Commit ee2bc403 authored by Gildas Bazin's avatar Gildas Bazin

* modules/control/http.c: brand new (and also basic) HTTP interface plugin for vlc (uses port 8080 by default).
parent 1c04b2ad
......@@ -132,6 +132,7 @@ case "x${target_os}" in
LDFLAGS_access_output_udp="${LDFLAGS_access_output_udp} -lws2_32"
LDFLAGS_sap="${LDFLAGS_sap} -lws2_32"
LDFLAGS_slp="${LDFLAGS_slp} -lws2_32"
LDFLAGS_http="${LDFLAGS_http} -lws2_32"
LDFLAGS_httpd="${LDFLAGS_httpd} -lws2_32"
......@@ -291,6 +292,7 @@ AC_CHECK_FUNCS(send,,[
LDFLAGS_access_udp="${LDFLAGS_access_udp} -lsocket"
LDFLAGS_access_ftp="${LDFLAGS_access_ftp} -lsocket"
LDFLAGS_sap="${LDFLAGS_sap} -lsocket"
LDFLAGS_http="${LDFLAGS_http} -lsocket"
LDFLAGS_access_output_udp="${LDFLAGS_access_output_udp} -lsocket"
......@@ -831,7 +833,7 @@ PLUGINS="${PLUGINS} id3 m3u"
PLUGINS="${PLUGINS} rawvideo"
PLUGINS="${PLUGINS} wav araw demuxdump demuxsub adpcm a52sys au"
PLUGINS="${PLUGINS} access_file access_udp access_http ipv4 access_mms"
PLUGINS="${PLUGINS} access_ftp access_directory sap httpd"
PLUGINS="${PLUGINS} access_ftp access_directory sap httpd http"
dnl Some plugins aren't useful on some platforms
SOURCES_gestures = modules/control/gestures.c
SOURCES_http = modules/control/http.c
* http.c : http remote control plugin for vlc
* Copyright (C) 2001 VideoLAN
* $Id: http.c,v 1.1 2003/04/26 21:36:23 gbazin Exp $
* Authors: Gildas Bazin <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA.
* Preamble
#include <stdlib.h> /* malloc(), free() */
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h> /* ENOMEM */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <vlc/vlc.h>
#include <vlc/intf.h>
# include <unistd.h>
# include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include "httpd.h"
* Local prototypes
static int Activate ( vlc_object_t * );
static void Close ( vlc_object_t * );
static void Run ( intf_thread_t *p_intf );
static int httpd_page_interface_get( httpd_file_callback_args_t *p_args,
uint8_t *p_request, int i_request,
uint8_t **pp_data, int *pi_data );
* intf_sys_t: description and status of interface
struct intf_sys_t
httpd_t *p_httpd;
httpd_host_t *p_httpd_host;
input_thread_t * p_input;
* Module descriptor
#define PORT_TEXT N_( "http interface bind port" )
#define PORT_LONGTEXT N_( \
"You can set the port on which the http interface will accept connections" )
#define ADDR_TEXT N_( "http interface bind address" )
#define ADDR_LONGTEXT N_( \
"You can set the address on which the http interface will bind" )
add_category_hint( N_("HTTP remote control"), NULL, VLC_TRUE );
add_string( "http-addr", NULL, NULL, PORT_TEXT, PORT_LONGTEXT, VLC_TRUE );
add_integer( "http-port", 8080, NULL, ADDR_TEXT, ADDR_LONGTEXT, VLC_TRUE );
set_description( _("HTTP remote control interface") );
set_capability( "interface", 10 );
set_callbacks( Activate, Close );
* Activate: initialize and create stuff
static int Activate( vlc_object_t *p_this )
intf_thread_t *p_intf = (intf_thread_t*)p_this;
/* Allocate instance and initialize some members */
p_intf->p_sys = malloc( sizeof( intf_sys_t ) );
if( p_intf->p_sys == NULL )
p_intf->p_sys->p_httpd = NULL;
p_intf->p_sys->p_httpd_host = NULL;
p_intf->pf_run = Run;
* CloseIntf: destroy interface
