 * vout_directx.c: Windows DirectX video output display method
 * Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000 VideoLAN
 * $Id: vout_directx.c,v 1.2 2001/06/03 12:47:21 sam Exp $
 * Authors: Gildas Bazin <gbazin@netcourrier.com>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111, USA.

#define MODULE_NAME directx
#include "modules_inner.h"

/* This is a list of what needs to be fixed:
 * For now, this plugin only works when YUV overlay is supported (which it
 * should be nowadays on most of the video cards under Windows)...
 * The overlay doesn't use double-buffering.
 * Use Shane Harper's optimizations for YUV

 * Preamble
#include "defs.h"

#include <errno.h>                                                 /* ENOMEM */
#include <stdlib.h>                                                /* free() */
#include <string.h>                                            /* strerror() */

#include <windows.h>
#include <directx.h>

#include "config.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "threads.h"
#include "mtime.h"
#include "tests.h"
#include "netutils.h"

#include "video.h"
#include "video_output.h"

#include "intf_msg.h"
#include "interface.h"
#include "main.h"

#include "modules.h"
#include "modules_export.h"

#define OVERLAY_COLOR_KEY 1       /* color on top of which the overlay will be
                                   * displayed. 1 should be almost black but
                                   * not black (which is too common a color) */

 * vout_sys_t: video output DirectX method descriptor
 * This structure is part of the video output thread descriptor.
 * It describes the DirectX specific properties of an output thread.
typedef struct vout_sys_s

    LPDIRECTDRAW          p_ddobject;                   /* DirectDraw object */
    LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE   p_display;                       /* display device */
    LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE   p_overlay;                       /* overlay device */
    LPDIRECTDRAWCLIPPER   p_clipper;                              /* clipper */
    HWND                  hwnd;                        /* Handle of the main */
                                                                   /* window */

    int         i_image_width;                  /* size of the decoded image */
    int         i_image_height;
    int         i_window_width;               /* size of the displayed image */
    int         i_window_height;

    boolean_t   b_display_enabled;
    boolean_t   b_overlay;
    boolean_t   b_cursor;

    boolean_t   b_cursor_autohidden;
    mtime_t     i_lastmoved;

    char       *p_windx_buf[2];                        /* Buffer information */

} vout_sys_t;

 * Local prototypes.
static int  vout_Probe     ( probedata_t *p_data );
static int  vout_Create    ( struct vout_thread_s * );
static int  vout_Init      ( struct vout_thread_s * );
static void vout_End       ( struct vout_thread_s * );
static void vout_Destroy   ( struct vout_thread_s * );
static int  vout_Manage    ( struct vout_thread_s * );
static void vout_Display   ( struct vout_thread_s * );
static void vout_SetPalette( p_vout_thread_t p_vout, u16 *red, u16 *green,
                             u16 *blue, u16 *transp );

static int  WinDXCreateWindow     ( vout_thread_t *p_vout );
static int  WinDXInitDDraw        ( vout_thread_t *p_vout );
static int  WinDXCreateDisplay    ( vout_thread_t *p_vout );
static int  WinDXCreateYUVOverlay ( vout_thread_t *p_vout );
static int  WinDXUpdateOverlay    ( vout_thread_t *p_vout );
static int  WinDXClipOverlay      ( vout_thread_t *p_vout );
static void WinDXCloseDDraw       ( vout_thread_t *p_vout );
static void WinDXCloseWindow      ( vout_thread_t *p_vout );
static void WinDXCloseDisplay     ( vout_thread_t *p_vout );
static void WinDXCloseYUVOverlay  ( vout_thread_t *p_vout );

 * Functions exported as capabilities. They are declared as static so that
 * we don't pollute the namespace too much.
void _M( vout_getfunctions )( function_list_t * p_function_list )
    p_function_list->pf_probe = vout_Probe;
    p_function_list->functions.vout.pf_create     = vout_Create;
    p_function_list->functions.vout.pf_init       = vout_Init;
    p_function_list->functions.vout.pf_end        = vout_End;
    p_function_list->functions.vout.pf_destroy    = vout_Destroy;
    p_function_list->functions.vout.pf_manage     = vout_Manage;
    p_function_list->functions.vout.pf_display    = vout_Display;
    p_function_list->functions.vout.pf_setpalette = vout_SetPalette;

 * vout_Probe: probe the video driver and return a score
 * This function tries to initialize Windows DirectX and returns a score to
 * the plugin manager so that it can select the best plugin.
static int vout_Probe( probedata_t *p_data )
    if( TestMethod( VOUT_METHOD_VAR, "directx" ) )
        return( 999 );

    return( 400 );

