Commit d15f96b0 authored by Felix Paul Kühne's avatar Felix Paul Kühne

macosx: make sure to generate a complete list of hotkeys in the sprefs

parent 0ab3e4cc
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ Mac OS X Interface:
* fixed bugs in the Streaming / Transcoding wizard
* improved Apple Remote handling
* layout fixes in the Preferences and Controls windows
* fixed incomplete list of hotkeys in the Preferences dialog
Mac OS X Port:
* fixed Growl local notification plugin
......@@ -645,23 +645,32 @@ static inline char * __config_GetLabel( vlc_object_t *p_this, const char *psz_na
* hotkeys settings *
const struct hotkey *p_hotkeys = p_intf->p_libvlc->p_hotkeys;
[o_hotkeySettings release];
o_hotkeySettings = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
NSMutableArray *o_tempArray_desc = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
i = 1;
while( i < 100 )
module_t *p_main = module_get_main();
assert( p_main );
unsigned confsize;
module_config_t *p_config;
p_config = module_config_get (p_main, &confsize);
for (size_t i = 0; i < confsize; i++)
p_item = config_FindConfig( VLC_OBJECT(p_intf), p_hotkeys[i].psz_action );
if( !p_item )
module_config_t *p_item = p_config + i;
if( (p_item->i_type & CONFIG_ITEM) && p_item->psz_name != NULL
&& !strncmp( p_item->psz_name , "key-", 4 )
&& !EMPTY_STR( p_item->psz_text ) )
[o_tempArray_desc addObject: _NS( p_item->psz_text )];
[o_hotkeySettings addObject: [NSNumber numberWithInt: p_item->value.i]];
[o_hotkeySettings addObject: [NSNumber numberWithInt:p_item->value.i]];
module_config_free (p_config);
module_release (p_main);
[o_hotkeyDescriptions release];
o_hotkeyDescriptions = [[NSArray alloc] initWithArray: o_tempArray_desc copyItems: YES];
[o_tempArray_desc release];
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