Commit 0537633a authored by Rémi Duraffort's avatar Rémi Duraffort

playlist_sort: rewrite the sort functions and split the big function in some

small ones. The result is not necesserally faster but easier to change/fix.
parent 9ee71dbc
* sort.c : Playlist sorting functions
* Copyright (C) 1999-2007 the VideoLAN team
* Copyright (C) 1999-2009 the VideoLAN team
* $Id$
* Authors: Clément Stenac <>
* Ilkka Ollakka <>
* Rémi Duraffort <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
......@@ -30,45 +31,47 @@
#include "playlist_internal.h"
static int playlist_ItemArraySort( playlist_t *p_playlist, int i_items,
playlist_item_t **pp_items, int i_mode,
int i_type );
static int playlist_cmp(const void *, const void *);
static void playlist_ItemArraySort( int i_items, playlist_item_t **pp_items,
int i_mode, int i_type );
static int playlist_cmp( const void *, const void * );
/* Comparaison functions */
static int playlist_cmp_album( const playlist_item_t *, const playlist_item_t *);
static int playlist_cmp_artist( const playlist_item_t *, const playlist_item_t *);
static int playlist_cmp_desc( const playlist_item_t *, const playlist_item_t *);
static int playlist_cmp_duration( const playlist_item_t *, const playlist_item_t *);
static int playlist_cmp_genre( const playlist_item_t *, const playlist_item_t *);
static int playlist_cmp_id( const playlist_item_t *, const playlist_item_t *);
static int playlist_cmp_rating( const playlist_item_t *, const playlist_item_t *);
static int playlist_cmp_title( const playlist_item_t *, const playlist_item_t *);
static int playlist_cmp_title_nodes_first( const playlist_item_t *,
const playlist_item_t *);
static int playlist_cmp_title_num( const playlist_item_t *, const playlist_item_t *);
static int playlist_cmp_track_num( const playlist_item_t *, const playlist_item_t *);
static int playlist_cmp_uri( const playlist_item_t *, const playlist_item_t *);
/* General comaraison functions */
static inline int meta_strcasecmp_title( const playlist_item_t *,
const playlist_item_t *);
static inline int meta_sort( const playlist_item_t *, const playlist_item_t *,
vlc_meta_type_t, bool );
* Sort a node.
* This function must be entered with the playlist lock !
* \param p_playlist the playlist
* \param p_node the node to sort
* \param i_type: ORDER_NORMAL or ORDER_REVERSE (reversed order)
* \return VLC_SUCCESS on success
static int playlist_NodeSort( playlist_t * p_playlist , playlist_item_t *p_node,
int i_mode, int i_type )
playlist_ItemArraySort( p_playlist,p_node->i_children,
p_node->pp_children, i_mode, i_type );
* Sort a node recursively
* \param p_playlist the playlist
* \param p_node the node to sort
* \param i_type: ORDER_NORMAL or ORDER_REVERSE (reversed order)
* \return VLC_SUCCESS on success
* Sort a node recursively.
* This function must be entered with the playlist lock !
* @param p_playlist the playlist
* @param p_node the node to sort
* @param i_type: ORDER_NORMAL or ORDER_REVERSE (reversed order)
* @return VLC_SUCCESS on success
static int recursiveNodeSort( playlist_t *p_playlist, playlist_item_t *p_node,
int i_mode, int i_type )
int i;
/* Sort the current node */
playlist_NodeSort( p_playlist, p_node, i_mode, i_type );
/* And all the children */
playlist_ItemArraySort( p_node->i_children, p_node->pp_children,
i_mode, i_type );
for( i = 0 ; i< p_node->i_children; i++ )
if( p_node->pp_children[i]->i_children != -1 )
......@@ -80,7 +83,6 @@ static int recursiveNodeSort( playlist_t *p_playlist, playlist_item_t *p_node,
* Sort a node recursively.
......@@ -102,23 +104,29 @@ int playlist_RecursiveNodeSort( playlist_t *p_playlist, playlist_item_t *p_node,
return recursiveNodeSort( p_playlist, p_node, i_mode, i_type );
static int sort_mode = 0;
static int sort_type = 0;
static int playlist_ItemArraySort( playlist_t *p_playlist, int i_items,
playlist_item_t **pp_items, int i_mode,
int i_type )
static int (*sort_function)(const playlist_item_t *, const playlist_item_t *);
static int sort_order = 1;
* Sort an array of items recursively
* @param i_items: number of items
* @param pp_items: the array of items
* @param i_mode: the criterias for the comparisons
* @param i_type: ORDER_NORMAL or ORDER_REVERSE
* @return nothing
static void playlist_ItemArraySort( int i_items, playlist_item_t **pp_items,
int i_mode, int i_type )
int i_position;
playlist_item_t *p_temp;
sort_mode = i_mode;
sort_type = i_type;
(void)p_playlist; // a bit surprising we don't need p_playlist!
