/* * Copyright (c) 2007 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sub license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions * of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL PRECISION INSIGHT AND/OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "va_backend.h" #include "dummy_drv_video.h" #include "assert.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdarg.h> #define ASSERT assert #define INIT_DRIVER_DATA struct dummy_driver_data *driver_data = (struct dummy_driver_data *) ctx->pDriverData; #define CONFIG(id) ((object_config_p) object_heap_lookup( &driver_data->config_heap, id )) #define CONTEXT(id) ((object_context_p) object_heap_lookup( &driver_data->context_heap, id )) #define SURFACE(id) ((object_surface_p) object_heap_lookup( &driver_data->surface_heap, id )) #define BUFFER(id) ((object_buffer_p) object_heap_lookup( &driver_data->buffer_heap, id )) #define CONFIG_ID_OFFSET 0x01000000 #define CONTEXT_ID_OFFSET 0x02000000 #define SURFACE_ID_OFFSET 0x04000000 #define BUFFER_ID_OFFSET 0x08000000 static void dummy__error_message(const char *msg, ...) { va_list args; fprintf(stderr, "dummy_drv_video error: "); va_start(args, msg); vfprintf(stderr, msg, args); va_end(args); } static void dummy__information_message(const char *msg, ...) { va_list args; fprintf(stderr, "dummy_drv_video: "); va_start(args, msg); vfprintf(stderr, msg, args); va_end(args); } VAStatus dummy_QueryConfigProfiles( VADriverContextP ctx, VAProfile *profile_list, /* out */ int *num_profiles /* out */ ) { INIT_DRIVER_DATA int i = 0; profile_list[i++] = VAProfileMPEG2Simple; profile_list[i++] = VAProfileMPEG2Main; profile_list[i++] = VAProfileMPEG4Simple; profile_list[i++] = VAProfileMPEG4AdvancedSimple; profile_list[i++] = VAProfileMPEG4Main; profile_list[i++] = VAProfileH264Baseline; profile_list[i++] = VAProfileH264Main; profile_list[i++] = VAProfileH264High; profile_list[i++] = VAProfileVC1Simple; profile_list[i++] = VAProfileVC1Main; profile_list[i++] = VAProfileVC1Advanced; /* If the assert fails then DUMMY_MAX_PROFILES needs to be bigger */ ASSERT(i <= DUMMY_MAX_PROFILES); *num_profiles = i; return VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; } VAStatus dummy_QueryConfigEntrypoints( VADriverContextP ctx, VAProfile profile, VAEntrypoint *entrypoint_list, /* out */ int *num_entrypoints /* out */ ) { INIT_DRIVER_DATA switch (profile) { case VAProfileMPEG2Simple: case VAProfileMPEG2Main: *num_entrypoints = 2; entrypoint_list[0] = VAEntrypointVLD; entrypoint_list[1] = VAEntrypointMoComp; break; case VAProfileMPEG4Simple: case VAProfileMPEG4AdvancedSimple: case VAProfileMPEG4Main: *num_entrypoints = 1; entrypoint_list[0] = VAEntrypointVLD; break; case VAProfileH264Baseline: case VAProfileH264Main: case VAProfileH264High: *num_entrypoints = 1; entrypoint_list[0] = VAEntrypointVLD; break; case VAProfileVC1Simple: case VAProfileVC1Main: case VAProfileVC1Advanced: *num_entrypoints = 1; entrypoint_list[0] = VAEntrypointVLD; break; default: *num_entrypoints = 0; break; } /* If the assert fails then DUMMY_MAX_ENTRYPOINTS needs to be bigger */ ASSERT(*num_entrypoints <= DUMMY_MAX_ENTRYPOINTS); return VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; } VAStatus dummy_GetConfigAttributes( VADriverContextP ctx, VAProfile profile, VAEntrypoint entrypoint, VAConfigAttrib *attrib_list, /* in/out */ int num_attribs ) { INIT_DRIVER_DATA int i; /* Other attributes don't seem to be defined */ /* What to do if we don't know the attribute? */ for (i = 0; i < num_attribs; i++) { switch (attrib_list[i].type) { case VAConfigAttribRTFormat: attrib_list[i].value = VA_RT_FORMAT_YUV420; break; default: /* Do nothing */ attrib_list[i].value = VA_ATTRIB_NOT_SUPPORTED; break; } } return VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; } static VAStatus dummy__update_attribute(object_config_p obj_config, VAConfigAttrib *attrib) { int i; /* Check existing attrbiutes */ for(i = 0; obj_config->attrib_count < i; i++) { if (obj_config->attrib_list[i].type == attrib->type) { /* Update existing attribute */ obj_config->attrib_list[i].value = attrib->value; return VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; } } if (obj_config->attrib_count < DUMMY_MAX_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTES) { i = obj_config->attrib_count; obj_config->attrib_list[i].type = attrib->type; obj_config->attrib_list[i].value = attrib->value; obj_config->attrib_count++; return VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; } return VA_STATUS_ERROR_MAX_NUM_EXCEEDED; } VAStatus dummy_CreateConfig( VADriverContextP ctx, VAProfile profile, VAEntrypoint entrypoint, VAConfigAttrib *attrib_list, int num_attribs, VAConfigID *config_id /* out */ ) { INIT_DRIVER_DATA VAStatus vaStatus; int configID; object_config_p obj_config; int i; /* Validate profile & entrypoint */ switch (profile) { case VAProfileMPEG2Simple: case VAProfileMPEG2Main: if ((VAEntrypointVLD == entrypoint) || (VAEntrypointMoComp == entrypoint)) { vaStatus = VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { vaStatus = VA_STATUS_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_ENTRYPOINT; } break; case VAProfileMPEG4Simple: case VAProfileMPEG4AdvancedSimple: case VAProfileMPEG4Main: if (VAEntrypointVLD == entrypoint) { vaStatus = VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { vaStatus = VA_STATUS_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_ENTRYPOINT; } break; case VAProfileH264Baseline: case VAProfileH264Main: case VAProfileH264High: if (VAEntrypointVLD == entrypoint) { vaStatus = VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { vaStatus = VA_STATUS_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_ENTRYPOINT; } break; case VAProfileVC1Simple: case VAProfileVC1Main: case VAProfileVC1Advanced: if (VAEntrypointVLD == entrypoint) { vaStatus = VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { vaStatus = VA_STATUS_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_ENTRYPOINT; } break; default: vaStatus = VA_STATUS_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_PROFILE; break; } if (VA_STATUS_SUCCESS != vaStatus) { return vaStatus; } configID = object_heap_allocate( &driver_data->config_heap ); obj_config = CONFIG(configID); if (NULL == obj_config) { vaStatus = VA_STATUS_ERROR_ALLOCATION_FAILED; return vaStatus; } obj_config->profile = profile; obj_config->entrypoint = entrypoint; obj_config->attrib_list[0].type = VAConfigAttribRTFormat; obj_config->attrib_list[0].value = VA_RT_FORMAT_YUV420; obj_config->attrib_count = 1; for(i = 0; i < num_attribs; i++) { vaStatus = dummy__update_attribute(obj_config, &(attrib_list[i])); if (VA_STATUS_SUCCESS != vaStatus) { break; } } /* Error recovery */ if (VA_STATUS_SUCCESS != vaStatus) { object_heap_free( &driver_data->config_heap, (object_base_p) obj_config); } else { *config_id = configID; } return vaStatus; } VAStatus dummy_DestroyConfig( VADriverContextP ctx, VAConfigID config_id ) { INIT_DRIVER_DATA VAStatus vaStatus; object_config_p obj_config; obj_config = CONFIG(config_id); if (NULL == obj_config) { vaStatus = VA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_CONFIG; return vaStatus; } object_heap_free( &driver_data->config_heap, (object_base_p) obj_config); return VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; } VAStatus dummy_QueryConfigAttributes( VADriverContextP ctx, VAConfigID config_id, VAProfile *profile, /* out */ VAEntrypoint *entrypoint, /* out */ VAConfigAttrib *attrib_list, /* out */ int *num_attribs /* out */ ) { INIT_DRIVER_DATA VAStatus vaStatus = VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; object_config_p obj_config; int i; obj_config = CONFIG(config_id); ASSERT(obj_config); *profile = obj_config->profile; *entrypoint = obj_config->entrypoint; *num_attribs = obj_config->attrib_count; for(i = 0; i < obj_config->attrib_count; i++) { attrib_list[i] = obj_config->attrib_list[i]; } return vaStatus; } VAStatus dummy_CreateSurfaces( VADriverContextP ctx, int width, int height, int format, int num_surfaces, VASurfaceID *surfaces /* out */ ) { INIT_DRIVER_DATA VAStatus vaStatus = VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; int