 * vout_Create: allocate DirectX video thread output method
 * This function allocates and initialize the DirectX vout method.
static int vout_Create( vout_thread_t *p_vout )
    /* Allocate structure */
    p_vout->p_sys = malloc( sizeof( vout_sys_t ) );
    if( p_vout->p_sys == NULL )
        intf_ErrMsg( "vout error: can't create p_sys (%s)", strerror(ENOMEM) );
        return( 1 );

    p_vout->p_sys->b_cursor = 1; /* TODO should be done with a main_GetInt.. */

    p_vout->p_sys->b_cursor_autohidden = 0;
    p_vout->p_sys->b_display_enabled = 0;

    p_vout->p_sys->i_lastmoved = mdate();

    p_vout->b_fullscreen = main_GetIntVariable( VOUT_FULLSCREEN_VAR,
                                                VOUT_FULLSCREEN_DEFAULT );
    p_vout->p_sys->b_overlay = main_GetIntVariable( VOUT_OVERLAY_VAR,
                                                    VOUT_OVERLAY_DEFAULT );
    p_vout->p_sys->i_window_width = main_GetIntVariable( VOUT_WIDTH_VAR,
                                                         VOUT_WIDTH_DEFAULT );
    p_vout->p_sys->i_window_height = main_GetIntVariable( VOUT_HEIGHT_VAR,
                                                         VOUT_HEIGHT_DEFAULT );
    /* We don't know yet the dimensions of the video so the best guess is to
     * pick the same as the window */
    p_vout->p_sys->i_image_width = p_vout->p_sys->i_window_width;
    p_vout->p_sys->i_image_height = p_vout->p_sys->i_window_height;

    /* Create a window for the video */
    /* Creating a window under Windows also initializes the thread's event
     * message qeue */
    if( WinDXCreateWindow( p_vout ) )
        intf_ErrMsg( "vout error: can't create window" );
        free( p_vout->p_sys );
        return ( 1 );

    /* Initialise DirectDraw */
    if( WinDXInitDDraw( p_vout ) )
        intf_ErrMsg( "vout error: can't initialise DirectDraw" );
        WinDXCloseWindow( p_vout );
        free( p_vout->p_sys );
        return ( 1 );

    /* create the directx display */
    if( WinDXCreateDisplay( p_vout ) )
        intf_ErrMsg( "vout error: can't initialise DirectDraw" );
        WinDXCloseDDraw( p_vout );
        WinDXCloseWindow( p_vout );
        free( p_vout->p_sys );
        return ( 1 );

    return( 0 );

 * vout_Init: initialize DirectX video thread output method
static int vout_Init( vout_thread_t *p_vout )
    return( 0 );

 * vout_End: terminate Sys video thread output method
 * Terminate an output method created by vout_Create.
 * It is called at the end of the thread.
static void vout_End( vout_thread_t *p_vout )

 * vout_Destroy: destroy Sys video thread output method
 * Terminate an output method created by vout_Create
static void vout_Destroy( vout_thread_t *p_vout )
    WinDXCloseDisplay( p_vout );
    WinDXCloseDDraw( p_vout );
    WinDXCloseWindow( p_vout );

    if( p_vout->p_sys != NULL )
        free( p_vout->p_sys );
        p_vout->p_sys = NULL;


 * vout_Manage: handle Sys events
 * This function should be called regularly by video output thread. It returns
 * a non null value if an error occured.
static int vout_Manage( vout_thread_t *p_vout )
    MSG msg;
    WINDOWPLACEMENT window_placement;

    while( PeekMessage( &msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE ) )
        if( GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0) >= 0 )
            switch( msg.message )
                case WM_QUIT:
                    intf_WarnMsg( 3, "vout: WinDX vout_Manage WM_QUIT" );
                    p_main->p_intf->b_die = 1;

                case WM_MOVE:
                    intf_WarnMsg( 3, "vout: WinDX vout_Manage WM_MOVE" );
                    if( !p_vout->b_need_render )
                        WinDXUpdateOverlay( p_vout );
                    /* don't create a never ending loop */
                    return( 0 );

                case WM_PAINT:
                    intf_WarnMsg( 3, "vout: WinDX vout_Manage WM_PAINT" );
                    if( !p_vout->b_need_render )
                        WinDXClipOverlay( p_vout );
                    /* don't create a never ending loop */
                    return( 0 );

                case WM_CHAR:
                    intf_WarnMsg( 3, "vout: WinDX WinProc WM_CHAR" );
                    switch( msg.wParam )
                        case 'q':
                        case 'Q':
                            p_main->p_intf->b_die = 1;

                        case 'f':
                        case 'F':
                            p_vout->i_changes |= VOUT_FULLSCREEN_CHANGE;

                        case '0': network_ChannelJoin( 0 ); break;
                        case '1': network_ChannelJoin( 1 ); break;
                        case '2': network_ChannelJoin( 2 ); break;
                        case '3': network_ChannelJoin( 3 ); break;
                        case '4': network_ChannelJoin( 4 ); break;
                        case '5': network_ChannelJoin( 5 ); break;
                        case '6': network_ChannelJoin( 6 ); break;
                        case '7': network_ChannelJoin( 7 ); break;
                        case '8': network_ChannelJoin( 8 ); break;
                        case '9': network_ChannelJoin( 9 ); break;

