Commit e45f26dd authored by Clément Stenac's avatar Clément Stenac

Some cleanup, start integrating audio visualizations

parent 7df78c9f
......@@ -150,12 +150,13 @@ VisualSelector::VisualSelector( intf_thread_t *_p_i ) :
setFrameStyle(QFrame::StyledPanel | QFrame::Raised);
QHBoxLayout *layout = new QHBoxLayout( this );
layout->setMargin( 0 );
QPushButton *prevButton = new QPushButton( "Prev" );
QPushButton *nextButton = new QPushButton( "Next");
layout->addWidget( prevButton );
layout->addWidget( nextButton );
setLayout( layout );
setMaximumHeight( 30 );
setMaximumHeight( 35 );
......@@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ public:
virtual ~InputManager();
void delInput();
bool hasAudio() { return b_has_audio; }
bool hasVideo() { return b_has_video; }
bool b_has_audio, b_has_video, b_had_audio, b_had_video;
intf_thread_t *p_intf;
......@@ -51,6 +51,14 @@
ui.button##Button->setIcon( QIcon( ":/pixmaps/"#image ) ); \
ui.button##Button->setToolTip( tooltip );
#define VISIBLE(i) (i && i->isVisible())
#define SET_WIDTH(i,j) i->widgetSize.setWidth(j)
#define SET_HEIGHT(i,j) i->widgetSize.setHeight(j)
#define SET_WH( i,j,k) i->widgetSize.setWidth(j); i->widgetSize.setHeight(k);
#define DS(i) i.width(),i.height()
static int InteractCallback( vlc_object_t *, const char *, vlc_value_t,
vlc_value_t, void *);
/* Video handling */
......@@ -110,13 +118,6 @@ MainInterface::MainInterface( intf_thread_t *_p_intf ) : QVLCMW( _p_intf )
CONNECT( slider, sliderDragged( float ),
THEMIM->getIM(), sliderUpdate( float ) );
/* Actions */
BUTTONACT( ui.playButton, play() );
BUTTONACT( ui.stopButton, stop() );
BUTTONACT( ui.nextButton, next() );
BUTTONACT( ui.prevButton, prev() );
BUTTONACT( ui.playlistButton, playlist() );
var_Create( p_intf, "interaction", VLC_VAR_ADDRESS );
var_AddCallback( p_intf, "interaction", InteractCallback, this );
p_intf->b_interaction = VLC_TRUE;
......@@ -143,28 +144,23 @@ void MainInterface::handleMainUi( QSettings *settings )
ui.hboxLayout->insertWidget( 0, slider );
BUTTON_SET( prev, previous.png, qtr( "Previous" ) );
BUTTONACT( ui.prevButton, prev() );
BUTTON_SET( next, next.png , qtr( "Next" ) );
BUTTONACT( ui.nextButton, next() );
BUTTON_SET( play, play.png , qtr( "Play" ) );
BUTTONACT( ui.playButton, play() );
BUTTON_SET( stop, stop.png , qtr( "Stop" ) );
ui.discFrame->setFrameStyle( QFrame::StyledPanel | QFrame::Sunken );
BUTTONACT( ui.stopButton, stop() );
#define SET( button, image ) ui.button##Button->setText(""); \
ui.button##Button->setIcon( QIcon( ":/pixmaps/"#image ) );
SET( prev, previous.png );
SET( next, next.png );
SET( play, play.png );
SET( stop, stop.png );
SET( playlist, volume-low.png );
#undef SET
BUTTON_SET( visual, stop.png, qtr( "Audio visualizations" ) );
BUTTONACT( ui.visualButton, visual() );
/* Volume */
ui.volLowLabel->setPixmap( QPixmap( ":/pixmaps/volume-low.png" ) );
ui.volHighLabel->setPixmap( QPixmap( ":/pixmaps/volume-high.png" ) );
ui.volMuteLabel->setPixmap( QPixmap( ":/pixmaps/volume-low.png" ) );
ui.volumeSlider->setMaximum( 100 );
VolumeClickHandler *h = new VolumeClickHandler( this );
ui.volMuteLabel->setToolTip( qtr( "Mute" ) );
VolumeClickHandler *h = new VolumeClickHandler( p_intf, this );
ui.volumeSlider->setFocusPolicy( Qt::NoFocus );
/* Fetch configuration from settings and vlc config */
......@@ -172,16 +168,37 @@ void MainInterface::handleMainUi( QSettings *settings )
if( config_GetInt( p_intf, "embedded-video" ) )
videoEmbeddedFlag = true;
alwaysVideoFlag = false;
if( videoEmbeddedFlag && config_GetInt( p_intf, "qt-always-video" ))
alwaysVideoFlag = true;
playlistEmbeddedFlag = true;
/// \todo fetch playlist settings
BUTTON_SET( playlist, volume-low.png, playlistEmbeddedFlag ?
