Commit dbc59e3a authored by Yoann Peronneau's avatar Yoann Peronneau

* Tree playlist XSPF export

  Kids, don't try this at home...
parent e955c93c
......@@ -932,7 +932,7 @@ void Playlist::OnSave( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) )
char *psz_desc;
char *psz_filter;
char *psz_module;
} formats[] = {{ _("M3U file"), "*.m3u", "export-m3u" },
} formats[] = {//{ _("M3U file"), "*.m3u", "export-m3u" },
{ _("XSPF playlist"), "*.xspf", "export-xspf"}
......@@ -959,10 +959,13 @@ void Playlist::OnSave( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) )
if( dialog.GetPath().mb_str() )
// playlist_Export( p_playlist, dialog.GetPath().mb_str(),
// /* ROOT */
// formats[dialog.GetFilterIndex()].psz_module );
/* what root should we export? */
if( p_playlist->p_root_category->i_children > 0 )
playlist_Export( p_playlist, dialog.GetPath().mb_str(),
formats[dialog.GetFilterIndex()].psz_module );
* Copyright (C) 2006 Daniel Stränger <vlc at schmaller dot de>
* xspf.c : XSPF playlist export functions
* Copyright (C) 2006 the VideoLAN team
* $Id$
* Authors: Daniel Stränger <vlc at schmaller dot de>
* Yoann Peronneau <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
......@@ -39,87 +45,59 @@ int E_(xspf_export_playlist)( vlc_object_t *p_this )
const playlist_export_t *p_export =
(playlist_export_t *)p_playlist->p_private;
int i;
char *psz;
char *psz_temp;
playlist_item_t **pp_items = NULL;
int i_size;
playlist_item_t *p_node;
playlist_item_t *p_node = p_export->p_root;
int i_count;
/* write XSPF XML header - since we don't use <extension>,
* we get by with version 0 */
/* write XSPF XML header */
fprintf( p_export->p_file, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" );
fprintf( p_export->p_file,
"<playlist version=\"0\" xmlns=\"\">\n" );
"<playlist version=\"1\" xmlns=\"\">\n" );
if( !p_node ) return VLC_SUCCESS;
/* save tho whole playlist or only the current node */
#define p_item p_playlist->status.p_item
if ( p_item )
pp_items = p_node->pp_children;
i_size = p_node->i_children;
/* save name of the playlist node */
psz_temp = convert_xml_special_chars( p_node->p_input->psz_name );
if( *psz_temp )
if ( p_item->p_parent->p_input->i_type == ITEM_TYPE_PLAYLIST )
/* set the current node and its children */
p_node = p_item->p_parent;
pp_items = p_node->pp_children;
i_size = p_node->i_children;
#undef p_item
/* save name of the playlist node */
psz_temp = convert_xml_special_chars( p_node->p_input->psz_name );
if ( *psz_temp )
fprintf( p_export->p_file, "\t<title>%s</title>\n",
psz_temp );
free( psz_temp );
/* save the creator of the playlist node */
psz = p_node->p_input->p_meta->psz_artist ?
strdup( p_node->p_input->p_meta->psz_artist ):
strdup( "" );
if ( psz && !*psz )
free ( psz );
psz = NULL;
if ( !psz )
psz = p_node->p_input->p_meta->psz_author ?