                            if( intf_ProcessKey( p_main->p_intf,
                                                 (char )msg.wParam ) )
                               intf_DbgMsg( "unhandled key '%c' (%i)",
                                            (char)msg.wParam, msg.wParam );

            return( 1 );


     * Fullscreen change
    if( p_vout->i_changes & VOUT_FULLSCREEN_CHANGE )
        p_vout->b_fullscreen = ! p_vout->b_fullscreen;

        /* We need to switch between Maximized and Normal sized window */
        window_placement.length = sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT);
        GetWindowPlacement( p_vout->p_sys->hwnd, &window_placement );
        if( p_vout->b_fullscreen )
            /* Maximized window */
            window_placement.showCmd = SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED;
            /* Change window style, no borders and no title bar */
            SetWindowLong( p_vout->p_sys->hwnd, GWL_STYLE, 0 );

            /* Normal window */
            window_placement.showCmd = SW_SHOWNORMAL;
            /* Change window style, borders and title bar */
            SetWindowLong( p_vout->p_sys->hwnd, GWL_STYLE,
                           WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | WS_SIZEBOX | WS_VISIBLE );

        SetWindowPlacement( p_vout->p_sys->hwnd, &window_placement );
        /*WinDXUpdateOverlay( p_vout );*/

        p_vout->i_changes &= ~VOUT_FULLSCREEN_CHANGE;

    return( 0 );

 * vout_SetPalette: sets an 8 bpp palette
 * This function sets the palette given as an argument. It does not return
 * anything, but could later send information on which colors it was unable
 * to set.
static void vout_SetPalette( p_vout_thread_t p_vout, u16 *red, u16 *green,
                         u16 *blue, u16 *transp)
    /* Nothing yet */

 * vout_Display: displays previously rendered output
 * This function send the currently rendered image to the display, wait until
 * it is displayed and switch the two rendering buffer, preparing next frame.
static void vout_Display( vout_thread_t *p_vout )
    HRESULT       dxresult;
    int           i;
    int           i_image_width  = p_vout->p_rendered_pic->i_width;
    int           i_image_height = p_vout->p_rendered_pic->i_height;

    if( (p_vout->p_sys->p_display == NULL) )
        intf_WarnMsg( 3, "vout error: WinDX no display!!" );

    /* The first time this function is called it enables the display */
    p_vout->p_sys->b_display_enabled = 1;

    if( p_vout->b_need_render )
        /* Nothing yet */
         * p_vout->p_rendered_pic->p_y/u/v contains the YUV buffers to
         * render
        /* TODO: support for streams other than 4:2:0 */

        /* if the size of the decoded pictures has changed then we close the
         * YUVOverlay (which doesn't have the right size anymore). */
        if( p_vout->p_sys->i_image_width != i_image_width
            || p_vout->p_sys->i_image_height != i_image_height )
            intf_WarnMsg( 3, "vout: WinDX overlay size changed" );
            p_vout->p_sys->i_image_width = i_image_width;
            p_vout->p_sys->i_image_height = i_image_height;
            WinDXCloseYUVOverlay( p_vout );

        if( p_vout->p_sys->p_overlay == NULL )
            intf_WarnMsg( 3, "vout: WinDX no overlay, open one..." );
            if( WinDXCreateYUVOverlay( p_vout ) )
                intf_WarnMsg( 3, "vout: WinDX cannot open a new overlay !!" );
            /* Display the Overlay */
            p_vout->p_sys->b_display_enabled = 1;
            WinDXUpdateOverlay( p_vout );

        /* Lock the overlay surface */
        memset( &ddsd, 0, sizeof( DDSURFACEDESC ));
        ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(DDSURFACEDESC);
        dxresult = IDirectDrawSurface_Lock(p_vout->p_sys->p_overlay, NULL,
                                           &ddsd, DDLOCK_NOSYSLOCK, NULL);
        if ( dxresult == DDERR_SURFACELOST )
            /* Your surface can be lost (thanks to windows) so be sure
             * to check this and restore it if needed */
            dxresult = IDirectDrawSurface_Restore( p_vout->p_sys->p_overlay );
            dxresult = IDirectDrawSurface_Lock( p_vout->p_sys->p_overlay,
                                                NULL, &ddsd, DDLOCK_NOSYSLOCK
                                                | DDLOCK_WAIT, NULL);
        if( dxresult != DD_OK )
            intf_WarnMsg( 3, "vout: WinDX could not lock the surface" );

        /* Now we can do the actual image copy.
         * The copy has to be done line by line because of the special case
         * when the Pitch does not equal the width of the picture */
        for( i=0; i < ddsd.dwHeight/2; i++)
            /* copy Y, we copy two lines at once */
            memcpy(ddsd.lpSurface + i*2*ddsd.u1.lPitch,
                   p_vout->p_rendered_pic->p_y + i*2*i_image_width,
            memcpy(ddsd.lpSurface + (i*2+1)*ddsd.u1.lPitch,
                   p_vout->p_rendered_pic->p_y + (i*2+1)*i_image_width,
            /* then V */
            memcpy((ddsd.lpSurface + ddsd.dwHeight * ddsd.u1.lPitch)
                      + i * ddsd.u1.lPitch/2,
                   p_vout->p_rendered_pic->p_v + i*i_image_width/2,
            /* and U */
            memcpy((ddsd.lpSurface + ddsd.dwHeight * ddsd.u1.lPitch)
                      + (ddsd.dwHeight * ddsd.u1.lPitch/4)
                      + i * ddsd.u1.lPitch/2,
                   p_vout->p_rendered_pic->p_u + i*i_image_width/2,