qtr( "Show playlist" ) :
qtr( "Open playlist" ) );
BUTTONACT( ui.playlistButton, playlist() );
/* Set initial size */
resize ( PREF_W, PREF_H );
addSize = QSize( ui.vboxLayout->margin() * 2, PREF_H );
visualSelector = new VisualSelector( p_intf );
ui.vboxLayout->insertWidget( 0, visualSelector );
if( alwaysVideoFlag )
bgWidget = new BackgroundWidget( p_intf );
bgWidget->widgetSize = settings->value( "backgroundSize",
QSize( 200, 200 ) ).toSize();
bgWidget->resize( bgWidget->widgetSize );
ui.vboxLayout->insertWidget( 0, bgWidget );
if( videoEmbeddedFlag )
videoWidget = new VideoWidget( p_intf );
......@@ -192,22 +209,10 @@ void MainInterface::handleMainUi( QSettings *settings )
p_intf->pf_request_window = ::DoRequest;
p_intf->pf_release_window = ::DoRelease;
p_intf->pf_control_window = ::DoControl;
if( config_GetInt( p_intf, "qt-always-video" ))
bgWidget = new BackgroundWidget( p_intf );
bgWidget->widgetSize = settings->value( "backgroundSize",
QSize( 200, 200 ) ).toSize();
ui.vboxLayout->insertWidget( 0, bgWidget );
// visualSelector = new VisualSelector( p_intf );
// visualSelector->hide();
fprintf( stderr, "Resize to %ix%i\n", mainSize.width(), mainSize.height() );
resize( mainSize );
mainSize = size();
setMinimumSize( PREF_W, addSize.height() );
......@@ -218,14 +223,13 @@ void MainInterface::handleMainUi( QSettings *settings )
void MainInterface::calculateInterfaceSize()
int width = 0, height = 0;
fprintf( stderr, "Calculating size\n" );
if( bgWidget && bgWidget->isVisible() )
if( VISIBLE( bgWidget ) )
width = bgWidget->widgetSize.width();
height = bgWidget->widgetSize.height();
assert( !(playlistWidget && playlistWidget->isVisible() ) );
else if( playlistWidget && playlistWidget->isVisible() )
else if( VISIBLE( playlistWidget ) )
width = playlistWidget->widgetSize.width();
height = playlistWidget->widgetSize.height();
......@@ -235,55 +239,40 @@ void MainInterface::calculateInterfaceSize()
width = videoWidget->widgetSize.width() ;
height = videoWidget->widgetSize.height();
fprintf( stderr, "Video Size %ix%i\n", videoWidget->widgetSize.width(), videoWidget->widgetSize.height() );
fprintf( stderr, "Video Size %ix%i\n", DS( videoWidget->widgetSize ) );
width = PREF_W - addSize.width();
height = PREF_H - addSize.height();
fprintf( stderr, "Setting to %ix%i\n", width + addSize.width() , height + addSize.height() );
mainSize.setWidth( width + addSize.width() );
mainSize.setHeight( height + addSize.height() );
if( VISIBLE( visualSelector ) )
height += visualSelector->height();
fprintf( stderr, "Setting to %ix%i\n",
width + addSize.width() , height + addSize.height() );
mainSize = QSize( width + addSize.width(), height + addSize.height() );
void MainInterface::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent *e )
fprintf( stderr, "Resize event to %ix%i\n", e->size().width(), e->size().height() );
/* Width : Always passed to all children. We are guaranteed it will
* not go below PREF_W
* Height : Only passed to the only visible child
if( videoWidget )
videoWidget->widgetSize.setWidth( e->size().width() -
addSize.width() );
if( videoIsActive && videoWidget->widgetSize.height() > 1 )
videoWidget->widgetSize.setHeight( e->size().height() -
addSize.height() );
fprintf( stderr, "Resize event to %ix%i\n", DS( e->size() ) );
videoWidget->widgetSize.setWidth( e->size().width() - addSize.width() );
if( videoWidget && videoIsActive && videoWidget->widgetSize.height() > 1 )
SET_WH( videoWidget, e->size().width() - addSize.width(),
e->size().height() - addSize.height() );
fprintf( stderr, "Video set to %ix%i\n", DS( videoWidget->widgetSize) );
fprintf( stderr, "Video set to %ix%i\n",
videoWidget->widgetSize.height() );
if( playlistWidget )
if( playlistWidget->isVisible() )
if( VISIBLE( playlistWidget ) )
playlistWidget->widgetSize.setWidth( e->size().width() -
addSize.width() );