void Close ( vlc_object_t *p_this )
intf_thread_t *p_intf = (intf_thread_t *)p_this;
if( p_intf->p_sys->p_httpd_host )
p_intf->p_sys->p_httpd->pf_unregister_host( p_intf->p_sys->p_httpd,
p_intf->p_sys->p_httpd_host );
if( p_intf->p_sys->p_httpd )
httpd_Release( p_intf->p_sys->p_httpd );
/* Destroy structure */
free( p_intf->p_sys );
* Run: http interface thread
static void Run( intf_thread_t *p_intf )
input_thread_t *p_input = NULL;
playlist_t *p_playlist = NULL;
httpd_file_t *p_page_intf;
#if 0
input_info_category_t * p_category;
input_info_t * p_info;
off_t i_oldpos = 0;
off_t i_newpos;
double f_ratio = 1.0;
/* Get bind address and port */
char *psz_bind_addr = config_GetPsz( p_intf, "http-addr" );
int i_bind_port = config_GetInt( p_intf, "http-port" );
if( !psz_bind_addr ) psz_bind_addr = strdup( "" );
p_intf->p_sys->p_httpd = httpd_Find( VLC_OBJECT(p_intf), VLC_TRUE );
if( !p_intf->p_sys->p_httpd )
msg_Err( p_intf, "cannot start httpd daemon" );
free( p_intf->p_sys );
p_intf->p_sys->p_httpd_host =
p_intf->p_sys->p_httpd->pf_register_host( p_intf->p_sys->p_httpd,
psz_bind_addr, i_bind_port );
if( !p_intf->p_sys->p_httpd_host )
msg_Err( p_intf, "cannot listen on %s:%d", psz_bind_addr, i_bind_port);
httpd_Release( p_intf->p_sys->p_httpd );
free( p_intf->p_sys );
msg_Info( p_intf, "http interface started" );
* Register our interface page with the httpd daemon
p_page_intf = p_intf->p_sys->p_httpd->pf_register_file(
p_intf->p_sys->p_httpd, "/", "text/html",
NULL, NULL, httpd_page_interface_get,
NULL, (httpd_file_callback_args_t*)p_intf );
while( !p_intf->b_die )
/* Manage the input part */
if( p_input == NULL )
if( p_playlist )
p_input = vlc_object_find( p_playlist, VLC_OBJECT_INPUT,
p_input = vlc_object_find( p_intf, VLC_OBJECT_INPUT,
if( p_input )
p_playlist = vlc_object_find( p_input, VLC_OBJECT_PLAYLIST,
else if( p_input->b_dead )
vlc_object_release( p_input );
p_input = NULL;
if( p_input )
/* Get position */
vlc_mutex_lock( &p_input->stream.stream_lock );
if( !p_input->b_die && p_input->stream.i_mux_rate )
#if 0
#define A p_input->stream.p_selected_area
f_ratio = 1.0 / ( 50 * p_input->stream.i_mux_rate );
i_newpos = A->i_tell * f_ratio;
if( i_oldpos != i_newpos )
i_oldpos = i_newpos;
printf( "pos: %li s / %li s\n", (long int)i_newpos,
(long int)(f_ratio * A->i_size) );
#undef S
vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_input->stream.stream_lock );
/* Wait a bit */
msleep( INTF_IDLE_SLEEP );
p_intf->p_sys->p_httpd->pf_unregister_file( p_intf->p_sys->p_httpd,
p_page_intf );
if( p_input )
vlc_object_release( p_input );
p_input = NULL;
if( p_playlist )
vlc_object_release( p_playlist );
p_playlist = NULL;
* Local functions
static int httpd_page_interface_update( intf_thread_t *p_intf,
playlist_t *p_playlist,
uint8_t **pp_data, int *pi_data );
static void uri_extract_value( char *psz_uri, char *psz_name,
char *psz_value, int i_value_max )
char *p;
p = strstr( psz_uri, psz_name );
if( p )
int i_len;
p += strlen( psz_name );
if( *p == '=' ) p++;
if( strchr( p, '&' ) )
i_len = strchr( p, '&' ) - p;
i_len = strlen( p );
i_len = __MIN( i_value_max - 1, i_len );
if( i_len > 0 )
strncpy( psz_value, p, i_len );
psz_value[i_len] = '\0';
strncpy( psz_value, "", i_value_max );