        /* Unlock the Surface */
        dxresult = IDirectDrawSurface_Unlock(p_vout->p_sys->p_overlay,
                                             ddsd.lpSurface );



/* following functions are local */

 * WinDXEventProc: This is the window event processing function.
 * On Windows, when you create a window you have to attach an event processing
 * function to it. The aim of this function is to manage "Queued Messages" and
 * "Nonqueued Messages".
 * Queued Messages are those picked up and retransmitted by vout_Manage
 * (using the GetMessage function).
 * Nonqueued Messages are those that Windows will send directly to this
long FAR PASCAL WinDXEventProc( HWND hwnd, UINT message,
                                WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )
    switch( message )

        intf_WarnMsg( 3, "vout: WinDX WinProc WM_ACTIVEAPP" );


    case WM_SETCURSOR:
        intf_WarnMsg( 3, "vout: WinDX WinProc WM_SETCURSOR" );
        /* turn the cursor off by setting it's value to NULL */

    case WM_CREATE:
        intf_WarnMsg( 3, "vout: WinDX WinProc WM_CREATE" );

    /* test your key states in this case */
    case WM_KEYDOWN:
        intf_WarnMsg( 3, "vout: WinDX WinProc WM_KEYDOWN" );
        switch( wParam )
        case VK_ESCAPE:
        case VK_F12:


    /* this case is touched when the application is shutting down */
    case WM_DESTROY:
        intf_WarnMsg( 3, "vout: WinDX WinProc WM_DESTROY" );
        PostQuitMessage( 0 );

    case WM_QUIT:
        intf_WarnMsg( 3, "vout: WinDX WinProc WM_QUIT" );

        switch (wParam)
            case SC_SCREENSAVE:                     /* catch the screensaver */
            case SC_MONITORPOWER:              /* catch the monitor turn-off */
            intf_WarnMsg( 3, "vout: WinDX WinProc WM_SYSCOMMAND" );
            return 0;                      /* this stops them from happening */

    case WM_MOVE:
    case WM_SIZE:
        intf_WarnMsg( 3, "vout: WinDX WinProc WM_MOVE, WMSIZE" );


    return DefWindowProc(hwnd, message, wParam, lParam);

 * WinDXCreateWindow: create a windows window where the video will play.
 * Before creating a direct draw surface, we need to create a window in which
 * the video will be displayed. This window will also allow us to capture the
 * events.
static int WinDXCreateWindow( vout_thread_t *p_vout )
    HINSTANCE hInstance;
    WNDCLASS  wc;                                 /* window class components */
    RECT      rect_window;

    intf_WarnMsg( 3, "vout: WinDX WinDXCreateWindow" );

    /* get this module's instance */
    hInstance = GetModuleHandle(NULL);

    /* fill in the window class structure */
    wc.style         = 0;                               /* no special styles */
    wc.lpfnWndProc   = (WNDPROC)WinDXEventProc;             /* event handler */
    wc.cbClsExtra    = 0;                             /* no extra class data */
    wc.cbWndExtra    = 0;                            /* no extra window data */
    wc.hInstance     = hInstance;                                /* instance */
    wc.hIcon         = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_WINLOGO);   /* load a default icon */
    wc.hCursor       = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); /* load a default cursor */
    wc.hbrBackground = NULL;                            /* redraw our own bg */
    wc.lpszMenuName  = NULL;                                      /* no menu */
    wc.lpszClassName = "VLC DirectX";                 /* use a special class */

    /* register the window class */
    if (!RegisterClass(&wc)) {
        intf_WarnMsg( 3, "vout: WinDX register window FAILED" );
        return (1);

    /* when you create a window you give the dimensions you wish it to have.
     * Unfortunatly these dimensions will include the borders and title bar.
     * We use the following function to find out the size of the window
     * corresponding to the useable surface we want */
    rect_window.top    = 10;
    rect_window.left   = 10;
    rect_window.right  = rect_window.left + p_vout->p_sys->i_window_width;
    rect_window.bottom = rect_window.top + p_vout->p_sys->i_window_height;
    AdjustWindowRect( &rect_window, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW|WS_SIZEBOX, 0 );

    /* create the window */
    p_vout->p_sys->hwnd = CreateWindow("VLC DirectX",/* name of window class */
                    "VLC DirectX",                  /* window title bar text */
                    | WS_SIZEBOX | WS_VISIBLE,               /* window style */
                    10,                              /* default X coordinate */
                    10,                              /* default Y coordinate */
                    rect_window.right - rect_window.left,    /* window width */
                    rect_window.bottom - rect_window.top,   /* window height */
                    NULL,                                /* no parent window */
                    NULL,                          /* no menu in this window */
                    hInstance,            /* handle of this program instance */
                    NULL);                        /* no additional arguments */

    if (p_vout->p_sys->hwnd == NULL) {
        intf_WarnMsg( 3, "vout: WinDX create window FAILED" );
        return (1);