strdup( p_node->p_input->p_meta->psz_author ):
strdup( "" );
psz_temp = convert_xml_special_chars( psz );
if ( psz ) free( psz );
if ( *psz_temp )
fprintf( p_export->p_file, "\t<creator>%s</creator>\n",
psz_temp );
free( psz_temp );
/* save location of the playlist node */
psz = assertUTF8URI( p_export->psz_filename );
if ( psz && *psz )
fprintf( p_export->p_file, "\t<location>%s</location>\n",
psz );
free( psz );
fprintf( p_export->p_file, "\t<title>%s</title>\n", psz_temp );
free( psz_temp );
/* prepare all the playlist children for export */
if ( !pp_items )
/* save location of the playlist node */
psz_temp = assertUTF8URI( p_export->psz_filename );
if( psz_temp && *psz_temp )
pp_items = p_playlist->pp_items;
i_size = p_playlist->i_size;
fprintf( p_export->p_file, "\t<location>%s</location>\n", psz_temp );
free( psz_temp );
/* export all items */
/* export all items in a flat format */
fprintf( p_export->p_file, "\t<trackList>\n" );
for ( i = 0; i < i_size; i++ )
i_count = 0;
for( i = 0; i < p_node->i_children; i++ )
xspf_export_item( p_node->pp_children[i], p_export->p_file,
&i_count );
fprintf( p_export->p_file, "\t</trackList>\n" );
/* export the tree structure in <extension> */
fprintf( p_export->p_file, "\t<extension>\n" );
i_count = 0;
for( i = 0; i < p_node->i_children; i++ )
xspf_export_item( pp_items[i], p_export->p_file );
xspf_extension_item( p_node->pp_children[i], p_export->p_file,
&i_count );
fprintf( p_export->p_file, "\t</extension>\n" );
/* close the header elements */
fprintf( p_export->p_file, "\t</trackList>\n" );
fprintf( p_export->p_file, "</playlist>\n" );
......@@ -129,25 +107,23 @@ int E_(xspf_export_playlist)( vlc_object_t *p_this )
* \brief exports one item to file or traverse if item is a node
* \param p_item playlist item to export
* \param p_file file to write xml-converted item to
* \param p_i_count counter for track identifiers
static void xspf_export_item( playlist_item_t *p_item, FILE *p_file )
static void xspf_export_item( playlist_item_t *p_item, FILE *p_file,
int *p_i_count )
int i; /**< iterator for all children if the current item is a node */
char *psz;
char *psz_temp;
if ( !p_item )
if( !p_item ) return;
/** \todo only "flat" playlists supported at this time.
* extend to save the tree structure.
/* if we get a node here, we must traverse it */
if ( p_item->i_children > 0 )
if( p_item->i_children > 0 )
for ( i = 0; i < p_item->i_children; i++ )
int i;
for( i = 0; i < p_item->i_children; i++ )
xspf_export_item( p_item->pp_children[i], p_file );
xspf_export_item( p_item->pp_children[i], p_file, p_i_count );
......@@ -155,8 +131,12 @@ static void xspf_export_item( playlist_item_t *p_item, FILE *p_file )
/* leaves can be written directly */
fprintf( p_file, "\t\t<track>\n" );
/* print identifier and increase the counter */
fprintf( p_file, "\t\t\t<identifier>%d</identifier>\n", *p_i_count );
( *p_i_count )++;
/* -> the location */
if ( p_item->p_input->psz_uri && *p_item->p_input->psz_uri )
if( p_item->p_input->psz_uri && *p_item->p_input->psz_uri )
psz = assertUTF8URI( p_item->p_input->psz_uri );
fprintf( p_file, "\t\t\t<location>%s</location>\n", psz );
......@@ -164,33 +144,42 @@ static void xspf_export_item( playlist_item_t *p_item, FILE *p_file )
/* -> the name/title (only if different from uri)*/
if ( p_item->p_input->psz_name &&
p_item->p_input->psz_uri &&
strcmp( p_item->p_input->psz_uri, p_item->p_input->psz_name ) )
if( p_item->p_input->psz_name &&
p_item->p_input->psz_uri &&
strcmp( p_item->p_input->psz_uri, p_item->p_input->psz_name ) )
psz_temp = convert_xml_special_chars( p_item->p_input->psz_name );
if ( *psz_temp )
if( *psz_temp )
fprintf( p_file, "\t\t\t<title>%s</title>\n", psz_temp );
free( psz_temp );
if( p_item->p_input->p_meta == NULL )
goto xspfexportitem_end;
/* -> the artist/creator */
psz = p_item->p_input->p_meta->psz_artist ?
psz = p_item->p_input->p_meta->psz_artist ?
strdup( p_item->p_input->p_meta->psz_artist ):
strdup( "" );
if ( psz && !*psz )
if( psz && !*psz )
free ( psz );
free( psz );
psz = NULL;
if ( !psz )
psz = p_item->p_input->p_meta->psz_author ?
if( !psz )
psz = p_item->p_input->p_meta->psz_author ?
strdup( p_item->p_input->p_meta->psz_author ):
strdup( "" );
psz_temp = convert_xml_special_chars( psz );
if ( psz ) free( psz );
if ( *psz_temp )
if( psz ) free( psz );
if( *psz_temp )
fprintf( p_file, "\t\t\t<creator>%s</creator>\n", psz_temp );
free( psz_temp );
/* -> the album */
......@@ -198,24 +187,29 @@ static void xspf_export_item( playlist_item_t *p_item, FILE *p_file )
strdup( p_item->p_input->p_meta->psz_album ):
strdup( "" );
psz_temp = convert_xml_special_chars( psz );
if ( psz ) free( psz );
if ( *psz_temp )
if( psz ) free( psz );
if( *psz_temp )
fprintf( p_file, "\t\t\t<album>%s</album>\n", psz_temp );
free( psz_temp );
/* -> the track number */
psz = p_item->p_input->p_meta->psz_tracknum ?
