/***************************************************************************** * sout.cpp : Stream output dialog (old-style) **************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2006 the VideoLAN team * $Id: Errors.cpp 16024 2006-07-13 13:51:05Z xtophe $ * * Authors: Clément Stenac <zorglub@videolan.org> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA. *****************************************************************************/ #include "dialogs/sout.hpp" #include "qt4.hpp" #include <vlc_streaming.h> #include <QFileDialog> SoutDialog::SoutDialog( QWidget *parent, intf_thread_t *_p_intf, bool _transcode_only ) : QVLCDialog( parent, _p_intf ) { setWindowTitle( qtr( "Stream output") ); /* UI stuff */ ui.setupUi( this ); #define ADD_VCODEC( name, fcc) ui.vCodec->addItem( name, QVariant( fcc ) ); ADD_VCODEC( "MPEG-1", "mp1v" ); ADD_VCODEC( "MPEG-2", "mp2v" ); ADD_VCODEC( "MPEG-4", "mp4v" ); ADD_VCODEC( "DIVX 1" , "DIV1" ); ADD_VCODEC( "DIVX 2" , "DIV1" ); ADD_VCODEC( "DIVX 3" , "DIV1" ); ADD_VCODEC( "H-263", "H263" ); ADD_VCODEC( "H-264", "h264" ); ADD_VCODEC( "WMV1", "WMV1" ); ADD_VCODEC( "WMV2" , "WMV2" ); ADD_VCODEC( "M-JPEG", "MJPG" ); ADD_VCODEC( "Theora", "theo" ); #define ADD_ACODEC( name, fcc) ui.aCodec->addItem( name, QVariant( fcc ) ); ADD_ACODEC( "MPEG Audio", "mpga" ); ADD_ACODEC( "MP3", "mp3" ); ADD_ACODEC( "MPEG 4 Audio (AAC)", "mp4a"); ADD_ACODEC( "A52/AC3", "a52"); ADD_ACODEC( "Vorbis", "vorb" ); ADD_ACODEC( "Flac", "flac" ); ADD_ACODEC( "Speex", "spx" ); ADD_ACODEC( "WAV", "s16l" ); ui.vScale->addItem( "0.25" ); ui.vScale->addItem( "0.5" ); ui.vScale->addItem( "0.75" ); ui.vScale->addItem( "1" ); ui.vScale->addItem( "1.25" ); ui.vScale->addItem( "1.5" ); ui.vScale->addItem( "1.75" ); ui.vScale->addItem( "2" ); ui.mrlEdit->setToolTip ( qtr("Stream output string.\n This is automatically generated when you change the above settings,\n but you can update it manually." ) ) ; /* Connect everything to the updateMRL function */ #define CB(x) CONNECT( ui.x, clicked(bool), this, updateMRL() ); #define CT(x) CONNECT( ui.x, textChanged(const QString), this, updateMRL() ); #define CS(x) CONNECT( ui.x, valueChanged(int), this, updateMRL() ); #define CC(x) CONNECT( ui.x, currentIndexChanged(int), this, updateMRL() ); /* Output */ CB( fileOutput ); CB( HTTPOutput ); CB( localOutput ); CB( UDPOutput ); CB( MMSHOutput ); CB( rawInput ); CT( fileEdit ); CT( HTTPEdit ); CT( UDPEdit ); CT( MMSHEdit ); CS( HTTPPort ); CS( UDPPort ); CS( MMSHPort ); /* Transcode */ CC( vCodec ); CC( sCodec ); CC( aCodec ) ; CB( transcodeVideo ); CB( transcodeAudio ); CB( transcodeSubs ); CB( sOverlay ); CS( vBitrate ); CS( aBitrate ); CS( aChannels ); CC( vScale ); /* Mux */ CB( PSMux ); CB( TSMux ); CB( MPEG1Mux ); CB( OggMux ); CB( ASFMux ); CB( MP4Mux ); CB( MOVMux ); CB( WAVMux ); CB( RAWMux ); CB( FLVMux ); /* Misc */ CB( soutAll ); CS( ttl ); CT( sapName ); CT( sapGroup ); CONNECT( ui.fileSelectButton, clicked(), this, fileBrowse() ); QPushButton *okButton = new QPushButton( qtr( "&Stream" ) ); QPushButton *cancelButton = new QPushButton( qtr( "&Cancel" ) ); okButton->setDefault( true ); ui.acceptButtonBox->addButton( okButton, QDialogButtonBox::AcceptRole ); ui.acceptButtonBox->addButton( cancelButton, QDialogButtonBox::RejectRole ); BUTTONACT( okButton, ok()); BUTTONACT( cancelButton, cancel()); if( _transcode_only ) toggleSout(); } void SoutDialog::fileBrowse() { QString f = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName( this, qtr("Save file"), "", "" ); ui.fileEdit->setText( f ); updateMRL(); } void SoutDialog::toggleSout() { #define TGV(x) { \ if( (x->isHidden()) ) \ x->show(); \ else x->hide();\ } TGV( ui.HTTPOutput ) ; TGV( ui.UDPOutput ) ; TGV( ui.MMSHOutput ) ; TGV( ui.HTTPEdit ) ; TGV( ui.UDPEdit ) ; TGV( ui.MMSHEdit ) ; TGV( ui.HTTPLabel ) ; TGV( ui.UDPLabel ) ; TGV( ui.MMSHLabel ) ; TGV( ui.HTTPPortLabel ) ; TGV( ui.UDPPortLabel ) ; TGV( ui.MMSHPortLabel ) ; TGV( ui.HTTPPort ) ; TGV( ui.UDPPort ) ; TGV( ui.MMSHPort ) ; updateGeometry(); } void SoutDialog::ok() { mrl = ui.mrlEdit->text(); accept(); } void SoutDialog::cancel() { mrl = ui.mrlEdit->text(); reject(); } void SoutDialog::updateMRL() { sout_gui_descr_t pd; memset( &pd, 0, sizeof( sout_gui_descr_t ) ); /* Output */ pd.b_dump = ui.rawInput->isChecked(); if( pd.b_dump ) goto end; pd.b_local = ui.localOutput->isChecked(); pd.b_file = ui.fileOutput->isChecked(); pd.b_http = ui.HTTPOutput->isChecked(); pd.b_mms = ui.MMSHOutput->isChecked(); pd.b_udp = ui.UDPOutput->isChecked(); pd.psz_file = ui.fileOutput->isChecked() ? strdup(qtu( ui.fileEdit->text() ) ): NULL; pd.psz_http = ui.HTTPOutput->isChecked() ? strdup(qtu( ui.HTTPEdit->text() ) ) : NULL; pd.psz_mms = ui.MMSHOutput->isChecked() ? strdup(qtu( ui.MMSHEdit->text() ) ): NULL; pd.psz_udp = ui.UDPOutput->isChecked() ? strdup( qtu( ui.UDPEdit->text() ) ): NULL; pd.i_http = ui.HTTPPort->value(); pd.i_mms = ui.MMSHPort->value(); pd.i_udp = ui.UDPPort->value(); /* Mux */ #define SMUX(x, txt) if( ui.x##Mux->isChecked() ) pd.psz_mux = strdup(txt); SMUX( PS, "ps" ); SMUX( TS, "ts" ); SMUX( MPEG1, "mpeg" ); SMUX( Ogg, "ogg" ); SMUX( ASF, "asf" ); SMUX( MP4, "mp4" ); SMUX( MOV, "mov" ); SMUX( WAV, "wav" ); SMUX( RAW, "raw" ); SMUX( FLV, "flv" ); /* Transcode */ pd.b_soverlay = ui.sOverlay->isChecked(); pd.i_vb = ui.vBitrate->value(); pd.i_ab = ui.aBitrate->value(); pd.i_channels = ui.aChannels->value(); pd.f_scale = atof( qta( ui.vScale->currentText() ) ); pd.psz_vcodec = ui.transcodeVideo->isChecked() ? strdup( qtu( ui.vCodec->itemData( ui.vCodec->currentIndex() ). toString() ) ) : NULL; pd.psz_acodec = ui.transcodeAudio->isChecked() ? strdup( qtu( ui.aCodec->itemData( ui.aCodec->currentIndex() ).toString() ) ) : NULL; pd.psz_scodec = ui.transcodeSubs->isChecked() ? strdup( qtu( ui.sCodec->itemData( ui.sCodec->currentIndex() ).toString() ) ) : NULL; pd.b_sap = ui.sap->isChecked(); pd.b_all_es = ui.soutAll->isChecked(); pd.psz_name = qtu( ui.sapName->text() ); pd.psz_group = qtu( ui.sapGroup->text() ); pd.i_ttl = ui.ttl->value() ; end: sout_chain_t* p_chain = streaming_ChainNew(); streaming_GuiDescToChain( VLC_OBJECT(p_intf), p_chain, &pd ); char *psz_mrl = streaming_ChainToPsz( p_chain ); ui.mrlEdit->setText( qfu( strdup(psz_mrl) ) ); free( pd.psz_acodec ); free( pd.psz_vcodec ); free( pd.psz_scodec ); free( pd.psz_file );free( pd.psz_http ); free( pd.psz_mms ); free( pd.psz_udp ); free( pd.psz_mux ); }