    /* now display the window */
    ShowWindow(p_vout->p_sys->hwnd, SW_SHOW);

    return ( 0 );

 * WinDXInitDDraw: Takes care of all the DirectDraw initialisations
 * This function initialise and allocate resources for DirectDraw.
static int WinDXInitDDraw( vout_thread_t *p_vout )
    HRESULT     dxresult;
    DWORD       flags;

    intf_WarnMsg( 3, "vout: WinDX WinDXInitDDraw" );

    /* Initialize DirectDraw */
    dxresult = DirectDrawCreate( NULL, &p_vout->p_sys->p_ddobject, NULL );
    if( dxresult != DD_OK )
        intf_ErrMsg( "vout error: can't initialize Direct Draw" );
        return( 1 );

    /* Set DirectDraw Cooperative level, ie what control we want over Windows
       display */
    if( p_vout->b_fullscreen )
        flags = DDSCL_NORMAL;

    dxresult = IDirectDraw_SetCooperativeLevel( p_vout->p_sys->p_ddobject,
                                                p_vout->p_sys->hwnd, flags );
    if( dxresult != DD_OK )
        intf_ErrMsg( "vout error: can't set direct draw cooperative level." );
        p_vout->p_sys->p_ddobject = NULL;
        return( 1 );

    return( 0 );

 * WinDXCreateDisplay: create the DirectDraw display.
 * Create and initialize display according to preferences specified in the vout
 * thread fields.
static int WinDXCreateDisplay( vout_thread_t *p_vout )
    DDCAPS        ddcaps;
    HRESULT       dxresult;
    BOOL          bHasOverlay, bHasColorKey, bCanStretch;

    /* Now create the primary surface. This surface is the displayed surface */
    /* The following two steps are important! */
    memset( &ddsd, 0, sizeof( DDSURFACEDESC ));
    ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(DDSURFACEDESC);
    ddsd.dwFlags = DDSD_CAPS;
    ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_PRIMARYSURFACE;

    dxresult = IDirectDraw_CreateSurface( p_vout->p_sys->p_ddobject,
                                          &p_vout->p_sys->p_display, NULL );
    if( dxresult != DD_OK )
        intf_ErrMsg( "vout error: can't create direct draw primary surface." );
        p_vout->p_sys->p_display = NULL;
        return( 1 );

    /* Now create a clipper for our window.
     * This clipper prevents us to modify by mistake anything on the screen
     * (primary surface) which doesn't belong to our window */
    dxresult = IDirectDraw_CreateClipper(p_vout->p_sys->p_ddobject, 0,
                                         &p_vout->p_sys->p_clipper, NULL);
    if( dxresult != DD_OK )
        intf_ErrMsg( "vout error: can't create clipper." );
        IDirectDrawSurface_Release( p_vout->p_sys->p_display );
        p_vout->p_sys->p_display = NULL;
        return( 1 );

    dxresult = IDirectDrawClipper_SetHWnd(p_vout->p_sys->p_clipper, 0,
    if( dxresult != DD_OK )
        intf_ErrMsg( "vout error: can't attach clipper to window." );
        IDirectDrawSurface_Release( p_vout->p_sys->p_display );
        p_vout->p_sys->p_display = NULL;
        return( 1 );

    dxresult = IDirectDrawSurface_SetClipper(p_vout->p_sys->p_display,
    if( dxresult != DD_OK )
        intf_ErrMsg( "vout error: can't attach clipper to surface." );
        IDirectDrawSurface_Release( p_vout->p_sys->p_display );
        p_vout->p_sys->p_display = NULL;
        return( 1 );

    /* Probe the capabilities of the hardware */
    /* This is just an indication of whever or not we'll support overlay,
     * but with this test we don't know if we support YUV overlay */
    memset( &ddcaps, 0, sizeof( DDCAPS ));
    ddcaps.dwSize = sizeof(DDCAPS);
    dxresult = IDirectDraw_GetCaps( p_vout->p_sys->p_ddobject,
                                    &ddcaps, NULL );
    if(dxresult != DD_OK )
        intf_ErrMsg( "vout error: can't get caps." );
        bHasOverlay  = FALSE;
        bHasColorKey = FALSE;
        bCanStretch  = FALSE;
        /* Determine if the hardware supports overlay surfaces */
        bHasOverlay = ((ddcaps.dwCaps & DDCAPS_OVERLAY) ==
                       DDCAPS_OVERLAY) ? TRUE : FALSE;
        /* Determine if the hardware supports colorkeying */
        bHasColorKey = ((ddcaps.dwCaps & DDCAPS_COLORKEY) ==
                        DDCAPS_COLORKEY) ? TRUE : FALSE;
        /* Determine if the hardware supports scaling of the overlay surface */
        bCanStretch = ((ddcaps.dwCaps & DDCAPS_OVERLAYSTRETCH) ==
                       DDCAPS_OVERLAYSTRETCH) ? TRUE : FALSE;
        intf_WarnMsg( 3, "vout: WinDX Caps: overlay=%i colorkey=%i stretch=%i",
                         bHasOverlay, bHasColorKey, bCanStretch );

    if( bHasOverlay && bHasColorKey && bCanStretch )
        if( !WinDXCreateYUVOverlay( p_vout ) )
           /* Overlay created successfully */
           p_vout->b_need_render = 0;