/* Random sort */
if( i_mode == SORT_RANDOM )
for( i_position = 0; i_position < i_items ; i_position ++ )
for( i_position = 0; i_position < i_items ; i_position++ )
int i_new;
......@@ -130,149 +138,349 @@ static int playlist_ItemArraySort( playlist_t *p_playlist, int i_items,
pp_items[i_position] = pp_items[i_new];
pp_items[i_new] = p_temp;
/* Choose the funtion to compare two items */
switch( i_mode )
sort_function = playlist_cmp_album;
sort_function = playlist_cmp_artist;
sort_function = playlist_cmp_desc;
sort_function = playlist_cmp_duration;
sort_function = playlist_cmp_genre;
case SORT_ID:
sort_function = playlist_cmp_id;
sort_function = playlist_cmp_title;
sort_function = playlist_cmp_title_nodes_first;
sort_function = playlist_cmp_title_num;
sort_function = playlist_cmp_track_num;
sort_function = playlist_cmp_rating;
case SORT_URI:
sort_function = playlist_cmp_uri;
sort_order = i_type == ORDER_REVERSE ? -1 : 1;
qsort( pp_items, i_items, sizeof( pp_items[0] ), playlist_cmp );
static int playlist_cmp(const void *first, const void *second)
* Wrapper around playlist_cmp_* function
* @param first: the first item
* @param second: the second item
* @return -1, 0 or 1 like strcmp
static int playlist_cmp( const void *first, const void *second )
if( sort_order == -1 )
return -1 * sort_function( *(playlist_item_t **)first,
*(playlist_item_t **)second );
return sort_function( *(playlist_item_t **)first,
*(playlist_item_t **)second );
char *psz_i = input_item_GetTitleFbName( (*(playlist_item_t **)first)->p_input ); \
char *psz_ismall = input_item_GetTitleFbName( (*(playlist_item_t **)second)->p_input ); \
if( psz_i != NULL && psz_ismall != NULL ) i_test = strcasecmp( psz_i, psz_ismall ); \
else if ( psz_i == NULL && psz_ismall != NULL ) i_test = 1; \
else if ( psz_ismall == NULL && psz_i != NULL ) i_test = -1; \
else i_test = 0; \
free( psz_i ); \
free( psz_ismall ); \
* Compare two items according to the title
* @param first: the first item
* @param second: the second item
* @return -1, 0 or 1 like strcmp
static int playlist_cmp_album( const playlist_item_t *first,
const playlist_item_t *second )
int i_ret = meta_sort( first, second, vlc_meta_Album, false );
/* Items came from the same album: compare the track numbers */
if( i_ret == 0 )
i_ret = meta_sort( first, second, vlc_meta_TrackNumber, true );
return i_ret;
#define DO_META_SORT_ADV( node, integer ) { \
char *psz_a = input_item_GetMeta( (*(playlist_item_t **)first)->p_input, vlc_meta_##node ); \
char *psz_b = input_item_GetMeta( (*(playlist_item_t **)second)->p_input, vlc_meta_##node ); \
/* Nodes go first */ \
if( (*(playlist_item_t **)first)->i_children == -1 && (*(playlist_item_t **)second)->i_children >= 0 ) \
i_test = 1;\
else if( (*(playlist_item_t **)first)->i_children >= 0 &&\
(*(playlist_item_t **)second)->i_children == -1 ) \
i_test = -1; \
/* Both are nodes, sort by name */ \
else if( (*(playlist_item_t **)first)->i_children >= 0 && \
(*(playlist_item_t **)second)->i_children >= 0 ) \
{ \
} \
/* Both are items */ \
else if( psz_a == NULL && psz_b != NULL ) \
i_test = 1; \
else if( psz_a != NULL && psz_b == NULL ) \
i_test = -1;\
/* No meta, sort by name */ \
else if( psz_a == NULL && psz_b == NULL ) \
{ \
} \
else \
{ \
if( !integer ) i_test = strcasecmp( psz_a, psz_b ); \
else i_test = atoi( psz_a ) - atoi( psz_b ); \
} \
free( psz_a ); \
free( psz_b ); \
* Compare two items according to the artist
* @param first: the first item
* @param second: the second item
* @return -1, 0 or 1 like strcmp
static int playlist_cmp_artist( const playlist_item_t *first,
const playlist_item_t *second )
int i_ret = meta_sort( first, second, vlc_meta_Artist, false );
/* Items came from the same artist: compare the albums */
if( i_ret == 0 )
i_ret = playlist_cmp_album( first, second );
return i_ret;
