroadcastStreamPanel::VLMBroadcastStreamPanel( intf_thread_t* _p_intf, wxWindow *_p_parent , VLMBroadcastStream *_stream ): VLMStreamPanel( _p_intf, _p_parent ), p_stream( _stream ) { wxStaticBox *box = new wxStaticBox( this, -1, wxU( p_stream->p_media->psz_name ) ); wxStaticBoxSizer *box_sizer = new wxStaticBoxSizer( box, wxHORIZONTAL ); play_button = new wxBitmapButton( this, BPlay_Event, wxBitmap( play_xpm ) ); play_button->SetToolTip( wxU(_("Play/Pause") ) ); box_sizer->Add( play_button, 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 5 ); wxBitmapButton *stop_button = new wxBitmapButton( this, BStop_Event, wxBitmap( stop_xpm ) ); stop_button->SetToolTip( wxU(_("Stop") ) ); box_sizer->Add( stop_button, 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 5 ); p_slider = new wxSlider( this, BSlider_Event, 0, 0, SLIDER_MAX_POS, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize ); p_slider->Disable(); box_sizer->Add( p_slider, 1, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 5 ); p_time = new wxStaticText( this, -1, wxU( "0:00:00 / 0:00:00") ); box_sizer->Add( p_time, 0, wxALL | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 5 ); wxBitmapButton *edit_button = new wxBitmapButton( this, BEdit_Event, wxBitmap( trash_xpm ) ); edit_button->SetToolTip( wxU( _("Edit") ) ); box_sizer->Add( edit_button, 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL , 5 ); wxBitmapButton *trash_button = new wxBitmapButton( this, BTrash_Event, wxBitmap( trash_xpm ) ); trash_button->SetToolTip( wxU( _("Delete" ) ) ); box_sizer->Add( trash_button, 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL , 5 ); box_sizer->Layout(); SetSizerAndFit( box_sizer ); p_sm = new VLMSliderManager( p_intf, this ); } VLMBroadcastStreamPanel::~VLMBroadcastStreamPanel() { } void VLMBroadcastStreamPanel::TogglePlayButton( int state ) { if( state == PLAYING_S ) { play_button->SetBitmapLabel( wxBitmap( pause_xpm ) ); } if( state == PAUSE_S ) { play_button->SetBitmapLabel( wxBitmap( play_xpm ) ); } } void VLMBroadcastStreamPanel::Update() { /* Update managed slider */ p_sm->Update(); p_time->SetLabel( p_sm->time_string ); } void VLMBroadcastStreamPanel::OnPlay( wxCommandEvent &event ) { /* FIXME: Factorize input / VLM code here */ /* Handle multiple instance */ if( p_stream->p_media->i_instance > 0 && p_stream->p_media->instance[0]->p_input ) { vlc_value_t val; vlc_object_yield( p_stream->p_media->instance[0]->p_input ); var_Get( p_stream->p_media->instance[0]->p_input, "state", &val ); if( val.i_int != PAUSE_S ) { /* Pause */ val.i_int = PAUSE_S; } else { /* Resume */ val.i_int = PLAYING_S; } var_Set( p_stream->p_media->instance[0]->p_input, "state", val ); TogglePlayButton( val.i_int ); vlc_object_release( p_stream->p_media->instance[0]->p_input ); } else { p_stream->Play(); TogglePlayButton( PLAYING_S ); } } void VLMBroadcastStreamPanel::OnStop( wxCommandEvent &event ) { p_stream->Stop(); } void VLMBroadcastStreamPanel::OnEdit( wxCommandEvent &event ) { VLMEditStreamFrame *p_frame = new VLMEditStreamFrame( p_intf, this, p_stream->p_vlm, VLC_TRUE, p_stream ); p_frame->Show(); } void VLMBroadcastStreamPanel::OnTrash( wxCommandEvent &event ) { p_stream->Delete(); } void VLMBroadcastStreamPanel::OnSliderUpdate( wxScrollEvent& event ) { p_sm->ProcessUpdate( event ); } /*********************************************************************** * VLMVODStream ***********************************************************************/ VLMVODStreamPanel::VLMVODStreamPanel( intf_thread_t* _p_intf, wxWindow *_p_parent , VLMVODStream *_stream ): VLMStreamPanel( _p_intf, _p_parent ), p_stream( _stream ) { } VLMVODStreamPanel::~VLMVODStreamPanel() { }