playlistWidget->widgetSize.setHeight( e->size().height() -
addSize.height() );
SET_WH( playlistWidget , e->size().width() - addSize.width(),
e->size().height() - addSize.height() );
fprintf( stderr, "PL set to %ix%i\n",DS(playlistWidget->widgetSize ) );
fprintf( stderr, "Playlist set to %ix%i\n",playlistWidget->widgetSize.width(), playlistWidget->widgetSize.height() );
// videoWidget->widgetSize.setHeight( e->size().height() - addSize.height() );
// videoWidget->widgetSize.setWidth( e->size().width() - addSize.width() );
// videoWidget->updateGeometry() ;
void *MainInterface::requestVideo( vout_thread_t *p_nvout, int *pi_x,
......@@ -294,16 +283,28 @@ void *MainInterface::requestVideo( vout_thread_t *p_nvout, int *pi_x,
if( ret )
videoIsActive = true;
if( playlistWidget && playlistWidget->isVisible() )
if( VISIBLE( playlistWidget ) )
embeddedPlaylistWasActive = true;
if( bgWidget && bgWidget->isVisible() )
bool bgWasVisible = false;
if( VISIBLE( bgWidget) )
bgWasVisible = true;
if( THEMIM->getIM()->hasVideo() || !bgWasVisible )
videoWidget->widgetSize = QSize( *pi_width, *pi_height );
else /* Background widget available, use its size */
/* Ok, our visualizations are bad, so don't do this for the moment
* use the requested size anyway */
// videoWidget->widgetSize = bgWidget->widgeTSize;
videoWidget->widgetSize = QSize( *pi_width, *pi_height );
videoWidget->updateGeometry(); /// FIXME: Needed ?
need_components_update = true;
......@@ -359,6 +360,25 @@ int MainInterface::controlVideo( void *p_window, int i_query, va_list args )
return i_ret;
void MainInterface::visual()
if( !VISIBLE( visualSelector) )
if( !THEMIM->getIM()->hasVideo() )
/* Show the background widget */
/* Stop any currently running visualization */
resize( mainSize );
void MainInterface::playlist()
// Toggle the playlist dialog
......@@ -382,7 +402,7 @@ void MainInterface::playlist()
/// Todo, reset its size ?
if( playlistWidget->isVisible() )
if( VISIBLE( playlistWidget) )
fprintf( stderr, "hiding playlist\n" );
......@@ -404,6 +424,7 @@ void MainInterface::playlist()
videoWidget->resize( videoWidget->widgetSize );
if( VISIBLE( bgWidget ) ) bgWidget->hide();
......@@ -49,8 +49,6 @@ class MainInterface : public QVLCMW
MainInterface( intf_thread_t *);
virtual ~MainInterface();
void *requestVideo( vout_thread_t *p_nvout, int *pi_x,
int *pi_y, unsigned int *pi_width,
unsigned int *pi_height );
......@@ -80,6 +78,7 @@ private:
bool playlistEmbeddedFlag;
bool videoEmbeddedFlag;
bool alwaysVideoFlag;
InputManager *main_input_manager;
InputSlider *slider;
......@@ -97,6 +96,7 @@ private slots:
void prev();
void next();
void playlist();
void visual();
void updateVolume( int sliderVolume );
......@@ -104,24 +104,21 @@ private slots:
class VolumeClickHandler : public QObject
VolumeClickHandler( MainInterface *_m ) :QObject(_m) {m = _m; }
VolumeClickHandler( intf_thread_t *_p_intf, MainInterface *_m ) :QObject(_m)
{m = _m; p_intf = _p_intf; }
virtual ~VolumeClickHandler() {};
bool eventFilter( QObject *obj, QEvent *e )
if (e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress )
if( obj->objectName() == "volLowLabel" )
m->ui.volumeSlider->setValue( 0 );
m->ui.volumeSlider->setValue( 100 );
aout_VolumeMute( p_intf, NULL );
return true;
return false;
MainInterface *m;
intf_thread_t *p_intf;
......@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@
<widget class="QLabel" name="volLowLabel" >
<widget class="QLabel" name="volMuteLabel" >
<property name="text" >
......@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@
<widget class="QLabel" name="volHighLabel" >
<widget class="QPushButton" name="visualButton" >
<property name="text" >
......@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@
<widget class="QPushButton" name="playlistButton" >
<property name="text" >
<string> </string>
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