    /* Now do some initialisation for video_output */
    if( p_vout->b_need_render )
        /* if we want a valid pointer to the surface memory, we must lock
         * the surface */
        memset( &ddsd, 0, sizeof( DDSURFACEDESC ));
        ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(DDSURFACEDESC);
        dxresult = IDirectDrawSurface_Lock(p_vout->p_sys->p_display,
                                           NULL, &ddsd,
                                           DDLOCK_NOSYSLOCK, NULL);
        if ( dxresult == DDERR_SURFACELOST )
            /* Your surface can be lost so be sure
             * to check this and restore it if needed */
            dxresult = IDirectDrawSurface_Restore( p_vout->p_sys->p_display );
            dxresult = IDirectDrawSurface_Lock( p_vout->p_sys->p_display,
                                                NULL, &ddsd, DDLOCK_NOSYSLOCK
                                                | DDLOCK_WAIT, NULL);
        if( dxresult != DD_OK )
            intf_WarnMsg( 3, "vout: WinDX could not lock the surface" );
            return( 1 );

        /* Set the pointer to the surface memory */
        p_vout->p_sys->p_windx_buf[ 0 ] = ddsd.lpSurface;
        /* back buffer, none for now */
        p_vout->p_sys->p_windx_buf[ 1 ] = ddsd.lpSurface;

        /* Set thread information */
        p_vout->i_width =           ddsd.dwWidth;
        p_vout->i_height =          ddsd.dwHeight;
        p_vout->i_bytes_per_line =  ddsd.u1.lPitch;

        p_vout->i_screen_depth =    ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.u1.dwRGBBitCount;
        p_vout->i_bytes_per_pixel = ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.u1.dwRGBBitCount/8;

        p_vout->i_red_mask =        ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.u2.dwRBitMask;
        p_vout->i_green_mask =      ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.u3.dwGBitMask;
        p_vout->i_blue_mask =       ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.u4.dwBBitMask;

        /* Unlock the Surface */
        dxresult = IDirectDrawSurface_Unlock(p_vout->p_sys->p_display,
                                             ddsd.lpSurface );
        /* FIXME: palette in 8bpp ?? */
        /* Set and initialize buffers */
        p_vout->pf_setbuffers( p_vout, p_vout->p_sys->p_windx_buf[ 0 ],
                                 p_vout->p_sys->p_windx_buf[ 1 ] );
        /* Lock the surface */
        memset( &ddsd, 0, sizeof( DDSURFACEDESC ));
        ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(DDSURFACEDESC);
        dxresult = IDirectDrawSurface_Lock(p_vout->p_sys->p_overlay,
                                          NULL, &ddsd, DDLOCK_NOSYSLOCK, NULL);
        if ( dxresult == DDERR_SURFACELOST )
            /* Your surface can be lost (thanks to windows) so be sure
             * to check this every time you want to do something with
             * it */
            dxresult = IDirectDrawSurface_Restore(
                                           p_vout->p_sys->p_overlay );
            dxresult = IDirectDrawSurface_Lock( p_vout->p_sys->p_overlay
                        , NULL, &ddsd,DDLOCK_NOSYSLOCK| DDLOCK_WAIT, NULL);
        if( dxresult != DD_OK )
            intf_WarnMsg( 3, "vout: WinDX could not lock the surface" );
            return( 1 );

        p_vout->p_sys->p_windx_buf[ 0 ] = ddsd.lpSurface;
        p_vout->p_sys->p_windx_buf[ 1 ] = ddsd.lpSurface;

        /* Set thread information */
        p_vout->i_width =           ddsd.dwWidth;
        p_vout->i_height =          ddsd.dwHeight;
        p_vout->i_bytes_per_line =  ddsd.u1.lPitch;

        /* Unlock the Surface */
        dxresult = IDirectDrawSurface_Unlock(p_vout->p_sys->p_overlay,
                                             ddsd.lpSurface );

        p_vout->pf_setbuffers( p_vout, p_vout->p_sys->p_windx_buf[ 0 ],
                                 p_vout->p_sys->p_windx_buf[ 1 ] );

    return( 0 );

 * WinDXCreateYUVOveraly: create an YUV overlay surface for the video.
 * The best method of display is with an YUV overlay because the YUV->RGB
 * conversion is done in hardware.
 * This function will try to create an YUV overlay.
static int WinDXCreateYUVOverlay( vout_thread_t *p_vout )
    HRESULT dxresult;