#define DO_META_SORT( node ) DO_META_SORT_ADV( node, false )
int i_test = 0;
if( sort_mode == SORT_TITLE )
else if( sort_mode == SORT_TITLE_NUMERIC )
char *psz_i = input_item_GetTitleFbName(
(*(playlist_item_t **)first)->p_input );
char *psz_ismall = input_item_GetTitleFbName(
(*(playlist_item_t **)second)->p_input );
i_test = atoi( psz_i ) - atoi( psz_ismall );
free( psz_i );
free( psz_ismall );
else if( sort_mode == SORT_DURATION )
i_test = input_item_GetDuration( (*(playlist_item_t **)first)->p_input ) -
input_item_GetDuration( (*(playlist_item_t **)second)->p_input );
else if( sort_mode == SORT_ARTIST )
DO_META_SORT( Artist );
/* sort by artist, album, tracknumber */
if( i_test == 0 )
DO_META_SORT( Album );
if( i_test == 0 )
DO_META_SORT_ADV( TrackNumber, true );
else if( sort_mode == SORT_GENRE )
DO_META_SORT( Genre );
else if( sort_mode == SORT_ALBUM )
DO_META_SORT( Album );
/* Sort by tracknumber if albums are the same */
if( i_test == 0 )
DO_META_SORT_ADV( TrackNumber, true );
else if( sort_mode == SORT_TRACK_NUMBER )
DO_META_SORT_ADV( TrackNumber, true );
else if( sort_mode == SORT_DESCRIPTION )
DO_META_SORT( Description );
else if( sort_mode == SORT_ID )
i_test = (*(playlist_item_t **)first)->i_id - (*(playlist_item_t **)second)->i_id;
else if( sort_mode == SORT_TITLE_NODES_FIRST )
/* Alphabetic sort, all nodes first */
* Compare two items according to the description
* @param first: the first item
* @param second: the second item
* @return -1, 0 or 1 like strcmp
static int playlist_cmp_desc( const playlist_item_t *first,
const playlist_item_t *second )
return meta_sort( first, second, vlc_meta_Description, false );
if( (*(playlist_item_t **)first)->i_children == -1 &&
(*(playlist_item_t **)second)->i_children >= 0 )
i_test = 1;
else if( (*(playlist_item_t **)first)->i_children >= 0 &&
(*(playlist_item_t **)second)->i_children == -1 )
i_test = -1;
else if( sort_mode == SORT_URI )
* Compare two items according to the duration
* @param first: the first item
* @param second: the second item
* @return -1, 0 or 1 like strcmp
static int playlist_cmp_duration( const playlist_item_t *first,
const playlist_item_t *second )
return input_item_GetDuration( first->p_input ) -
input_item_GetDuration( second->p_input );
* Compare two items according to the genre
* @param first: the first item
* @param second: the second item
* @return -1, 0 or 1 like strcmp
static int playlist_cmp_genre( const playlist_item_t *first,
const playlist_item_t *second )
return meta_sort( first, second, vlc_meta_Genre, false );
* Compare two items according to the ID
* @param first: the first item
* @param second: the second item
* @return -1, 0 or 1 like strcmp
static int playlist_cmp_id( const playlist_item_t *first,
const playlist_item_t *second )
return first->i_id - second->i_id;
* Compare two items according to the rating
* @param first: the first item
* @param second: the second item
* @return -1, 0 or 1 like strcmp
static int playlist_cmp_rating( const playlist_item_t *first,
const playlist_item_t *second )
return meta_sort( first, second, vlc_meta_Rating, true );
* Compare two items according to the title
* @param first: the first item
* @param second: the second item
* @return -1, 0 or 1 like strcmp
static int playlist_cmp_title( const playlist_item_t *first,
const playlist_item_t *second )
return meta_strcasecmp_title( first, second );
* Compare two items according to the title, with the nodes first in the list
* @param first: the first item
* @param second: the second item
* @return -1, 0 or 1 like strcmp
static int playlist_cmp_title_nodes_first( const playlist_item_t *first,
const playlist_item_t *second )
/* If first is a node but not second */
if( first->i_children == -1 && second->i_children >= 0 )
return -1;
/* If second is a node but not first */
else if( first->i_children >= 0 && second->i_children == -1 )
