Commit c47ebbb7 authored by Felix Paul Kühne's avatar Felix Paul Kühne

* fix minor resize-bug when closing the playlist (closes #210)

Please do not forwardport this commit. I'll do that in a couple of days. I have other pending changes to intf.m in trunk at the moment, which are not finished yet.
parent 1d4d0c11
......@@ -1557,12 +1557,13 @@ static VLCMain *_o_sharedMainInstance = nil;
o_rect.size.height = 500;
if ( o_rect.size.width == [o_window minSize].width )
o_rect.size.width = 500;
o_rect.size.height = (o_size_with_playlist.height > 200) ?
o_size_with_playlist.height : 500;
o_rect.origin.x = [o_window frame].origin.x;
......@@ -1574,11 +1575,13 @@ static VLCMain *_o_sharedMainInstance = nil;
/* make small */
o_rect.size.height = [o_window minSize].height;
o_rect.size.width = [o_window minSize].width;
o_rect.origin.x = [o_window frame].origin.x;
/* Calculate the position of the lower right corner after resize */
o_rect.origin.y = [o_window frame].origin.y +
[o_window frame].size.height - [o_window minSize].height;
[o_playlist_view setAutoresizesSubviews: NO];
[o_playlist_view removeFromSuperview];
[o_btn_playlist setState: NO];
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