/***************************************************************************** * input.c: input thread ***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 1998-2007 the VideoLAN team * $Id$ * * Authors: Christophe Massiot <massiot@via.ecp.fr> * Laurent Aimar <fenrir@via.ecp.fr> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA. *****************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************** * Preamble *****************************************************************************/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include <vlc_common.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <limits.h> #include <assert.h> #include "input_internal.h" #include <vlc_sout.h> #include "../stream_output/stream_output.h" #include <vlc_interface.h> #include <vlc_url.h> #include <vlc_charset.h> #ifdef HAVE_SYS_STAT_H # include <sys/stat.h> #endif /***************************************************************************** * Local prototypes *****************************************************************************/ static void Destructor( input_thread_t * p_input ); static int Run ( input_thread_t *p_input ); static int RunAndDestroy ( input_thread_t *p_input ); static input_thread_t * Create ( vlc_object_t *, input_item_t *, const char *, bool, sout_instance_t * ); static int Init ( input_thread_t *p_input ); static void Error ( input_thread_t *p_input ); static void End ( input_thread_t *p_input ); static void MainLoop( input_thread_t *p_input ); static inline int ControlPopNoLock( input_thread_t *, int *, vlc_value_t * ); static void ControlReduce( input_thread_t * ); static bool Control( input_thread_t *, int, vlc_value_t ); static int UpdateFromAccess( input_thread_t * ); static int UpdateFromDemux( input_thread_t * ); static void UpdateItemLength( input_thread_t *, int64_t i_length ); static void MRLSections( input_thread_t *, char *, int *, int *, int *, int *); static input_source_t *InputSourceNew( input_thread_t *); static int InputSourceInit( input_thread_t *, input_source_t *, const char *, const char *psz_forced_demux ); static void InputSourceClean( input_source_t * ); /* TODO */ //static void InputGetAttachments( input_thread_t *, input_source_t * ); static void SlaveDemux( input_thread_t *p_input ); static void SlaveSeek( input_thread_t *p_input ); static void InputMetaUser( input_thread_t *p_input, vlc_meta_t *p_meta ); static void InputUpdateMeta( input_thread_t *p_input, vlc_meta_t *p_meta ); static void DemuxMeta( input_thread_t *p_input, vlc_meta_t *p_meta, demux_t *p_demux ); static void AccessMeta( input_thread_t * p_input, vlc_meta_t *p_meta ); static void AppendAttachment( int *pi_attachment, input_attachment_t ***ppp_attachment, int i_new, input_attachment_t **pp_new ); /***************************************************************************** * This function creates a new input, and returns a pointer * to its description. On error, it returns NULL. * * Variables for _public_ use: * * Get and Set: * - state * - rate,rate-slower, rate-faster * - position, position-offset * - time, time-offset * - title,title-next,title-prev * - chapter,chapter-next, chapter-prev * - program, audio-es, video-es, spu-es * - audio-delay, spu-delay * - bookmark * * Get only: * - length * - bookmarks * - seekable (if you can seek, it doesn't say if 'bar display' has be shown * or not, for that check position != 0.0) * - can-pause * * For intf callback upon changes * - intf-change * - rate-change for when playback rate changes * TODO explain when Callback is called * TODO complete this list (?) *****************************************************************************/ static input_thread_t *Create( vlc_object_t *p_parent, input_item_t *p_item, const char *psz_header, bool b_quick, sout_instance_t *p_sout ) { static const char input_name[] = "input"; input_thread_t *p_input = NULL; /* thread descriptor */ vlc_value_t val; int i; /* Allocate descriptor */ p_input = vlc_custom_create( p_parent, sizeof( *p_input ), VLC_OBJECT_INPUT, input_name ); if( p_input == NULL ) return NULL; /* Construct a nice name for the input timer */ char psz_timer_name[255]; char * psz_name = input_item_GetName( p_item ); snprintf( psz_timer_name, sizeof(psz_timer_name), "input launching for '%s'", psz_name ); msg_Dbg( p_input, "Creating an input for '%s'", psz_name); free( psz_name ); /* Start a timer to mesure how long it takes * to launch an input */ stats_TimerStart( p_input, psz_timer_name, STATS_TIMER_INPUT_LAUNCHING ); MALLOC_NULL( p_input->p, input_thread_private_t ); memset( p_input->p, 0, sizeof( input_thread_private_t ) ); /* One "randomly" selected input thread is responsible for computing * the global stats. Check if there is already someone doing this */ if( p_input->p_libvlc->p_stats && !b_quick ) { libvlc_priv_t *priv = libvlc_priv (p_input->p_libvlc); vlc_mutex_lock( &p_input->p_libvlc->p_stats->lock ); if( priv->p_stats_computer == NULL ) priv->p_stats_computer = p_input; vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_input->p_libvlc->p_stats->lock ); } p_input->b_preparsing = b_quick; p_input->psz_header = psz_header ? strdup( psz_header ) : NULL; /* Init events */ vlc_event_manager_t * p_em = &p_input->p->event_manager; vlc_event_manager_init_with_vlc_object( p_em, p_input ); vlc_event_manager_register_event_type( p_em, vlc_InputStateChanged ); vlc_event_manager_register_event_type( p_em, vlc_InputSelectedStreamChanged ); /* Init Common fields */ p_input->b_eof = false; p_input->b_can_pace_control = true; p_input->p->i_start = 0; p_input->i_time = 0; p_input->p->i_stop = 0; p_input->p->i_run = 0; p_input->p->i_title = 0; p_input->p->title = NULL; p_input->p->i_title_offset = p_input->p->i_seekpoint_offset = 0; p_input->i_state = INIT_S; p_input->p->i_rate = INPUT_RATE_DEFAULT; TAB_INIT( p_input->p->i_bookmark, p_input->p->bookmark ); TAB_INIT( p_input->p->i_attachment, p_input->p->attachment ); p_input->p->p_es_out = NULL; p_input->p->p_sout = NULL; p_input->p->b_out_pace_control = false; p_input->i_pts_delay = 0; /* Init Input fields */ vlc_gc_incref( p_item ); /* Released in Destructor() */ p_input->p->input.p_item = p_item; p_input->p->input.p_access = NULL; p_input->p->input.p_stream = NULL; p_input->p->input.p_demux = NULL; p_input->p->input.b_title_demux = false; p_input->p->input.i_title = 0; p_input->p->input.title = NULL; p_input->p->input.i_title_offset = p_input->p->input.i_seekpoint_offset = 0; p_input->p->input.b_can_pace_control = true; p_input->p->input.b_can_rate_control = true; p_input->p->input.b_rescale_ts = true; p_input->p->input.b_eof = false; p_input->p->input.i_cr_average = 0; vlc_mutex_lock( &p_item->lock ); if( !p_item->p_stats ) p_item->p_stats = stats_NewInputStats( p_input ); vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_item->lock ); /* No slave */ p_input->p->i_slave = 0; p_input->p->slave = NULL; /* Init control buffer */ vlc_mutex_init( &p_input->p->lock_control ); p_input->p->i_control = 0; /* Parse input options */ vlc_mutex_lock( &p_item->lock ); assert( p_item->optflagc == p_item->i_options ); for( i = 0; i < p_item->i_options; i++ ) var_OptionParse( VLC_OBJECT(p_input), p_item->ppsz_options[i], !!(p_item->optflagv[i] & VLC_INPUT_OPTION_TRUSTED) ); vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_item->lock ); /* Create Object Variables for private use only */ input_ConfigVarInit( p_input ); /* Create Objects variables for public Get and Set */ input_ControlVarInit( p_input ); p_input->p->input.i_cr_average = var_GetInteger( p_input, "cr-average" ); if( !p_input->b_preparsing ) { var_Get( p_input, "bookmarks", &val ); if( val.psz_string ) { /* FIXME: have a common cfg parsing routine used by sout and others */ char *psz_parser, *psz_start, *psz_end; psz_parser = val.psz_string; while( (psz_start = strchr( psz_parser, '{' ) ) ) { seekpoint_t *p_seekpoint = vlc_seekpoint_New(); char backup; psz_start++; psz_end = strchr( psz_start, '}' ); if( !psz_end ) break; psz_parser = psz_end + 1; backup = *psz_parser; *psz_parser = 0; *psz_end = ','; while( (psz_end = strchr( psz_start, ',' ) ) ) { *psz_end = 0; if( !strncmp( psz_start, "name=", 5 ) ) { p_seekpoint->psz_name = strdup(psz_start + 5); } else if( !strncmp( psz_start, "bytes=", 6 ) ) { p_seekpoint->i_byte_offset = atoll(psz_start + 6); } else if( !strncmp( psz_start, "time=", 5 ) ) { p_seekpoint->i_time_offset = atoll(psz_start + 5) * 1000000; } psz_start = psz_end + 1; } msg_Dbg( p_input, "adding bookmark: %s, bytes=%"PRId64", time=%"PRId64, p_seekpoint->psz_name, p_seekpoint->i_byte_offset, p_seekpoint->i_time_offset ); input_Control( p_input, INPUT_ADD_BOOKMARK, p_seekpoint ); vlc_seekpoint_Delete( p_seekpoint ); *psz_parser = backup; } free( val.psz_string ); } } /* Remove 'Now playing' info as it is probably outdated */ input_item_SetNowPlaying( p_item, NULL ); /* */ if( p_input->b_preparsing ) p_input->i_flags |= OBJECT_FLAGS_QUIET | OBJECT_FLAGS_NOINTERACT; /* */ if( p_sout ) p_input->p->p_sout = p_sout; memset( &p_input->p->counters, 0, sizeof( p_input->p->counters ) ); vlc_mutex_init( &p_input->p->counters.counters_lock ); /* Attach only once we are ready */ vlc_object_attach( p_input, p_parent ); /* Set the destructor when we are sure we are initialized */ vlc_object_set_destructor( p_input, (vlc_destructor_t)Destructor ); return p_input; } /** * Input destructor (called when the object's refcount reaches 0). */ static void Destructor( input_thread_t * p_input ) { input_thread_private_t *priv = p_input->p; #ifndef NDEBUG char * psz_name = input_item_GetName( p_input->p->input.p_item ); msg_Dbg( p_input, "Destroying the input for '%s'", psz_name); free( psz_name ); #endif vlc_event_manager_fini( &p_input->p->event_manager ); stats_TimerDump( p_input, STATS_TIMER_INPUT_LAUNCHING ); stats_TimerClean( p_input, STATS_TIMER_INPUT_LAUNCHING ); #ifdef ENABLE_SOUT if( priv->p_sout ) sout_DeleteInstance( priv->p_sout ); #endif vlc_gc_decref( p_input->p->input.p_item ); vlc_mutex_destroy( &p_input->p->counters.counters_lock ); vlc_mutex_destroy( &priv->lock_control ); free( priv ); } /** * Initialize an input thread and run it. You will need to monitor the * thread to clean up after it is done * * \param p_parent a vlc_object * \param p_item an input item * \return a pointer to the spawned input thread */ input_thread_t *__input_CreateThread( vlc_object_t *p_parent, input_item_t *p_item ) { return __input_CreateThreadExtended( p_parent, p_item, NULL, NULL ); } /* */ input_thread_t *__input_CreateThreadExtended( vlc_object_t *p_parent, input_item_t *p_item, const char *psz_log, sout_instance_t *p_sout ) { input_thread_t *p_input; p_input = Create( p_parent, p_item, psz_log, false, p_sout ); if( !p_input ) return NULL; /* Create thread and wait for its readiness. */ if( vlc_thread_create( p_input, "input", Run, VLC_THREAD_PRIORITY_INPUT, true ) ) { input_ChangeState( p_input, ERROR_S ); msg_Err( p_input, "cannot create input thread" ); vlc_object_detach( p_input ); vlc_object_release( p_input ); return NULL; } return p_input; } /** * Initialize an input thread and run it. This thread will clean after itself, * you can forget about it. It can work either in blocking or non-blocking mode * * \param p_parent a vlc_object * \param p_item an input item * \param b_block should we block until read is finished ? * \return the input object id if non blocking, an error code else */ int __input_Read( vlc_object_t *p_parent, input_item_t *p_item, bool b_block ) { input_thread_t *p_input; p_input = Create( p_parent, p_item, NULL, false, NULL ); if( !p_input ) return VLC_EGENERIC; if( b_block ) { RunAndDestroy( p_input ); return VLC_SUCCESS; } else { if( vlc_thread_create( p_input, "input", RunAndDestroy, VLC_THREAD_PRIORITY_INPUT, true ) ) { input_ChangeState( p_input, ERROR_S ); msg_Err( p_input, "cannot create input thread" ); vlc_object_release( p_input ); return VLC_EGENERIC; } } return p_input->i_object_id; } /** * Initialize an input and initialize it to preparse the item * This function is blocking. It will only accept to parse files * * \param p_parent a vlc_object_t * \param p_item an input item * \return VLC_SUCCESS or an error */ int __input_Preparse( vlc_object_t *p_parent, input_item_t *p_item ) { input_thread_t *p_input; /* Allocate descriptor */ p_input = Create( p_parent, p_item, NULL, true, NULL ); if( !p_input ) return VLC_EGENERIC; if( !Init( p_input ) ) End( p_input ); vlc_object_detach( p_input ); vlc_object_release( p_input ); return VLC_SUCCESS; } /** * Request a running input thread to stop and die * * \param the input thread to stop */ static void ObjectKillChildrens( vlc_object_t *p_obj ) { vlc_list_t *p_list; int i; vlc_object_kill( p_obj ); p_list = vlc_list_children( p_obj ); for( i = 0; i < p_list->i_count; i++ ) ObjectKillChildrens( p_list->p_values[i].p_object ); vlc_list_release( p_list ); } void input_StopThread( input_thread_t *p_input ) { /* Set die for input and ALL of this childrens (even (grand-)grand-childrens) * It is needed here even if it is done in INPUT_CONTROL_SET_DIE handler to * unlock the control loop */ ObjectKillChildrens( VLC_OBJECT(p_input) ); input_ControlPush( p_input, INPUT_CONTROL_SET_DIE, NULL ); } sout_instance_t * input_DetachSout( input_thread_t *p_input ) { sout_instance_t *p_sout = p_input->p->p_sout; vlc_object_detach( p_sout ); p_input->p->p_sout = NULL; return p_sout; } /***************************************************************************** * Run: main thread loop * This is the "normal" thread that spawns the input processing chain, * reads the stream, cleans up and waits *****************************************************************************/ static int Run( input_thread_t *p_input ) { /* Signal that the thread is launched */ vlc_thread_ready( p_input ); if( Init( p_input ) ) { /* If we failed, wait before we are killed, and exit */ p_input->b_error = true; Error( p_input ); /* Tell we're dead */ p_input->b_dead = true; return 0; } MainLoop( p_input ); if( !p_input->b_eof && !p_input->b_error && p_input->p->input.b_eof ) { /* We have finish to demux data but not to play them */ while( !p_input->b_die ) { if( input_EsOutDecodersEmpty( p_input->p->p_es_out ) ) break; msg_Dbg( p_input, "waiting decoder fifos to empty" ); msleep( INPUT_IDLE_SLEEP ); } /* We have finished */ p_input->b_eof = true; input_ChangeState( p_input, END_S ); } /* Wait until we are asked to die */ if( !p_input->b_die ) { Error( p_input ); } /* Clean up */ End( p_input ); return 0; } /***************************************************************************** * RunAndDestroy: main thread loop * This is the "just forget me" thread that spawns the input processing chain, * reads the stream, cleans up and releases memory *****************************************************************************/ static int RunAndDestroy( input_thread_t *p_input ) { /* Signal that the thread is launched */ vlc_thread_ready( p_input ); if( Init( p_input ) ) goto exit; MainLoop( p_input ); if( !p_input->b_eof && !p_input->b_error && p_input->p->input.b_eof ) { /* We have finished demuxing data but not playing it */ while( !p_input->b_die ) { if( input_EsOutDecodersEmpty( p_input->p->p_es_out ) ) break; msg_Dbg( p_input, "waiting decoder fifos to empty" ); msleep( INPUT_IDLE_SLEEP ); } /* We have finished */ p_input->b_eof = true; } /* Clean up */ End( p_input ); exit: /* Release memory */ vlc_object_release( p_input ); return 0; } /***************************************************************************** * Main loop: Fill buffers from access, and demux *****************************************************************************/ static void MainLoop( input_thread_t *p_input ) { int64_t i_start_mdate = mdate(); int64_t i_intf_update = 0; int i_updates = 0; /* Stop the timer */ stats_TimerStop( p_input, STATS_TIMER_INPUT_LAUNCHING ); while( !p_input->b_die && !p_input->b_error && !p_input->p->input.b_eof ) { bool b_force_update = false; int i_ret; int i_type; vlc_value_t val; /* Do the read */ if( p_input->i_state != PAUSE_S ) { if( ( p_input->p->i_stop > 0 && p_input->i_time >= p_input->p->i_stop ) || ( p_input->p->i_run > 0 && i_start_mdate+p_input->p->i_run < mdate() ) ) i_ret = 0; /* EOF */ else i_ret = p_input->p->input.p_demux->pf_demux(p_input->p->input.p_demux); if( i_ret > 0 ) { /* TODO */ if( p_input->p->input.b_title_demux && p_input->p->input.p_demux->info.i_update ) { i_ret = UpdateFromDemux( p_input ); b_force_update = true; } else if( !p_input->p->input.b_title_demux && p_input->p->input.p_access && p_input->p->input.p_access->info.i_update ) { i_ret = UpdateFromAccess( p_input ); b_force_update = true; } } if( i_ret == 0 ) /* EOF */ { vlc_value_t repeat; var_Get( p_input, "input-repeat", &repeat ); if( repeat.i_int == 0 ) { /* End of file - we do not set b_die because only the * playlist is allowed to do so. */ msg_Dbg( p_input, "EOF reached" ); p_input->p->input.b_eof = true; } else { msg_Dbg( p_input, "repeating the same input (%d)", repeat.i_int ); if( repeat.i_int > 0 ) { repeat.i_int--; var_Set( p_input, "input-repeat", repeat ); } /* Seek to start title/seekpoint */ val.i_int = p_input->p->input.i_title_start - p_input->p->input.i_title_offset; if( val.i_int < 0 || val.i_int >= p_input->p->input.i_title ) val.i_int = 0; input_ControlPush( p_input, INPUT_CONTROL_SET_TITLE, &val ); val.i_int = p_input->p->input.i_seekpoint_start - p_input->p->input.i_seekpoint_offset; if( val.i_int > 0 /* TODO: check upper boundary */ ) input_ControlPush( p_input, INPUT_CONTROL_SET_SEEKPOINT, &val ); /* Seek to start position */ if( p_input->p->i_start > 0 ) { val.i_time = p_input->p->i_start; input_ControlPush( p_input, INPUT_CONTROL_SET_TIME, &val ); } else { val.f_float = 0.0; input_ControlPush( p_input, INPUT_CONTROL_SET_POSITION, &val ); } /* */ i_start_mdate = mdate(); } } else if( i_ret < 0 ) { p_input->b_error = true; } if( i_ret > 0 && p_input->p->i_slave > 0 ) { SlaveDemux( p_input ); } } else { /* Small wait */ msleep( 10*1000 ); } /* Handle control */ vlc_mutex_lock( &p_input->p->lock_control ); ControlReduce( p_input ); while( !ControlPopNoLock( p_input, &i_type, &val ) ) { msg_Dbg( p_input, "control type=%d", i_type ); if( Control( p_input, i_type, val ) ) b_force_update = true; } vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_input->p->lock_control ); if( b_force_update || i_intf_update < mdate() ) { vlc_value_t val; double f_pos; int64_t i_time, i_length; /* update input status variables */ if( !demux_Control( p_input->p->input.p_demux, DEMUX_GET_POSITION, &f_pos ) ) { val.f_float = (float)f_pos; var_Change( p_input, "position", VLC_VAR_SETVALUE, &val, NULL ); } if( !demux_Control( p_input->p->input.p_demux, DEMUX_GET_TIME, &i_time ) ) { p_input->i_time = i_time; val.i_time = i_time; var_Change( p_input, "time", VLC_VAR_SETVALUE, &val, NULL ); } if( !demux_Control( p_input->p->input.p_demux, DEMUX_GET_LENGTH, &i_length ) ) { vlc_value_t old_val; var_Get( p_input, "length", &old_val ); val.i_time = i_length; var_Change( p_input, "length", VLC_VAR_SETVALUE, &val, NULL ); if( old_val.i_time != val.i_time ) { UpdateItemLength( p_input, i_length ); } } var_SetBool( p_input, "intf-change", true ); i_intf_update = mdate() + INT64_C(150000); } /* 150ms * 8 = ~ 1 second */ if( ++i_updates % 8 == 0 ) { stats_ComputeInputStats( p_input, p_input->p->input.p_item->p_stats ); /* Are we the thread responsible for computing global stats ? */ if( libvlc_priv (p_input->p_libvlc)->p_stats_computer == p_input ) { stats_ComputeGlobalStats( p_input->p_libvlc, p_input->p_libvlc->p_stats ); } } } } static void InitStatistics( input_thread_t * p_input ) { if( p_input->b_preparsing ) return; /* Prepare statistics */ #define INIT_COUNTER( c, type, compute ) p_input->p->counters.p_##c = \ stats_CounterCreate( p_input, VLC_VAR_##type, STATS_##compute); if( libvlc_stats (p_input) ) { INIT_COUNTER( read_bytes, INTEGER, COUNTER ); INIT_COUNTER( read_packets, INTEGER, COUNTER ); INIT_COUNTER( demux_read, INTEGER, COUNTER ); INIT_COUNTER( input_bitrate, FLOAT, DERIVATIVE ); INIT_COUNTER( demux_bitrate, FLOAT, DERIVATIVE ); INIT_COUNTER( played_abuffers, INTEGER, COUNTER ); INIT_COUNTER( lost_abuffers, INTEGER, COUNTER ); INIT_COUNTER( displayed_pictures, INTEGER, COUNTER ); INIT_COUNTER( lost_pictures, INTEGER, COUNTER ); INIT_COUNTER( decoded_audio, INTEGER, COUNTER ); INIT_COUNTER( decoded_video, INTEGER, COUNTER ); INIT_COUNTER( decoded_sub, INTEGER, COUNTER ); p_input->p->counters.p_sout_send_bitrate = NULL; p_input->p->counters.p_sout_sent_packets = NULL; p_input->p->counters.p_sout_sent_bytes = NULL; if( p_input->p->counters.p_demux_bitrate ) p_input->p->counters.p_demux_bitrate->update_interval = 1000000; if( p_input->p->counters.p_input_bitrate ) p_input->p->counters.p_input_bitrate->update_interval = 1000000; } } #ifdef ENABLE_SOUT static int InitSout( input_thread_t * p_input ) { char *psz; if( p_input->b_preparsing ) return VLC_SUCCESS; /* Find a usable sout and attach it to p_input */ psz = var_GetNonEmptyString( p_input, "sout" ); if( psz && strncasecmp( p_input->p->input.p_item->psz_uri, "vlc:", 4 ) ) { /* Check the validity of the provided sout */ if( p_input->p->p_sout ) { if( strcmp( p_input->p->p_sout->psz_sout, psz ) ) { msg_Dbg( p_input, "destroying unusable sout" ); sout_DeleteInstance( p_input->p->p_sout ); p_input->p->p_sout = NULL; } } if( p_input->p->p_sout ) { /* Reuse it */ msg_Dbg( p_input, "sout keep: reusing sout" ); msg_Dbg( p_input, "sout keep: you probably want to use " "gather stream_out" ); vlc_object_attach( p_input->p->p_sout, p_input ); } else { /* Create a new one */ p_input->p->p_sout = sout_NewInstance( p_input, psz ); if( !p_input->p->p_sout ) { input_ChangeState( p_input, ERROR_S ); msg_Err( p_input, "cannot start stream output instance, " \ "aborting" ); free( psz ); return VLC_EGENERIC; } } if( libvlc_stats (p_input) ) { INIT_COUNTER( sout_sent_packets, INTEGER, COUNTER ); INIT_COUNTER (sout_sent_bytes, INTEGER, COUNTER ); INIT_COUNTER( sout_send_bitrate, FLOAT, DERIVATIVE ); if( p_input->p->counters.p_sout_send_bitrate ) p_input->p->counters.p_sout_send_bitrate->update_interval = 1000000; } } else if( p_input->p->p_sout ) { msg_Dbg( p_input, "destroying useless sout" ); sout_DeleteInstance( p_input->p->p_sout ); p_input->p->p_sout = NULL; } free( psz ); return VLC_SUCCESS; } #endif static void InitTitle( input_thread_t * p_input ) { vlc_value_t val; if( p_input->b_preparsing ) return; /* Create global title (from master) */ p_input->p->i_title = p_input->p->input.i_title; p_input->p->title = p_input->p->input.title; p_input->p->i_title_offset = p_input->p->input.i_title_offset; p_input->p->i_seekpoint_offset = p_input->p->input.i_seekpoint_offset; if( p_input->p->i_title > 0 ) { /* Setup variables */ input_ControlVarNavigation( p_input ); input_ControlVarTitle( p_input, 0 ); } /* Global flag */ p_input->b_can_pace_control = p_input->p->input.b_can_pace_control; p_input->p->b_can_pause = p_input->p->input.b_can_pause; p_input->p->b_can_rate_control = p_input->p->input.b_can_rate_control; /* Fix pts delay */ if( p_input->i_pts_delay < 0 ) p_input->i_pts_delay = 0; /* If the desynchronisation requested by the user is < 0, we need to * cache more data. */ var_Get( p_input, "audio-desync", &val ); if( val.i_int < 0 ) p_input->i_pts_delay -= (val.i_int * 1000); /* Update cr_average depending on the caching */ p_input->p->input.i_cr_average *= (10 * p_input->i_pts_delay / 200000); p_input->p->input.i_cr_average /= 10; if( p_input->p->input.i_cr_average < 10 ) p_input->p->input.i_cr_average = 10; } static void StartTitle( input_thread_t * p_input ) { double f_fps; vlc_value_t val; int i, i_delay; char *psz; char *psz_subtitle; int64_t i_length; /* Start title/chapter */ if( p_input->b_preparsing ) { p_input->p->i_start = 0; return; } val.i_int = p_input->p->input.i_title_start - p_input->p->input.i_title_offset; if( val.i_int > 0 && val.i_int < p_input->p->input.i_title ) input_ControlPush( p_input, INPUT_CONTROL_SET_TITLE, &val ); val.i_int = p_input->p->input.i_seekpoint_start - p_input->p->input.i_seekpoint_offset; if( val.i_int > 0 /* TODO: check upper boundary */ ) input_ControlPush( p_input, INPUT_CONTROL_SET_SEEKPOINT, &val ); /* Start time*/ /* Set start time */ p_input->p->i_start = INT64_C(1000000) * var_GetInteger( p_input, "start-time" ); p_input->p->i_stop = INT64_C(1000000) * var_GetInteger( p_input, "stop-time" ); p_input->p->i_run = INT64_C(1000000) * var_GetInteger( p_input, "run-time" ); i_length = var_GetTime( p_input, "length" ); if( p_input->p->i_run < 0 ) { msg_Warn( p_input, "invalid run-time ignored" ); p_input->p->i_run = 0; } if( p_input->p->i_start > 0 ) { if( p_input->p->i_start >= i_length ) { msg_Warn( p_input, "invalid start-time ignored" ); } else { vlc_value_t s; msg_Dbg( p_input, "starting at time: %ds", (int)( p_input->p->i_start / INT64_C(1000000) ) ); s.i_time = p_input->p->i_start; input_ControlPush( p_input, INPUT_CONTROL_SET_TIME, &s ); } } if( p_input->p->i_stop > 0 && p_input->p->i_stop <= p_input->p->i_start ) { msg_Warn( p_input, "invalid stop-time ignored" ); p_input->p->i_stop = 0; } /* Load subtitles */ /* Get fps and set it if not already set */ if( !demux_Control( p_input->p->input.p_demux, DEMUX_GET_FPS, &f_fps ) && f_fps > 1.0 ) { float f_requested_fps; var_Create( p_input, "sub-original-fps", VLC_VAR_FLOAT ); var_SetFloat( p_input, "sub-original-fps", f_fps ); f_requested_fps = var_CreateGetFloat( p_input, "sub-fps" ); if( f_requested_fps != f_fps ) { var_Create( p_input, "sub-fps", VLC_VAR_FLOAT| VLC_VAR_DOINHERIT ); var_SetFloat( p_input, "sub-fps", f_requested_fps ); } } i_delay = var_CreateGetInteger( p_input, "sub-delay" ); if( i_delay != 0 ) { var_SetTime( p_input, "spu-delay", (mtime_t)i_delay * 100000 ); } /* Look for and add subtitle files */ psz_subtitle = var_GetNonEmptyString( p_input, "sub-file" ); if( psz_subtitle != NULL ) { msg_Dbg( p_input, "forced subtitle: %s", psz_subtitle ); input_AddSubtitles( p_input, psz_subtitle, false ); } var_Get( p_input, "sub-autodetect-file", &val ); if( val.b_bool ) { char *psz_autopath = var_GetNonEmptyString( p_input, "sub-autodetect-path" ); char **subs = subtitles_Detect( p_input, psz_autopath, p_input->p->input.p_item->psz_uri ); input_source_t *sub; i = 0; if( psz_autopath == NULL ) psz_autopath = strdup(""); /* Try to autoselect the first autodetected subtitles file * if no subtitles file was specified */ if( ( psz_subtitle == NULL ) && subs && subs[0] ) { input_AddSubtitles( p_input, subs[0], false ); free( subs[0] ); i = 1; } /* Then, just add the following subtitles files */ for( ; subs && subs[i]; i++ ) { if( !psz_subtitle || strcmp( psz_subtitle, subs[i] ) ) { sub = InputSourceNew( p_input ); if( !InputSourceInit( p_input, sub, subs[i], "subtitle" ) ) { TAB_APPEND( p_input->p->i_slave, p_input->p->slave, sub ); } else