return 1;
/* Both are nodes or both are not nodes */
return meta_strcasecmp_title( first, second );
* Compare two item according to the title as a numeric value
* @param first: the first item
* @param second: the second item
* @return -1, 0 or 1 like strcmp
static int playlist_cmp_title_num( const playlist_item_t *first,
const playlist_item_t *second )
int i_ret;
char *psz_first = input_item_GetTitleFbName( first->p_input );
char *psz_second = input_item_GetTitleFbName( second->p_input );
if( psz_first && psz_second )
i_ret = atoi( psz_first ) - atoi( psz_second );
else if( !psz_first && psz_second )
i_ret = 1;
else if( psz_first && !psz_second )
i_ret = -1;
i_ret = 0;
free( psz_first );
free( psz_second );
return i_ret;
* Compare two item according to the track number
* @param first: the first item
* @param second: the second item
* @return -1, 0 or 1 like strcmp
static int playlist_cmp_track_num( const playlist_item_t *first,
const playlist_item_t *second )
return meta_sort( first, second, vlc_meta_TrackNumber, true );
* Compare two item according to the URI
* @param first: the first item
* @param second: the second item
* @return -1, 0 or 1 like strcmp
static int playlist_cmp_uri( const playlist_item_t *first,
const playlist_item_t *second )
int i_ret;
char *psz_first = input_item_GetURI( first->p_input );
char *psz_second = input_item_GetURI( second->p_input );
if( psz_first && psz_second )
i_ret = strcasecmp( psz_first, psz_second );
else if( !psz_first && psz_second )
i_ret = 1;
else if( psz_first && !psz_second )
i_ret = -1;
i_ret = 0;
free( psz_first );
free( psz_second );
return i_ret;
* Compare two items using their title or name
* @param first: the first item
* @param second: the second item
* @return -1, 0 or 1 like strcmp
static inline int meta_strcasecmp_title( const playlist_item_t *first,
const playlist_item_t *second )
int i_ret;
char *psz_first = input_item_GetTitleFbName( first->p_input );
char *psz_second = input_item_GetTitleFbName( second->p_input );
if( psz_first && psz_second )
i_ret = strcasecmp( psz_first, psz_second );
else if( !psz_first && psz_second )
i_ret = 1;
else if( psz_first && !psz_second )
i_ret = -1;
i_ret = 0;
free( psz_first );
free( psz_second );
return i_ret;
* Compare two intems accoring to the given meta type
* @param first: the first item
* @param second: the second item
* @param meta: the meta type to use to sort the items
* @param b_integer: true if the meta are integers
* @return -1, 0 or 1 like strcmp
static inline int meta_sort( const playlist_item_t *first,
const playlist_item_t *second,
vlc_meta_type_t meta, bool b_integer )
int i_ret;
char *psz_first = input_item_GetMeta( first->p_input, meta );
char *psz_second = input_item_GetMeta( second->p_input, meta );
/* Nodes go first */
if( first->i_children == -1 && second->i_children >= 0 )
i_ret = 1;
else if( first->i_children >= 0 && second->i_children == -1 )
i_ret = -1;
/* Both are nodes, sort by name */
else if( first->i_children >= 0 && second->i_children >= 0 )
i_ret = meta_strcasecmp_title( first, second );
/* Both are items */
else if( !psz_first && psz_second )
i_ret = 1;
else if( psz_first && !psz_second )
i_ret = -1;
/* No meta, sort by name */
else if( !psz_first && !psz_second )
i_ret = meta_strcasecmp_title( first, second );
char *psz_i = input_item_GetURI( (*(playlist_item_t **)first)->p_input );
char *psz_ismall =
input_item_GetURI( (*(playlist_item_t **)second)->p_input );
i_test = strcasecmp( psz_i, psz_ismall );
free( psz_i );
free( psz_ismall );
if( b_integer )
i_ret = atoi( psz_first ) - atoi( psz_second );
i_ret = strcasecmp( psz_first, psz_second );
if ( sort_type == ORDER_REVERSE )
i_test = i_test * -1;
return i_test;
free( psz_first );
free( psz_second );
return i_ret;
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