    /* Now create the overlay surface. This overlay will be displayed on
     * top of the primary surface.
     * A color key is used to determine whether or not the overlay will be
     * displayed, ie the overlay will be displayed in place of the primary
     * surface wherever the primary surface will have this color.
     * This color will be painted by WinDXClipOverlay which in turn is called
     * by a WM_PAINT event */

    memset( &ddsd, 0, sizeof( DDSURFACEDESC ));
    ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(DDSURFACEDESC);
    ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.dwSize = sizeof(DDPIXELFORMAT);
    ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFlags = DDPF_FOURCC;
    ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFourCC = mmioFOURCC('Y','V','1','2');
    ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.u1.dwYUVBitCount = 16;

    ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(DDSURFACEDESC);
    ddsd.dwFlags = DDSD_CAPS |
                   DDSD_HEIGHT |
                   DDSD_WIDTH |
    ddsd.dwHeight =  p_vout->p_sys->i_image_height;
    ddsd.dwWidth =  p_vout->p_sys->i_image_width;

    dxresult = IDirectDraw_CreateSurface( p_vout->p_sys->p_ddobject,
                                          &p_vout->p_sys->p_overlay, NULL );
    if( dxresult != DD_OK )
        intf_ErrMsg( "vout error: can't create overlay surface." );
        intf_WarnMsg( 3, "vout: WinDX YUV overlay created successfully" );
    /* Hide the overlay for now */

    return ( 0 );

 * WinDXUpdateOverlay: Move or resize overlay surface on video display.
 * This function is used to move or resize an overlay surface on the screen.
 * Ususally the overlay is moved by the user and thus, by a move or resize
 * event (in vout_Manage).
static int WinDXUpdateOverlay( vout_thread_t *p_vout )
    DDOVERLAYFX     ddofx;
    RECT            rect_window, rect_client;
    DWORD           dwFlags;
    HRESULT         dxresult;

    if( p_vout->p_sys->p_overlay == NULL || p_vout->b_need_render)
        intf_WarnMsg( 3, "vout: WinDX no overlay !!" );
        return( 0 );

    if( !p_vout->p_sys->b_display_enabled )
        return( 0 );

    /* Now get the coordinates of the window. We don't actually want the
     * window coordinates but these of the usable surface inside the window.
     * By specification rect_client.right = rect_client.top = 0 */
    GetWindowRect(p_vout->p_sys->hwnd, &rect_window);
    GetClientRect(p_vout->p_sys->hwnd, &rect_client);;
    rect_window.left = ( (rect_window.right - rect_window.left) -
                          rect_client.right ) / 2 + rect_window.left;
    rect_window.right = rect_window.left + rect_client.right;
    rect_window.top = rect_window.bottom - rect_client.bottom;

    /* We want to keep the aspect ratio of the video */
    if( p_vout->b_scale )
        switch( p_vout->p_rendered_pic->i_aspect_ratio )
            case AR_16_9_PICTURE:
            if( ((rect_window.right-rect_window.left)*9)
                > ((rect_window.bottom-rect_window.top)*16) )
                int temp;
                temp = (rect_window.bottom-rect_window.top)*16/9;
                temp = (rect_window.right-rect_window.left) - temp;
                rect_window.left += (temp/2);
                rect_window.right -= (temp/2);
                int temp;
                temp = (rect_window.right-rect_window.left)*9/16;
                temp = (rect_window.bottom-rect_window.top) - temp;
                rect_window.top += (temp/2);
                rect_window.bottom -= (temp/2);

            case AR_221_1_PICTURE:
            if( ((rect_window.right-rect_window.left)*100)
                > ((rect_window.bottom-rect_window.top)*221) )
                int temp;
                temp = (rect_window.bottom-rect_window.top)*221/100;
                temp = (rect_window.right-rect_window.left) - temp;
                rect_window.left += (temp/2);
                rect_window.right -= (temp/2);
                int temp;
                temp = (rect_window.right-rect_window.left)*100/221;
                temp = (rect_window.bottom-rect_window.top) - temp;
                rect_window.top += (temp/2);
                rect_window.bottom -= (temp/2);

            case AR_SQUARE_PICTURE:
            if( (rect_window.right-rect_window.left)
                > (rect_window.bottom-rect_window.top) )
                int temp;
                temp = (rect_window.bottom-rect_window.top);
                temp = (rect_window.right-rect_window.left) - temp;
                rect_window.left += (temp/2);
                rect_window.right -= (temp/2);
                int temp;
                temp = (rect_window.right-rect_window.left);
                temp = (rect_window.bottom-rect_window.top) - temp;
                rect_window.top += (temp/2);
                rect_window.bottom -= (temp/2);

            case AR_3_4_PICTURE:
            if( ((rect_window.right-rect_window.left)*3)
                > ((rect_window.bottom-rect_window.top)*4) )
                int temp;
                temp = (rect_window.bottom-rect_window.top)*4/3;
                temp = (rect_window.right-rect_window.left) - temp;
                rect_window.left += (temp/2);
                rect_window.right -= (temp/2);
                int temp;
                temp = (rect_window.right-rect_window.left)*3/4;
                temp = (rect_window.bottom-rect_window.top) - temp;
                rect_window.top += (temp/2);
                rect_window.bottom -= (temp/2);