free( sub ); } free( subs[i] ); } free( subs ); free( psz_autopath ); } free( psz_subtitle ); /* Look for slave */ psz = var_GetNonEmptyString( p_input, "input-slave" ); if( psz != NULL ) { char *psz_delim; input_source_t *slave; while( psz && *psz ) { while( *psz == ' ' || *psz == '#' ) { psz++; } if( ( psz_delim = strchr( psz, '#' ) ) ) { *psz_delim++ = '\0'; } if( *psz == 0 ) { break; } msg_Dbg( p_input, "adding slave input '%s'", psz ); slave = InputSourceNew( p_input ); if( !InputSourceInit( p_input, slave, psz, NULL ) ) { TAB_APPEND( p_input->p->i_slave, p_input->p->slave, slave ); } else free( slave ); psz = psz_delim; } free( psz ); } } static void InitPrograms( input_thread_t * p_input ) { int i_es_out_mode; vlc_value_t val; if( p_input->b_preparsing ) return; /* Set up es_out */ es_out_Control( p_input->p->p_es_out, ES_OUT_SET_ACTIVE, true ); i_es_out_mode = ES_OUT_MODE_AUTO; val.p_list = NULL; if( p_input->p->p_sout ) { var_Get( p_input, "sout-all", &val ); if ( val.b_bool ) { i_es_out_mode = ES_OUT_MODE_ALL; val.p_list = NULL; } else { var_Get( p_input, "programs", &val ); if ( val.p_list && val.p_list->i_count ) { i_es_out_mode = ES_OUT_MODE_PARTIAL; /* Note : we should remove the "program" callback. */ } else var_Change( p_input, "programs", VLC_VAR_FREELIST, &val, NULL ); } } es_out_Control( p_input->p->p_es_out, ES_OUT_SET_MODE, i_es_out_mode ); /* Inform the demuxer about waited group (needed only for DVB) */ if( i_es_out_mode == ES_OUT_MODE_ALL ) { demux_Control( p_input->p->input.p_demux, DEMUX_SET_GROUP, -1, NULL ); } else if( i_es_out_mode == ES_OUT_MODE_PARTIAL ) { demux_Control( p_input->p->input.p_demux, DEMUX_SET_GROUP, -1, val.p_list ); } else { demux_Control( p_input->p->input.p_demux, DEMUX_SET_GROUP, (int) var_GetInteger( p_input, "program" ), NULL ); } } static int Init( input_thread_t * p_input ) { vlc_meta_t *p_meta; vlc_value_t val; int i, ret; for( i = 0; i < p_input->p->input.p_item->i_options; i++ ) { if( !strncmp( p_input->p->input.p_item->ppsz_options[i], "meta-file", 9 ) ) { msg_Dbg( p_input, "Input is a meta file: disabling unneeded options" ); var_SetString( p_input, "sout", "" ); var_SetBool( p_input, "sout-all", false ); var_SetString( p_input, "input-slave", "" ); var_SetInteger( p_input, "input-repeat", 0 ); var_SetString( p_input, "sub-file", "" ); var_SetBool( p_input, "sub-autodetect-file", false ); } } InitStatistics( p_input ); #ifdef ENABLE_SOUT ret = InitSout( p_input ); if( ret != VLC_SUCCESS ) return ret; /* FIXME: goto error; should be better here */ #endif /* Create es out */ p_input->p->p_es_out = input_EsOutNew( p_input, p_input->p->i_rate ); es_out_Control( p_input->p->p_es_out, ES_OUT_SET_ACTIVE, false ); es_out_Control( p_input->p->p_es_out, ES_OUT_SET_MODE, ES_OUT_MODE_NONE ); var_Create( p_input, "bit-rate", VLC_VAR_INTEGER ); var_Create( p_input, "sample-rate", VLC_VAR_INTEGER ); if( InputSourceInit( p_input, &p_input->p->input, p_input->p->input.p_item->psz_uri, NULL ) ) { goto error; } InitTitle( p_input ); /* Load master infos */ /* Init length */ if( !demux_Control( p_input->p->input.p_demux, DEMUX_GET_LENGTH, &val.i_time ) && val.i_time > 0 ) { var_Change( p_input, "length", VLC_VAR_SETVALUE, &val, NULL ); UpdateItemLength( p_input, val.i_time ); } else { val.i_time = input_item_GetDuration( p_input->p->input.p_item ); if( val.i_time > 0 ) { /* fallback: gets length from metadata */ var_Change( p_input, "length", VLC_VAR_SETVALUE, &val, NULL ); UpdateItemLength( p_input, val.i_time ); } } StartTitle( p_input ); InitPrograms( p_input ); if( !p_input->b_preparsing && p_input->p->p_sout ) { p_input->p->b_out_pace_control = (p_input->p->p_sout->i_out_pace_nocontrol > 0); if( p_input->b_can_pace_control && p_input->p->b_out_pace_control ) { /* We don't want a high input priority here or we'll * end-up sucking up all the CPU time */ vlc_thread_set_priority( p_input, VLC_THREAD_PRIORITY_LOW ); } msg_Dbg( p_input, "starting in %s mode", p_input->p->b_out_pace_control ? "async" : "sync" ); } p_meta = vlc_meta_New(); /* Get meta data from users */ InputMetaUser( p_input, p_meta ); /* Get meta data from master input */ DemuxMeta( p_input, p_meta, p_input->p->input.p_demux ); /* Access_file does not give any meta, and there are no slave */ AccessMeta( p_input, p_meta ); InputUpdateMeta( p_input, p_meta ); if( !p_input->b_preparsing ) { msg_Dbg( p_input, "`%s' successfully opened", p_input->p->input.p_item->psz_uri ); } /* initialization is complete */ input_ChangeState( p_input, PLAYING_S ); return VLC_SUCCESS; error: input_ChangeState( p_input, ERROR_S ); if( p_input->p->p_es_out ) input_EsOutDelete( p_input->p->p_es_out ); #ifdef ENABLE_SOUT if( p_input->p->p_sout ) { vlc_object_detach( p_input->p->p_sout ); sout_DeleteInstance( p_input->p->p_sout ); } #endif if( !p_input->b_preparsing && libvlc_stats (p_input) ) { #define EXIT_COUNTER( c ) do { if( p_input->p->counters.p_##c ) \ stats_CounterClean( p_input->p->counters.p_##c );\ p_input->p->counters.p_##c = NULL; } while(0) EXIT_COUNTER( read_bytes ); EXIT_COUNTER( read_packets ); EXIT_COUNTER( demux_read ); EXIT_COUNTER( input_bitrate ); EXIT_COUNTER( demux_bitrate ); EXIT_COUNTER( played_abuffers ); EXIT_COUNTER( lost_abuffers ); EXIT_COUNTER( displayed_pictures ); EXIT_COUNTER( lost_pictures ); EXIT_COUNTER( decoded_audio ); EXIT_COUNTER( decoded_video ); EXIT_COUNTER( decoded_sub ); if( p_input->p->p_sout ) { EXIT_COUNTER( sout_sent_packets ); EXIT_COUNTER (sout_sent_bytes ); EXIT_COUNTER( sout_send_bitrate ); } #undef EXIT_COUNTER } /* Mark them deleted */ p_input->p->input.p_demux = NULL; p_input->p->input.p_stream = NULL; p_input->p->input.p_access = NULL; p_input->p->p_es_out = NULL; p_input->p->p_sout = NULL; return VLC_EGENERIC; } /***************************************************************************** * Error: RunThread() error loop ***************************************************************************** * This function is called when an error occurred during thread main's loop. *****************************************************************************/ static void Error( input_thread_t *p_input ) { input_ChangeState( p_input, ERROR_S ); while( !p_input->b_die ) { /* Sleep a while */ msleep( INPUT_IDLE_SLEEP ); } } /***************************************************************************** * End: end the input thread *****************************************************************************/ static void End( input_thread_t * p_input ) { int i; /* We are at the end */ input_ChangeState( p_input, END_S ); /* Clean control variables */ input_ControlVarStop( p_input ); /* Clean up master */ InputSourceClean( &p_input->p->input ); /* Delete slave */ for( i = 0; i < p_input->p->i_slave; i++ ) { InputSourceClean( p_input->p->slave[i] ); free( p_input->p->slave[i] ); } free( p_input->p->slave ); /* Unload all modules */ if( p_input->p->p_es_out ) input_EsOutDelete( p_input->p->p_es_out ); if( !p_input->b_preparsing ) { #define CL_CO( c ) stats_CounterClean( p_input->p->counters.p_##c ); p_input->p->counters.p_##c = NULL; if( libvlc_stats (p_input) ) { libvlc_priv_t *priv = libvlc_priv (p_input->p_libvlc); /* make sure we are up to date */ stats_ComputeInputStats( p_input, p_input->p->input.p_item->p_stats ); if( priv->p_stats_computer == p_input ) { stats_ComputeGlobalStats( p_input->p_libvlc, p_input->p_libvlc->p_stats ); priv->p_stats_computer = NULL; } CL_CO( read_bytes ); CL_CO( read_packets ); CL_CO( demux_read ); CL_CO( input_bitrate ); CL_CO( demux_bitrate ); CL_CO( played_abuffers ); CL_CO( lost_abuffers ); CL_CO( displayed_pictures ); CL_CO( lost_pictures ); CL_CO( decoded_audio) ; CL_CO( decoded_video ); CL_CO( decoded_sub) ; } /* Close optional stream output instance */ if( p_input->p->p_sout ) { CL_CO( sout_sent_packets ); CL_CO( sout_sent_bytes ); CL_CO( sout_send_bitrate ); vlc_object_detach( p_input->p->p_sout ); } #undef CL_CO } if( p_input->p->i_attachment > 0 ) { for( i = 0; i < p_input->p->i_attachment; i++ ) vlc_input_attachment_Delete( p_input->p->attachment[i] ); TAB_CLEAN( p_input->p->i_attachment, p_input->p->attachment ); } /* Tell we're dead */ p_input->b_dead = true; } /***************************************************************************** * Control *****************************************************************************/ static inline int ControlPopNoLock( input_thread_t *p_input, int *pi_type, vlc_value_t *p_val ) { if( p_input->p->i_control <= 0 ) { return VLC_EGENERIC; } *pi_type = p_input->p->control[0].i_type; *p_val = p_input->p->control[0].val; p_input->p->i_control--; if( p_input->p->i_control > 0 ) { int i; for( i = 0; i < p_input->p->i_control; i++ ) { p_input->p->control[i].i_type = p_input->p->control[i+1].i_type; p_input->p->control[i].val = p_input->p->control[i+1].val; } } return VLC_SUCCESS; } static void ControlReduce( input_thread_t *p_input ) { int i; if( !p_input ) return; for( i = 1; i < p_input->p->i_control; i++ ) { const int i_lt = p_input->p->control[i-1].i_type; const int i_ct = p_input->p->control[i].i_type; /* XXX We can't merge INPUT_CONTROL_SET_ES */ /* msg_Dbg( p_input, "[%d/%d] l=%d c=%d", i, p_input->p->i_control, i_lt, i_ct ); */ if( i_lt == i_ct && ( i_ct == INPUT_CONTROL_SET_STATE || i_ct == INPUT_CONTROL_SET_RATE || i_ct == INPUT_CONTROL_SET_POSITION || i_ct == INPUT_CONTROL_SET_TIME || i_ct == INPUT_CONTROL_SET_PROGRAM || i_ct == INPUT_CONTROL_SET_TITLE || i_ct == INPUT_CONTROL_SET_SEEKPOINT || i_ct == INPUT_CONTROL_SET_BOOKMARK ) ) { int j; // msg_Dbg( p_input, "merged at %d", i ); /* Remove the i-1 */ for( j = i; j < p_input->p->i_control; j++ ) p_input->p->control[j-1] = p_input->p->control[j]; p_input->p->i_control--; } else { /* TODO but that's not that important - merge SET_X with SET_X_CMD - remove SET_SEEKPOINT/SET_POSITION/SET_TIME before a SET_TITLE - remove SET_SEEKPOINT/SET_POSITION/SET_TIME before another among them - ? */ } } } static bool Control( input_thread_t *p_input, int i_type, vlc_value_t val ) { bool b_force_update = false; if( !p_input ) return b_force_update; switch( i_type ) { case INPUT_CONTROL_SET_DIE: msg_Dbg( p_input, "control: stopping input" ); /* Mark all submodules to die */ ObjectKillChildrens( p_input ); break; case INPUT_CONTROL_SET_POSITION: case INPUT_CONTROL_SET_POSITION_OFFSET: { double f_pos; if( i_type == INPUT_CONTROL_SET_POSITION ) { f_pos = val.f_float; } else { /* Should not fail */ demux_Control( p_input->p->input.p_demux, DEMUX_GET_POSITION, &f_pos ); f_pos += val.f_float; } if( f_pos < 0.0 ) f_pos = 0.0; if( f_pos > 1.0 ) f_pos = 1.0; /* Reset the decoders states and clock sync (before calling the demuxer */ input_EsOutChangePosition( p_input->p->p_es_out ); if( demux_Control( p_input->p->input.p_demux, DEMUX_SET_POSITION, f_pos ) ) { msg_Err( p_input, "INPUT_CONTROL_SET_POSITION(_OFFSET) " "%2.1f%% failed", f_pos * 100 ); } else { if( p_input->p->i_slave > 0 ) SlaveSeek( p_input ); b_force_update = true; } break; } case INPUT_CONTROL_SET_TIME: case INPUT_CONTROL_SET_TIME_OFFSET: { int64_t i_time; int i_ret; if( i_type == INPUT_CONTROL_SET_TIME ) { i_time = val.i_time; } else { /* Should not fail */ demux_Control( p_input->p->input.p_demux, DEMUX_GET_TIME, &i_time ); i_time += val.i_time; } if( i_time < 0 ) i_time = 0; /* Reset the decoders states and clock sync (before calling the demuxer */ input_EsOutChangePosition( p_input->p->p_es_out ); i_ret = demux_Control( p_input->p->input.p_demux, DEMUX_SET_TIME, i_time ); if( i_ret ) { int64_t i_length; /* Emulate it with a SET_POS */ demux_Control( p_input->p->input.p_demux, DEMUX_GET_LENGTH, &i_length ); if( i_length > 0 ) { double f_pos = (double)i_time / (double)i_length; i_ret = demux_Control( p_input->p->input.p_demux, DEMUX_SET_POSITION, f_pos ); } } if( i_ret ) { msg_Warn( p_input, "INPUT_CONTROL_SET_TIME(_OFFSET) %"PRId64 " failed or not possible", i_time ); } else { if( p_input->p->i_slave > 0 ) SlaveSeek( p_input ); b_force_update = true; } break; } case INPUT_CONTROL_SET_STATE: if( ( val.i_int == PLAYING_S && p_input->i_state == PAUSE_S ) || ( val.i_int == PAUSE_S && p_input->i_state == PAUSE_S ) ) { int i_ret; if( p_input->p->input.p_access ) i_ret = access_Control( p_input->p->input.p_access, ACCESS_SET_PAUSE_STATE, false ); else i_ret = demux_Control( p_input->p->input.p_demux, DEMUX_SET_PAUSE_STATE, false ); if( i_ret ) { /* FIXME What to do ? */ msg_Warn( p_input, "cannot unset pause -> EOF" ); vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_input->p->lock_control ); input_ControlPush( p_input, INPUT_CONTROL_SET_DIE, NULL ); vlc_mutex_lock( &p_input->p->lock_control ); } b_force_update = true; /* Switch to play */ input_ChangeStateWithVarCallback( p_input, PLAYING_S, false ); /* */ if( !i_ret ) input_EsOutChangeState( p_input->p->p_es_out ); } else if( val.i_int == PAUSE_S && p_input->i_state == PLAYING_S && p_input->p->b_can_pause ) { int i_ret, state; if( p_input->p->input.p_access ) i_ret = access_Control( p_input->p->input.p_access, ACCESS_SET_PAUSE_STATE, true ); else i_ret = demux_Control( p_input->p->input.p_demux, DEMUX_SET_PAUSE_STATE, true ); b_force_update = true; if( i_ret ) { msg_Warn( p_input, "cannot set pause state" ); state = p_input->i_state; } else { state = PAUSE_S; } /* Switch to new state */ input_ChangeStateWithVarCallback( p_input, state, false ); /* */ if( !i_ret ) input_EsOutChangeState( p_input->p->p_es_out ); } else if( val.i_int == PAUSE_S && !p_input->p->b_can_pause ) { b_force_update = true; /* Correct "state" value */ input_ChangeStateWithVarCallback( p_input, p_input->i_state, false ); } else if( val.i_int != PLAYING_S && val.i_int != PAUSE_S ) { msg_Err( p_input, "invalid state in INPUT_CONTROL_SET_STATE" ); } break; case INPUT_CONTROL_SET_RATE: case INPUT_CONTROL_SET_RATE_SLOWER: case INPUT_CONTROL_SET_RATE_FASTER: { int i_rate; if( i_type == INPUT_CONTROL_SET_RATE ) { i_rate = val.i_int; } else { static const int ppi_factor[][2] = { {1,64}, {1,32}, {1,16}, {1,8}, {1,4}, {1,3}, {1,2}, {2,3}, {1,1}, {3,2}, {2,1}, {3,1}, {4,1}, {8,1}, {16,1}, {32,1}, {64,1}, {0,0} }; int i_error; int i_idx; int i; i_error = INT_MAX; i_idx = -1; for( i = 0; ppi_factor[i][0] != 0; i++ ) { const int i_test_r = INPUT_RATE_DEFAULT * ppi_factor[i][0] / ppi_factor[i][1]; const int i_test_e = abs(p_input->p->i_rate - i_test_r); if( i_test_e < i_error ) { i_idx = i; i_error = i_test_e; } } assert( i_idx >= 0 && ppi_factor[i_idx][0] != 0 ); if( i_type == INPUT_CONTROL_SET_RATE_SLOWER ) { if( ppi_factor[i_idx+1][0] > 0 ) i_rate = INPUT_RATE_DEFAULT * ppi_factor[i_idx+1][0] / ppi_factor[i_idx+1][1]; else i_rate = INPUT_RATE_MAX+1; } else { assert( i_type == INPUT_CONTROL_SET_RATE_FASTER ); if( i_idx > 0 ) i_rate = INPUT_RATE_DEFAULT * ppi_factor[i_idx-1][0] / ppi_factor[i_idx-1][1]; else i_rate = INPUT_RATE_MIN-1; } } if( i_rate < INPUT_RATE_MIN ) { msg_Dbg( p_input, "cannot set rate faster" ); i_rate = INPUT_RATE_MIN; } else if( i_rate > INPUT_RATE_MAX ) { msg_Dbg( p_input, "cannot set rate slower" ); i_rate = INPUT_RATE_MAX; } if( i_rate != INPUT_RATE_DEFAULT && ( ( !p_input->b_can_pace_control && !p_input->p->b_can_rate_control ) || ( p_input->p->p_sout && !p_input->p->b_out_pace_control ) ) ) { msg_Dbg( p_input, "cannot change rate" ); i_rate = INPUT_RATE_DEFAULT; } if( i_rate != p_input->p->i_rate && !p_input->b_can_pace_control && p_input->p->b_can_rate_control ) { int i_ret; if( p_input->p->input.p_access ) i_ret = VLC_EGENERIC; else i_ret = demux_Control( p_input->p->input.p_demux, DEMUX_SET_RATE, &i_rate ); if( i_ret ) { msg_Warn( p_input, "ACCESS/DEMUX_SET_RATE failed" ); i_rate = p_input->p->i_rate; } } /* */ if( i_rate != p_input->p->i_rate ) { val.i_int = i_rate; var_Change( p_input, "rate", VLC_VAR_SETVALUE, &val, NULL ); var_SetBool( p_input, "rate-change", true ); p_input->p->i_rate = i_rate; /* FIXME do we need a RESET_PCR when !p_input->p->input.b_rescale_ts ? */ if( p_input->p->input.b_rescale_ts ) input_EsOutChangeRate( p_input->p->p_es_out, i_rate ); b_force_update = true; } break; } case INPUT_CONTROL_SET_PROGRAM: /* No need to force update, es_out does it if needed */ es_out_Control( p_input->p->p_es_out, ES_OUT_SET_GROUP, val.i_int ); demux_Control( p_input->p->input.p_demux, DEMUX_SET_GROUP, val.i_int, NULL ); break; case INPUT_CONTROL_SET_ES: /* No need to force update, es_out does it if needed */ es_out_Control( p_input->p->p_es_out, ES_OUT_SET_ES, input_EsOutGetFromID( p_input->p->p_es_out, val.i_int ) ); break; case INPUT_CONTROL_SET_AUDIO_DELAY: input_EsOutSetDelay( p_input->p->p_es_out, AUDIO_ES, val.i_time ); var_Change( p_input, "audio-delay", VLC_VAR_SETVALUE, &val, NULL ); break; case INPUT_CONTROL_SET_SPU_DELAY: input_EsOutSetDelay( p_input->p->p_es_out, SPU_ES, val.i_time ); var_Change( p_input, "spu-delay", VLC_VAR_SETVALUE, &val, NULL ); break; case INPUT_CONTROL_SET_TITLE: case INPUT_CONTROL_SET_TITLE_NEXT: case INPUT_CONTROL_SET_TITLE_PREV: if( p_input->p->input.b_title_demux && p_input->p->input.i_title > 0 ) { /* TODO */ /* FIXME handle demux title */ demux_t *p_demux = p_input->p->input.p_demux; int i_title; if( i_type == INPUT_CONTROL_SET_TITLE_PREV ) i_title = p_demux->info.i_title - 1; else if( i_type == INPUT_CONTROL_SET_TITLE_NEXT ) i_title = p_demux->info.i_title + 1; else i_title = val.i_int; if( i_title >= 0 && i_title < p_input->p->input.i_title ) { input_EsOutChangePosition( p_input->p->p_es_out ); demux_Control( p_demux, DEMUX_SET_TITLE, i_title ); input_ControlVarTitle( p_input, i_title ); } } else if( p_input->p->input.i_title > 0 ) { access_t *p_access = p_input->p->input.p_access; int i_title; if( i_type == INPUT_CONTROL_SET_TITLE_PREV ) i_title = p_access->info.i_title - 1; else if( i_type == INPUT_CONTROL_SET_TITLE_NEXT ) i_title = p_access->info.i_title + 1; else i_title = val.i_int; if( i_title >= 0 && i_title < p_input->p->input.i_title ) { input_EsOutChangePosition( p_input->p->p_es_out ); access_Control( p_access, ACCESS_SET_TITLE, i_title ); stream_AccessReset( p_input->p->input.p_stream ); } } break; case INPUT_CONTROL_SET_SEEKPOINT: case INPUT_CONTROL_SET_SEEKPOINT_NEXT: case INPUT_CONTROL_SET_SEEKPOINT_PREV: if( p_input->p->input.b_title_demux && p_input->p->input.i_title > 0 ) { demux_t *p_demux = p_input->p->input.p_demux; int i_seekpoint; int64_t i_input_time; int64_t i_seekpoint_time; if( i_type == INPUT_CONTROL_SET_SEEKPOINT_PREV ) { i_seekpoint = p_demux->info.i_seekpoint; i_seekpoint_time = p_input->p->input.title[p_demux->info.i_title]->seekpoint[i_seekpoint]->i_time_offset; if( i_seekpoint_time >= 0 && !demux_Control( p_demux, DEMUX_GET_TIME, &i_input_time ) ) { if ( i_input_time < i_seekpoint_time + 3000000 ) i_seekpoint--; } else i_seekpoint--; } else if( i_type == INPUT_CONTROL_SET_SEEKPOINT_NEXT ) i_seekpoint = p_demux->info.i_seekpoint + 1; else i_seekpoint = val.i_int; if( i_seekpoint >= 0 && i_seekpoint < p_input->p->input.title[p_demux->info.i_title]->i_seekpoint ) { input_EsOutChangePosition( p_input->p->p_es_out ); demux_Control( p_demux, DEMUX_SET_SEEKPOINT, i_seekpoint ); } } else if( p_input->p->input.i_title > 0 ) { demux_t *p_demux = p_input->p->input.p_demux; access_t *p_access = p_input->p->input.p_access; int i_seekpoint; int64_t i_input_time; int64_t i_seekpoint_time; if( i_type == INPUT_CONTROL_SET_SEEKPOINT_PREV ) { i_seekpoint = p_access->info.i_seekpoint; i_seekpoint_time = p_input->p->input.title[p_access->info.i_title]->seekpoint[i_seekpoint]->i_time_offset; if( i_seekpoint_time >= 0 && demux_Control( p_demux, DEMUX_GET_TIME, &i_input_time ) ) { if ( i_input_time < i_seekpoint_time + 3000000 ) i_seekpoint--; } else i_seekpoint--; } else if( i_type == INPUT_CONTROL_SET_SEEKPOINT_NEXT ) i_seekpoint = p_access->info.i_seekpoint + 1; else i_seekpoint = val.i_int; if( i_seekpoint >= 0 && i_seekpoint < p_input->p->input.title[p_access->info.i_title]->i_seekpoint ) { input_EsOutChangePosition( p_input->p->p_es_out ); access_Control( p_access, ACCESS_SET_SEEKPOINT, i_seekpoint ); stream_AccessReset( p_input->p->input.p_stream ); } } break; case INPUT_CONTROL_ADD_SLAVE: if( val.psz_string ) { input_source_t *slave = InputSourceNew( p_input ); if( !InputSourceInit( p_input, slave, val.psz_string, NULL ) ) { vlc_meta_t *p_meta; int64_t i_time; /* Add the slave */ msg_Dbg( p_input, "adding %s as slave on the fly", val.psz_string ); /* Set position */ if( demux_Control( p_input->p->input.p_demux, DEMUX_GET_TIME, &i_time ) ) { msg_Err( p_input, "demux doesn't like DEMUX_GET_TIME" ); InputSourceClean( slave ); free( slave ); break; } if( demux_Control( slave->p_demux, DEMUX_SET_TIME, i_time ) ) { msg_Err( p_input, "seek failed for new slave" ); InputSourceClean( slave ); free( slave ); break; } /* Get meta (access and demux) */ p_meta = vlc_meta_New(); access_Control( slave->p_access, ACCESS_GET_META, p_meta ); demux_Control( slave->p_demux, DEMUX_GET_META, p_meta ); InputUpdateMeta( p_input, p_meta ); TAB_APPEND( p_input->p->i_slave, p_input->p->slave, slave ); } else { free( slave ); msg_Warn( p_input, "failed to add %s as slave", val.psz_string ); } free( val.psz_string ); } break; case INPUT_CONTROL_SET_BOOKMARK: default: msg_Err( p_input, "not yet implemented" ); break; } return b_force_update; } /***************************************************************************** * UpdateFromDemux: *****************************************************************************/ static int UpdateFromDemux( input_thread_t *p_input ) { demux_t *p_demux = p_input->p->input.p_demux; vlc_value_t v; if( p_demux->info.i_update & INPUT_UPDATE_TITLE ) { v.i_int = p_demux->info.i_title; var_Change( p_input, "title", VLC_VAR_SETVALUE, &v, NULL ); input_ControlVarTitle( p_input, p_demux->info.i_title ); p_demux->info.i_update &= ~INPUT_UPDATE_TITLE; } if( p_demux->info.i_update & INPUT_UPDATE_SEEKPOINT ) { v.i_int = p_demux->info.i_seekpoint; var_Change( p_input, "chapter", VLC_VAR_SETVALUE, &v, NULL); p_demux->info.i_update &= ~INPUT_UPDATE_SEEKPOINT; } p_demux->info.i_update &= ~INPUT_UPDATE_SIZE; /* Hmmm only works with master input */ if( p_input->p->input.p_demux == p_demux ) { int i_title_end = p_input->p->input.i_title_end - p_input->p->input.i_title_offset; int i_seekpoint_end = p_input->p->input.i_seekpoint_end - p_input->p->input.i_seekpoint_offset; if( i_title_end >= 0 && i_seekpoint_end >= 0 ) { if( p_demux->info.i_title > i_title_end || ( p_demux->info.i_title == i_title_end && p_demux->info.i_seekpoint > i_seekpoint_end ) ) return 0; } else if( i_seekpoint_end >=0 ) { if( p_demux->info.i_seekpoint > i_seekpoint_end ) return 0; } else if( i_title_end >= 0 ) { if( p_demux->info.i_title > i_title_end ) return 0; } } return 1; } /***************************************************************************** * UpdateFromAccess: *****************************************************************************/ static int UpdateFromAccess( input_thread_t *p_input ) { access_t *p_access = p_input->p->input.p_access; vlc_value_t v; if( p_access->info.i_update & INPUT_UPDATE_TITLE ) { v.i_int = p_access->info.i_title; var_Change( p_input, "title", VLC_VAR_SETVALUE, &v, NULL ); input_ControlVarTitle( p_input, p_access->info.i_title ); stream_AccessUpdate( p_input->p->input.p_stream ); p_access->info.i_update &= ~INPUT_UPDATE_TITLE; } if( p_access->info.i_update & INPUT_UPDATE_SEEKPOINT ) { v.i_int = p_access->info.i_seekpoint; var_Change( p_input, "chapter", VLC_VAR_SETVALUE, &v, NULL); p_access->info.i_update &= ~INPUT_UPDATE_SEEKPOINT; } if( p_access->info.i_update & INPUT_UPDATE_META ) { /* TODO maybe multi - access ? */ vlc_meta_t *p_meta = vlc_meta_New(); access_Control( p_input->p->input.p_access,ACCESS_GET_META, p_meta ); InputUpdateMeta( p_input, p_meta ); p_access->info.i_update &= ~INPUT_UPDATE_META; } p_access->info.i_update &= ~INPUT_UPDATE_SIZE; /* Hmmm only works with master input */ if( p_input->p->input.p_access == p_access ) { int i_title_end = p_input->p->input.i_title_end - p_input->p->input.i_title_offset; int i_seekpoint_end = p_input->p->input.i_seekpoint_end - p_input->p->input.i_seekpoint_offset; if( i_title_end >= 0 && i_seekpoint_end >=0 ) { if( p_access->info.i_title > i_title_end || ( p_access->info.i_title == i_title_end && p_access->info.i_seekpoint > i_seekpoint_end ) ) return 0; } else if( i_seekpoint_end >=0 ) { if( p_access->info.i_seekpoint > i_seekpoint_end ) return 0; } else if( i_title_end >= 0 ) { if( p_access->info.i_title > i_title_end ) return 0; } } return 1; } /***************************************************************************** * UpdateItemLength: *****************************************************************************/ static void UpdateItemLength( input_thread_t *p_input, int64_t i_length ) { input_item_SetDuration( p_input->p->input.p_item, (mtime_t) i_length ); } /***************************************************************************** * InputSourceNew: *****************************************************************************/ static input_source_t *InputSourceNew( input_thread_t *p_input ) { input_source_t *in = (input_source_t*) malloc( sizeof( input_source_t ) ); if( in ) memset( in, 0, sizeof( input_source_t ) ); return in; } /***************************************************************************** * InputSourceInit: *****************************************************************************/ static int InputSourceInit( input_thread_t *p_input, input_source_t *in, const char *psz_mrl, const char *psz_forced_demux ) { char psz_dup[strlen (psz_mrl) + 1]; const char *psz_access; const char *psz_demux; char *psz_path; char *psz_tmp; char *psz; vlc_value_t val; double f_fps; strcpy( psz_dup, psz_mrl ); if( !in ) return VLC_EGENERIC; if( !p_input ) return VLC_EGENERIC; /* Split uri */ MRLSplit( psz_dup, &psz_access, &psz_demux, &psz_path ); msg_Dbg( p_input, "`%s' gives access `%s' demux `%s' path `%s'", psz_mrl, psz_access, psz_demux, psz_path ); if( !p_input->b_preparsing ) { /* Hack to allow udp://@:port syntax */ if( !psz_access || (strncmp( psz_access, "udp", 3 ) && strncmp( psz_access, "rtp", 3 )) ) { /* Find optional titles and seekpoints */ MRLSections( p_input, psz_path, &in->i_title_start, &in->i_title_end, &in->i_seekpoint_start, &in->i_seekpoint_end ); } if( psz_forced_demux && *psz_forced_demux ) { psz_demux = psz_forced_demux; } else if( *psz_demux == '\0' ) { /* special hack for forcing a demuxer with --demux=module * (and do nothing with a list) */ char *psz_var_demux = var_GetNonEmptyString( p_input, "demux" ); if( psz_var_demux != NULL && !strchr(psz_var_demux, ',' ) && !strchr(psz_var_demux, ':' ) ) { psz_demux = psz_var_demux; msg_Dbg( p_input, "enforced demux ` %s'", psz_demux ); } } /* Try access_demux if no demux given */ if( *psz_demux == '\0' ) { in->p_demux = demux_New( p_input, psz_access, psz_demux, psz_path, NULL, p_input->p->p_es_out, false ); } } else { /* Preparsing is only for file:// */ if( *psz_demux ) goto error; if( !