strdup( p_item->p_input->p_meta->psz_tracknum ):
strdup( "" );
if ( psz )
if( psz )
if ( *psz )
if( *psz )
fprintf( p_file, "\t\t\t<trackNum>%i</trackNum>\n", atoi( psz ) );
free( psz );
/* -> the duration */
if ( p_item->p_input->i_duration > 0 )
if( p_item->p_input->i_duration > 0 )
fprintf( p_file, "\t\t\t<duration>%ld</duration>\n",
(long)(p_item->p_input->i_duration / 1000) );
......@@ -226,6 +220,43 @@ static void xspf_export_item( playlist_item_t *p_item, FILE *p_file )
* \brief exports one item in extension to file and traverse if item is a node
* \param p_item playlist item to export
* \param p_file file to write xml-converted item to
* \param p_i_count counter for track identifiers
static void xspf_extension_item( playlist_item_t *p_item, FILE *p_file,
int *p_i_count )
if( !p_item ) return;
/* if we get a node here, we must traverse it */
if( p_item->i_children > 0 )
int i;
fprintf( p_file, "\t\t<node>\n" );
fprintf( p_file, "\t\t\t<title>%s</title>\n",
p_item->p_input->psz_name );
for( i = 0; i < p_item->i_children; i++ )
xspf_extension_item( p_item->pp_children[i], p_file, p_i_count );
fprintf( p_file, "\t\t</node>\n" );
/* print leaf and increase the counter */
fprintf( p_file, "\t\t\t<item href=\"%d\" />\n", *p_i_count );
( *p_i_count )++;
* \param psz_name the location of the media ressource (e.g. local file,
* device, network stream, etc.)
......@@ -239,7 +270,7 @@ static char *assertUTF8URI( char *psz_name )
char *psz_s = NULL, *psz_d = NULL; /**< src & dest pointers for URI conversion */
vlc_bool_t b_name_is_uri = VLC_FALSE;
if ( !psz_name || !*psz_name )
if( !psz_name || !*psz_name )
return NULL;
/* check that string is valid UTF-8 */
......@@ -250,11 +281,11 @@ static char *assertUTF8URI( char *psz_name )
/* max. 3x for URI conversion (percent escaping) and
8 bytes for "file://" and NULL-termination */
psz_ret = (char *)malloc( sizeof(char)*strlen(psz_name)*6*3+8 );
if ( !psz_ret )
if( !psz_ret )
return NULL;
/** \todo check for a valid scheme part preceding the colon */
if ( strchr( psz_s, ':' ) )
if( strchr( psz_s, ':' ) )
psz_d = psz_ret;
b_name_is_uri = VLC_TRUE;
......@@ -266,21 +297,24 @@ static char *assertUTF8URI( char *psz_name )
psz_d = psz_ret + 7;
while ( *psz_s )
while( *psz_s )
/* percent-encode all non-ASCII and the XML special characters and the percent sign itself */
if ( *psz_s & B10000000 ||
*psz_s == '<' ||
*psz_s == '>' ||
*psz_s == '&' ||
*psz_s == ' ' ||
( *psz_s == '%' && !b_name_is_uri ) )
if( *psz_s & B10000000 ||
*psz_s == '<' ||
*psz_s == '>' ||
*psz_s == '&' ||
*psz_s == ' ' ||
( *psz_s == '%' && !b_name_is_uri ) )
*psz_d++ = '%';
*psz_d++ = hexchars[(*psz_s >> 4) & B00001111];
*psz_d++ = hexchars[*psz_s & B00001111];
} else
*psz_d++ = *psz_s;
......@@ -33,5 +33,6 @@ const char hexchars[16] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
/* prototypes */
int E_(xspf_export_playlist)( vlc_object_t * );
static void xspf_export_item( playlist_item_t *, FILE * );
static void xspf_export_item( playlist_item_t *, FILE *, int * );
static void xspf_extension_item( playlist_item_t *, FILE *, int * );
static char *assertUTF8URI( char * );
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