strncpy( psz_value, "", i_value_max );
static int httpd_page_interface_get( httpd_file_callback_args_t *p_args,
uint8_t *p_request, int i_request,
uint8_t **pp_data, int *pi_data )
intf_thread_t *p_intf = (intf_thread_t *)p_args;
playlist_t *p_playlist;
int i_ret;
p_playlist = vlc_object_find( p_intf, VLC_OBJECT_PLAYLIST, FIND_ANYWHERE );
if( !p_playlist )
if( i_request > 0)
char action[512];
uri_extract_value( p_request, "action", action, 512 );
if( !strcmp( action, "play" ) )
int i_item;
uri_extract_value( p_request, "item", action, 512 );
i_item = atol( action );
playlist_Command( p_playlist, PLAYLIST_GOTO, i_item );
msg_Dbg( p_intf, "requested playlist item: %i", i_item );
else if( !strcmp( action, "stop" ) )
playlist_Command( p_playlist, PLAYLIST_STOP, 0 );
msg_Dbg( p_intf, "requested playlist stop" );
else if( !strcmp( action, "pause" ) )
playlist_Command( p_playlist, PLAYLIST_PAUSE, 0 );
msg_Dbg( p_intf, "requested playlist pause" );
else if( !strcmp( action, "next" ) )
playlist_Command( p_playlist, PLAYLIST_GOTO,
p_playlist->i_index + 1 );
msg_Dbg( p_intf, "requested playlist next" );
else if( !strcmp( action, "previous" ) )
playlist_Command( p_playlist, PLAYLIST_GOTO,
p_playlist->i_index - 1 );
msg_Dbg( p_intf, "requested playlist previous" );
else if( !strcmp( action, "add" ) )
uri_extract_value( p_request, "mrl", action, 512 );
playlist_Add( p_playlist, action,
msg_Dbg( p_intf, "requested playlist add: %s", action );
i_ret = httpd_page_interface_update( p_intf, p_playlist, pp_data, pi_data);
vlc_object_release( p_playlist );
return i_ret;
static int httpd_page_interface_update( intf_thread_t *p_intf,
playlist_t *p_playlist,
uint8_t **pp_data, int *pi_data )
int i;
char *p;
p = *pp_data = malloc( 10240 );
p += sprintf( p, "<html>\n" );
p += sprintf( p, "<head>\n" );
p += sprintf( p, "<title>VLC Media Player</title>\n" );
p += sprintf( p, "</head>\n" );
p += sprintf( p, "<body>\n" );
p += sprintf( p, "<h2><center><a href=\"\">"
"VLC Media Player</a> (http interface)</center></h2>\n" );
* Display the controls
p += sprintf( p, "<hr />\n" );
p += sprintf( p, "<td><form method=\"get\" action=\"\">"
"<input type=\"submit\" name=\"action\" value=\"stop\" />"
"<input type=\"submit\" name=\"action\" value=\"pause\" />"
"<input type=\"submit\" name=\"action\" value=\"previous\" />"
"<input type=\"submit\" name=\"action\" value=\"next\" />"
"</form></td><br />\n" );
p += sprintf( p, "<td><form method=\"get\" action=\"\" "
"enctype=\"text/plain\" >"
"Media Resource Locator: "
"<input type=\"text\" name=\"mrl\" size=\"40\" />"
"<input type=\"submit\" name=\"action\" value=\"add\" />"
"</form></td>\n" );
p += sprintf( p, "<hr />\n" );
* Display the playlist items
for ( i = 0; i < p_playlist->i_size; i++ )
if( i == p_playlist->i_index ) p += sprintf( p, "<b>" );
p += sprintf( p, "<a href=?action=play&item=%i>", i );
p += sprintf( p, "%i - %s", i,
p_playlist->pp_items[i]->psz_name );
p += sprintf( p, "</a>" );
if( i == p_playlist->i_index ) p += sprintf( p, "</b>" );
p += sprintf( p, "<br />\n" );
if ( i == 0 )
p += sprintf( p, "no entries\n" );
p += sprintf( p, "</body>\n" );
p += sprintf( p, "</html>\n" );
*pi_data = strlen( *pp_data ) + 1;
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