*psz_access ) /* path without scheme:// */ psz_access = "file"; if( strcmp( psz_access, "file" ) ) goto error; msg_Dbg( p_input, "trying to pre-parse %s", psz_path ); } if( in->p_demux ) { int64_t i_pts_delay; /* Get infos from access_demux */ demux_Control( in->p_demux, DEMUX_GET_PTS_DELAY, &i_pts_delay ); p_input->i_pts_delay = __MAX( p_input->i_pts_delay, i_pts_delay ); in->b_title_demux = true; if( demux_Control( in->p_demux, DEMUX_GET_TITLE_INFO, &in->title, &in->i_title, &in->i_title_offset, &in->i_seekpoint_offset ) ) { in->i_title = 0; in->title = NULL; } if( demux_Control( in->p_demux, DEMUX_CAN_CONTROL_PACE, &in->b_can_pace_control ) ) in->b_can_pace_control = false; if( !in->b_can_pace_control ) { if( demux_Control( in->p_demux, DEMUX_CAN_CONTROL_RATE, &in->b_can_rate_control, &in->b_rescale_ts ) ) { in->b_can_rate_control = false; in->b_rescale_ts = true; /* not used */ } } else { in->b_can_rate_control = true; in->b_rescale_ts = true; } if( demux_Control( in->p_demux, DEMUX_CAN_PAUSE, &in->b_can_pause ) ) in->b_can_pause = false; var_SetBool( p_input, "can-pause", in->b_can_pause ); int ret = demux_Control( in->p_demux, DEMUX_CAN_SEEK, &val.b_bool ); if( ret != VLC_SUCCESS ) val.b_bool = false; var_Set( p_input, "seekable", val ); } else { int64_t i_pts_delay; input_ChangeState( p_input, OPENING_S ); /* Now try a real access */ in->p_access = access_New( p_input, psz_access, psz_demux, psz_path ); /* Access failed, URL encoded ? */ if( in->p_access == NULL && strchr( psz_path, '%' ) ) { decode_URI( psz_path ); msg_Dbg( p_input, "retrying with access `%s' demux `%s' path `%s'", psz_access, psz_demux, psz_path ); in->p_access = access_New( p_input, psz_access, psz_demux, psz_path ); } if( in->p_access == NULL ) { msg_Err( p_input, "open of `%s' failed: %s", psz_mrl, msg_StackMsg() ); intf_UserFatal( VLC_OBJECT( p_input), false, _("Your input can't be opened"), _("VLC is unable to open the MRL '%s'." " Check the log for details."), psz_mrl ); goto error; } /* */ psz_tmp = psz = var_GetNonEmptyString( p_input, "access-filter" ); while( psz && *psz ) { access_t *p_access = in->p_access; char *end = strchr( psz, ':' ); if( end ) *end++ = '\0'; in->p_access = access_FilterNew( in->p_access, psz ); if( in->p_access == NULL ) { in->p_access = p_access; msg_Warn( p_input, "failed to insert access filter %s", psz ); } psz = end; } free( psz_tmp ); /* Get infos from access */ if( !p_input->b_preparsing ) { access_Control( in->p_access, ACCESS_GET_PTS_DELAY, &i_pts_delay ); p_input->i_pts_delay = __MAX( p_input->i_pts_delay, i_pts_delay ); in->b_title_demux = false; if( access_Control( in->p_access, ACCESS_GET_TITLE_INFO, &in->title, &in->i_title, &in->i_title_offset, &in->i_seekpoint_offset ) ) { in->i_title = 0; in->title = NULL; } access_Control( in->p_access, ACCESS_CAN_CONTROL_PACE, &in->b_can_pace_control ); in->b_can_rate_control = in->b_can_pace_control; in->b_rescale_ts = true; access_Control( in->p_access, ACCESS_CAN_PAUSE, &in->b_can_pause ); var_SetBool( p_input, "can-pause", in->b_can_pause ); access_Control( in->p_access, ACCESS_CAN_SEEK, &val.b_bool ); var_Set( p_input, "seekable", val ); } input_ChangeState( p_input, BUFFERING_S ); /* Create the stream_t */ in->p_stream = stream_AccessNew( in->p_access, p_input->b_preparsing ); if( in->p_stream == NULL ) { msg_Warn( p_input, "cannot create a stream_t from access" ); goto error; } /* Open a demuxer */ if( *psz_demux == '\0' && *in->p_access->psz_demux ) { psz_demux = in->p_access->psz_demux; } { /* Take access redirections into account */ char *psz_real_path; char *psz_buf = NULL; if( in->p_access->psz_path ) { const char *psz_a, *psz_d; psz_buf = strdup( in->p_access->psz_path ); MRLSplit( psz_buf, &psz_a, &psz_d, &psz_real_path ); } else { psz_real_path = psz_path; } in->p_demux = demux_New( p_input, psz_access, psz_demux, psz_real_path, in->p_stream, p_input->p->p_es_out, p_input->b_preparsing ); free( psz_buf ); } if( in->p_demux == NULL ) { msg_Err( p_input, "no suitable demux module for `%s/%s://%s'", psz_access, psz_demux, psz_path ); intf_UserFatal( VLC_OBJECT( p_input ), false, _("VLC can't recognize the input's format"), _("The format of '%s' cannot be detected. " "Have a look the log for details."), psz_mrl ); goto error; } /* Get title from demux */ if( !p_input->b_preparsing && in->i_title <= 0 ) { if( demux_Control( in->p_demux, DEMUX_GET_TITLE_INFO, &in->title, &in->i_title, &in->i_title_offset, &in->i_seekpoint_offset )) { TAB_INIT( in->i_title, in->title ); } else { in->b_title_demux = true; } } } /* get attachment * FIXME improve for b_preparsing: move it after GET_META and check psz_arturl */ if( 1 || !p_input->b_preparsing ) { int i_attachment; input_attachment_t **attachment; if( !demux_Control( in->p_demux, DEMUX_GET_ATTACHMENTS, &attachment, &i_attachment ) ) { vlc_mutex_lock( &p_input->p->input.p_item->lock ); AppendAttachment( &p_input->p->i_attachment, &p_input->p->attachment, i_attachment, attachment ); vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_input->p->input.p_item->lock ); } } if( !demux_Control( in->p_demux, DEMUX_GET_FPS, &f_fps ) ) { vlc_mutex_lock( &p_input->p->input.p_item->lock ); in->f_fps = f_fps; vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_input->p->input.p_item->lock ); } if( var_GetInteger( p_input, "clock-synchro" ) != -1 ) in->b_can_pace_control = !var_GetInteger( p_input, "clock-synchro" ); return VLC_SUCCESS; error: input_ChangeState( p_input, ERROR_S ); if( in->p_demux ) demux_Delete( in->p_demux ); if( in->p_stream ) stream_Delete( in->p_stream ); if( in->p_access ) access_Delete( in->p_access ); return VLC_EGENERIC; } /***************************************************************************** * InputSourceClean: *****************************************************************************/ static void InputSourceClean( input_source_t *in ) { int i; if( in->p_demux ) demux_Delete( in->p_demux ); if( in->p_stream ) stream_Delete( in->p_stream ); if( in->p_access ) access_Delete( in->p_access ); if( in->i_title > 0 ) { for( i = 0; i < in->i_title; i++ ) vlc_input_title_Delete( in->title[i] ); TAB_CLEAN( in->i_title, in->title ); } } static void SlaveDemux( input_thread_t *p_input ) { int64_t i_time; int i; if( demux_Control( p_input->p->input.p_demux, DEMUX_GET_TIME, &i_time ) ) { msg_Err( p_input, "demux doesn't like DEMUX_GET_TIME" ); return; } for( i = 0; i < p_input->p->i_slave; i++ ) { input_source_t *in = p_input->p->slave[i]; int i_ret = 1; if( in->b_eof ) continue; if( demux_Control( in->p_demux, DEMUX_SET_NEXT_DEMUX_TIME, i_time ) ) { for( ;; ) { int64_t i_stime; if( demux_Control( in->p_demux, DEMUX_GET_TIME, &i_stime ) ) { msg_Err( p_input, "slave[%d] doesn't like " "DEMUX_GET_TIME -> EOF", i ); i_ret = 0; break; } if( i_stime >= i_time ) break; if( ( i_ret = in->p_demux->pf_demux( in->p_demux ) ) <= 0 ) break; } } else { i_ret = in->p_demux->pf_demux( in->p_demux ); } if( i_ret <= 0 ) { msg_Dbg( p_input, "slave %d EOF", i ); in->b_eof = true; } } } static void SlaveSeek( input_thread_t *p_input ) { int64_t i_time; int i; if( !p_input ) return; if( demux_Control( p_input->p->input.p_demux, DEMUX_GET_TIME, &i_time ) ) { msg_Err( p_input, "demux doesn't like DEMUX_GET_TIME" ); return; } for( i = 0; i < p_input->p->i_slave; i++ ) { input_source_t *in = p_input->p->slave[i]; if( demux_Control( in->p_demux, DEMUX_SET_TIME, i_time ) ) { msg_Err( p_input, "seek failed for slave %d -> EOF", i ); in->b_eof = true; } } } /***************************************************************************** * InputMetaUser: *****************************************************************************/ static void InputMetaUser( input_thread_t *p_input, vlc_meta_t *p_meta ) { vlc_value_t val; if( !p_meta ) return; /* Get meta information from user */ #define GET_META( field, s ) \ var_Get( p_input, (s), &val ); \ if( *val.psz_string ) \ vlc_meta_Set( p_meta, vlc_meta_ ## field, val.psz_string ); \ free( val.psz_string ) GET_META( Title, "meta-title" ); GET_META( Artist, "meta-artist" ); GET_META( Genre, "meta-genre" ); GET_META( Copyright, "meta-copyright" ); GET_META( Description, "meta-description" ); GET_META( Date, "meta-date" ); GET_META( URL, "meta-url" ); #undef GET_META } /***************************************************************************** * InputUpdateMeta: merge p_item meta data with p_meta taking care of * arturl and locking issue. *****************************************************************************/ static void InputUpdateMeta( input_thread_t *p_input, vlc_meta_t *p_meta ) { input_item_t *p_item = p_input->p->input.p_item; char * psz_arturl = NULL; char *psz_title = NULL; int i_arturl_event = false; if( !p_meta ) return; psz_arturl = input_item_GetArtURL( p_item ); vlc_mutex_lock( &p_item->lock ); if( vlc_meta_Get( p_meta, vlc_meta_Title ) && !p_item->b_fixed_name ) psz_title = strdup( vlc_meta_Get( p_meta, vlc_meta_Title ) ); vlc_meta_Merge( p_item->p_meta, p_meta ); if( psz_arturl && *psz_arturl ) { vlc_meta_Set( p_item->p_meta, vlc_meta_ArtworkURL, psz_arturl ); i_arturl_event = true; } vlc_meta_Delete( p_meta ); if( psz_arturl && !strncmp( psz_arturl, "attachment://", strlen("attachment") ) ) { /* Don't look for art cover if sout * XXX It can change when sout has meta data support */ if( p_input->p->p_sout && !p_input->b_preparsing ) { vlc_meta_Set( p_item->p_meta, vlc_meta_ArtworkURL, "" ); i_arturl_event = true; } else input_ExtractAttachmentAndCacheArt( p_input ); } free( psz_arturl ); /* A bit ugly */ p_meta = NULL; if( vlc_dictionary_keys_count( &p_item->p_meta->extra_tags ) > 0 ) { p_meta = vlc_meta_New(); vlc_meta_Merge( p_meta, input_item_GetMetaObject( p_item ) ); } vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_item->lock ); input_item_SetPreparsed( p_item, true ); if( i_arturl_event == true ) { vlc_event_t event; /* Notify interested third parties */ event.type = vlc_InputItemMetaChanged; event.u.input_item_meta_changed.meta_type = vlc_meta_ArtworkURL; vlc_event_send( &p_item->event_manager, &event ); } if( psz_title ) { input_Control( p_input, INPUT_SET_NAME, psz_title ); free( psz_title ); } /** \todo handle sout meta */ } static void AppendAttachment( int *pi_attachment, input_attachment_t ***ppp_attachment, int i_new, input_attachment_t **pp_new ) { int i_attachment = *pi_attachment; input_attachment_t **attachment = *ppp_attachment; int i; attachment = realloc( attachment, sizeof(input_attachment_t**) * ( i_attachment + i_new ) ); for( i = 0; i < i_new; i++ ) attachment[i_attachment++] = pp_new[i]; free( pp_new ); /* */ *pi_attachment = i_attachment; *ppp_attachment = attachment; } static void AccessMeta( input_thread_t * p_input, vlc_meta_t *p_meta ) { int i; if( p_input->b_preparsing ) return; if( p_input->p->input.p_access ) access_Control( p_input->p->input.p_access, ACCESS_GET_META, p_meta ); /* Get meta data from slave input */ for( i = 0; i < p_input->p->i_slave; i++ ) { DemuxMeta( p_input, p_meta, p_input->p->slave[i]->p_demux ); if( p_input->p->slave[i]->p_access ) { access_Control( p_input->p->slave[i]->p_access, ACCESS_GET_META, p_meta ); } } } static void DemuxMeta( input_thread_t *p_input, vlc_meta_t *p_meta, demux_t *p_demux ) { bool b_bool; module_t *p_id3; #if 0 /* XXX I am not sure it is a great idea, besides, there is more than that * if we want to do it right */ vlc_mutex_lock( &p_item->lock ); if( p_item->p_meta && (p_item->p_meta->i_status & ITEM_PREPARSED ) ) { vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_item->lock ); return; } vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_item->lock ); #endif demux_Control( p_demux, DEMUX_GET_META, p_meta ); if( demux_Control( p_demux, DEMUX_HAS_UNSUPPORTED_META, &b_bool ) ) return; if( !b_bool ) return; p_demux->p_private = malloc( sizeof( demux_meta_t ) ); if(! p_demux->p_private ) return; p_id3 = module_Need( p_demux, "meta reader", NULL, 0 ); if( p_id3 ) { demux_meta_t *p_demux_meta = (demux_meta_t *)p_demux->p_private; if( p_demux_meta->p_meta ) { vlc_meta_Merge( p_meta, p_demux_meta->p_meta ); vlc_meta_Delete( p_demux_meta->p_meta ); } if( p_demux_meta->i_attachments > 0 ) { vlc_mutex_lock( &p_input->p->input.p_item->lock ); AppendAttachment( &p_input->p->i_attachment, &p_input->p->attachment, p_demux_meta->i_attachments, p_demux_meta->attachments ); vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_input->p->input.p_item->lock ); } module_Unneed( p_demux, p_id3 ); } free( p_demux->p_private ); } /***************************************************************************** * MRLSplit: parse the access, demux and url part of the * Media Resource Locator. *****************************************************************************/ void MRLSplit( char *psz_dup, const char **ppsz_access, const char **ppsz_demux, char **ppsz_path ) { char *psz_access = NULL; char *psz_demux = NULL; char *psz_path; /* Either there is an access/demux specification before :// * or we have a plain local file path. */ psz_path = strstr( psz_dup, "://" ); if( psz_path != NULL ) { *psz_path = '\0'; psz_path += 3; /* skips "://" */ /* Separate access from demux (<access>/<demux>://<path>) */ psz_access = psz_dup; psz_demux = strchr( psz_access, '/' ); if( psz_demux ) *psz_demux++ = '\0'; /* We really don't want module name substitution here! */ if( psz_access[0] == '$' ) psz_access++; if( psz_demux && psz_demux[0] == '$' ) psz_demux++; } else { psz_path = psz_dup; } *ppsz_access = psz_access ? psz_access : ""; *ppsz_demux = psz_demux ? psz_demux : ""; *ppsz_path = psz_path ? psz_path : ""; } /***************************************************************************** * MRLSections: parse title and seekpoint info from the Media Resource Locator. * * Syntax: * [url][@[title-start][:chapter-start][-[title-end][:chapter-end]]] *****************************************************************************/ static void MRLSections( input_thread_t *p_input, char *psz_source, int *pi_title_start, int *pi_title_end, int *pi_chapter_start, int *pi_chapter_end ) { char *psz, *psz_end, *psz_next, *psz_check; *pi_title_start = *pi_title_end = -1; *pi_chapter_start = *pi_chapter_end = -1; /* Start by parsing titles and chapters */ if( !psz_source || !( psz = strrchr( psz_source, '@' ) ) ) return; /* Check we are really dealing with a title/chapter section */ psz_check = psz + 1; if( !*psz_check ) return; if( isdigit(*psz_check) ) strtol( psz_check, &psz_check, 0 ); if( *psz_check != ':' && *psz_check != '-' && *psz_check ) return; if( *psz_check == ':' && ++psz_check ) if( isdigit(*psz_check) ) strtol( psz_check, &psz_check, 0 ); if( *psz_check != '-' && *psz_check ) return; if( *psz_check == '-' && ++psz_check ) if( isdigit(*psz_check) ) strtol( psz_check, &psz_check, 0 ); if( *psz_check != ':' && *psz_check ) return; if( *psz_check == ':' && ++psz_check ) if( isdigit(*psz_check) ) strtol( psz_check, &psz_check, 0 ); if( *psz_check ) return; /* Separate start and end */ *psz++ = 0; if( ( psz_end = strchr( psz, '-' ) ) ) *psz_end++ = 0; /* Look for the start title */ *pi_title_start = strtol( psz, &psz_next, 0 ); if( !*pi_title_start && psz == psz_next ) *pi_title_start = -1; *pi_title_end = *pi_title_start; psz = psz_next; /* Look for the start chapter */ if( *psz ) psz++; *pi_chapter_start = strtol( psz, &psz_next, 0 ); if( !*pi_chapter_start && psz == psz_next ) *pi_chapter_start = -1; *pi_chapter_end = *pi_chapter_start; if( psz_end ) { /* Look for the end title */ *pi_title_end = strtol( psz_end, &psz_next, 0 ); if( !*pi_title_end && psz_end == psz_next ) *pi_title_end = -1; psz_end = psz_next; /* Look for the end chapter */ if( *psz_end ) psz_end++; *pi_chapter_end = strtol( psz_end, &psz_next, 0 ); if( !*pi_chapter_end && psz_end == psz_next ) *pi_chapter_end = -1; } msg_Dbg( p_input, "source=`%s' title=%d/%d seekpoint=%d/%d", psz_source, *pi_title_start, *pi_chapter_start, *pi_title_end, *pi_chapter_end ); } /***************************************************************************** * input_AddSubtitles: add a subtitles file and enable it *****************************************************************************/ bool input_AddSubtitles( input_thread_t *p_input, char *psz_subtitle, bool b_check_extension ) { input_source_t *sub; vlc_value_t count; vlc_value_t list; char *psz_path, *psz_extension; if( b_check_extension && !subtitles_Filter( psz_subtitle ) ) { return false; } /* if we are provided a subtitle.sub file, * see if we don't have a subtitle.idx and use it instead */ psz_path = strdup( psz_subtitle ); if( psz_path ) { psz_extension = strrchr( psz_path, '.'); if( psz_extension && strcmp( psz_extension, ".sub" ) == 0 ) { FILE *f; strcpy( psz_extension, ".idx" ); /* FIXME: a portable wrapper for stat() or access() would be more suited */ if( ( f = utf8_fopen( psz_path, "rt" ) ) ) { fclose( f ); msg_Dbg( p_input, "using %s subtitles file instead of %s", psz_path, psz_subtitle ); strcpy( psz_subtitle, psz_path ); } } free( psz_path ); } var_Change( p_input, "spu-es", VLC_VAR_CHOICESCOUNT, &count, NULL ); sub = InputSourceNew( p_input ); if( !InputSourceInit( p_input, sub, psz_subtitle, "subtitle" ) ) { TAB_APPEND( p_input->p->i_slave, p_input->p->slave, sub ); /* Select the ES */ if( !var_Change( p_input, "spu-es", VLC_VAR_GETLIST, &list, NULL ) ) { if( count.i_int == 0 ) count.i_int++; /* if it was first one, there is disable too */ if( count.i_int < list.p_list->i_count ) { input_ControlPush( p_input, INPUT_CONTROL_SET_ES, &list.p_list->p_values[count.i_int] ); } var_Change( p_input, "spu-es", VLC_VAR_FREELIST, &list, NULL ); } } else free( sub ); return true; } /***************************************************************************** * input_get_event_manager *****************************************************************************/ vlc_event_manager_t * input_get_event_manager( input_thread_t *p_input ) { return &p_input->p->event_manager; }