    /* Position and show the overlay */
    memset(&ddofx, 0, sizeof(DDOVERLAYFX));
    ddofx.dwSize = sizeof(DDOVERLAYFX);
    ddofx.dckDestColorkey.dwColorSpaceLowValue = OVERLAY_COLOR_KEY;
    ddofx.dckDestColorkey.dwColorSpaceHighValue = OVERLAY_COLOR_KEY;


    dxresult = IDirectDrawSurface_UpdateOverlay(p_vout->p_sys->p_overlay,
    if(dxresult != DD_OK)
        intf_WarnMsg( 3, "vout: WinDX WM_MOVE can't move or resize overlay" );

    return ( 0 );

 * WinDXClipOveraly: Clip overlay surface on video display.
 * The overlay is displayed on top of the primary surface (which is the
 * screen).
 * This overlay must be clipped whenever another window is supposed to cover
 * it.
 * For this, we use a color key which we paint on the parts of the window
 * which aren't covered by anything else. The video adapter will then only
 * display the overlay on the surfaces painted with this color key.
 * This function is called whenever a WM_PAINT event is generated
 * (in vout_Manage).
static int WinDXClipOverlay( vout_thread_t *p_vout )
    POINT       ptClient;
    RECT        rectBlt;
    DDBLTFX     ddbfx;

    if( p_vout->p_sys->p_overlay == NULL || p_vout->b_need_render)
        intf_WarnMsg( 3, "vout: WinDX no overlay !!" );
        return( 0 );

    BeginPaint(p_vout->p_sys->hwnd, &ps);

    /* Fill the client area with colour key */
    ptClient.x = ps.rcPaint.left;
    ptClient.y = ps.rcPaint.top;
    ClientToScreen(p_vout->p_sys->hwnd, &ptClient);
    rectBlt.left = ptClient.x;
    rectBlt.top = ptClient.y;

    ptClient.x = ps.rcPaint.right;
    ptClient.y = ps.rcPaint.bottom;
    ClientToScreen(p_vout->p_sys->hwnd, &ptClient);
    rectBlt.right = ptClient.x;
    rectBlt.bottom = ptClient.y;

    memset(&ddbfx, 0, sizeof(DDBLTFX));
    ddbfx.dwSize = sizeof(DDBLTFX);
    ddbfx.u5.dwFillColor = OVERLAY_COLOR_KEY;

                           DDBLT_COLORFILL, // | DDBLT_WAIT,

    EndPaint(p_vout->p_sys->hwnd, &ps);

    return ( 0 );

 * WinDXCloseWindow: close the window created by WinDXCreateWindow
 * This function returns all resources allocated by WinDXCreateWindow.
static void WinDXCloseWindow( vout_thread_t *p_vout )
    HINSTANCE hInstance;

    if( p_vout->p_sys->hwnd != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
        DestroyWindow( p_vout->p_sys->hwnd);
        p_vout->p_sys->hwnd = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;

    hInstance = GetModuleHandle(NULL);
    UnregisterClass( "VLC DirectX",                            /* class name */
                     hInstance );          /* handle to application instance */


 * WinDXCloseDDraw: Release the DDraw object allocated by WinDXInitDDraw
 * This function returns all resources allocated by WinDXInitDDraw.
static void WinDXCloseDDraw( vout_thread_t *p_vout )
    if( p_vout->p_sys->p_ddobject != NULL )
        p_vout->p_sys->p_ddobject = NULL;

 * WinDXCloseDisplay: close and reset DirectX device
 * This function returns all resources allocated by WinDXCreateDisplay and
 * restore the original state of the device.
static void WinDXCloseDisplay( vout_thread_t *p_vout )
    if( p_vout->p_sys->p_display != NULL )
        if( p_vout->p_sys->p_overlay != NULL )
            IDirectDraw_Release( p_vout->p_sys->p_overlay );
            p_vout->p_sys->p_overlay = NULL;

        if( p_vout->p_sys->p_clipper != NULL )
            IDirectDraw_Release( p_vout->p_sys->p_clipper );
            p_vout->p_sys->p_clipper = NULL;

        IDirectDraw_Release( p_vout->p_sys->p_display );
        p_vout->p_sys->p_display = NULL;

 * WinDXCloseYUVOverlay: close the overlay surface
 * This function returns all resources allocated by the overlay surface.
 * We also call this function when the decoded picture change its dimensions
 * (in that case we close the overlay surface and reopen another with the
 * right dimensions).
static void WinDXCloseYUVOverlay( vout_thread_t *p_vout )
    if( p_vout->p_sys->p_overlay != NULL )
        IDirectDraw_Release( p_vout->p_sys->p_overlay );
        p_vout->p_sys->p_overlay = NULL;
    p_vout->p_sys->b_display_enabled = 0;