i; /* We only support one format */ if (VA_RT_FORMAT_YUV420 != format) { return VA_STATUS_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_RT_FORMAT; } for (i = 0; i < num_surfaces; i++) { int surfaceID = object_heap_allocate( &driver_data->surface_heap ); object_surface_p obj_surface = SURFACE(surfaceID); if (NULL == obj_surface) { vaStatus = VA_STATUS_ERROR_ALLOCATION_FAILED; break; } obj_surface->surface_id = surfaceID; surfaces[i] = surfaceID; } /* Error recovery */ if (VA_STATUS_SUCCESS != vaStatus) { /* surfaces[i-1] was the last successful allocation */ for(; i--; ) { object_surface_p obj_surface = SURFACE(surfaces[i]); surfaces[i] = VA_INVALID_SURFACE; ASSERT(obj_surface); object_heap_free( &driver_data->surface_heap, (object_base_p) obj_surface); } } return vaStatus; } VAStatus dummy_DestroySurfaces( VADriverContextP ctx, VASurfaceID *surface_list, int num_surfaces ) { INIT_DRIVER_DATA int i; for(i = num_surfaces; i--; ) { object_surface_p obj_surface = SURFACE(surface_list[i]); ASSERT(obj_surface); object_heap_free( &driver_data->surface_heap, (object_base_p) obj_surface); } return VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; } VAStatus dummy_QueryImageFormats( VADriverContextP ctx, VAImageFormat *format_list, /* out */ int *num_formats /* out */ ) { INIT_DRIVER_DATA /* TODO */ return VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; } VAStatus dummy_CreateImage( VADriverContextP ctx, VAImageFormat *format, int width, int height, VAImage *image /* out */ ) { INIT_DRIVER_DATA /* TODO */ return VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; } VAStatus dummy_DeriveImage( VADriverContextP ctx, VASurfaceID surface, VAImage *image /* out */ ) { INIT_DRIVER_DATA /* TODO */ return VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; } VAStatus dummy_DestroyImage( VADriverContextP ctx, VAImageID image ) { INIT_DRIVER_DATA /* TODO */ return VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; } VAStatus dummy_SetImagePalette( VADriverContextP ctx, VAImageID image, unsigned char *palette ) { INIT_DRIVER_DATA /* TODO */ return VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; } VAStatus dummy_GetImage( VADriverContextP ctx, VASurfaceID surface, int x, /* coordinates of the upper left source pixel */ int y, unsigned int width, /* width and height of the region */ unsigned int height, VAImageID image ) { INIT_DRIVER_DATA /* TODO */ return VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; } VAStatus dummy_PutImage( VADriverContextP ctx, VASurfaceID surface, VAImageID image, int src_x, int src_y, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, int dest_x, int dest_y ) { INIT_DRIVER_DATA /* TODO */ return VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; } VAStatus dummy_PutImage2( VADriverContextP ctx, VASurfaceID surface, VAImageID image, int src_x, int src_y, unsigned int src_width, unsigned int src_height, int dest_x, int dest_y, unsigned int dest_width, unsigned int dest_height ) { INIT_DRIVER_DATA /* TODO */ return VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; } VAStatus dummy_QuerySubpictureFormats( VADriverContextP ctx, VAImageFormat *format_list, /* out */ unsigned int *flags, /* out */ unsigned int *num_formats /* out */ ) { INIT_DRIVER_DATA /* TODO */ return VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; } VAStatus dummy_CreateSubpicture( VADriverContextP ctx, VAImageID image, VASubpictureID *subpicture /* out */ ) { INIT_DRIVER_DATA /* TODO */ return VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; } VAStatus dummy_DestroySubpicture( VADriverContextP ctx, VASubpictureID subpicture ) { INIT_DRIVER_DATA /* TODO */ return VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; } VAStatus dummy_SetSubpictureImage( VADriverContextP ctx, VASubpictureID subpicture, VAImageID image ) { INIT_DRIVER_DATA /* TODO */ return VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; } VAStatus dummy_SetSubpicturePalette( VADriverContextP ctx, VASubpictureID subpicture, /* * pointer to an array holding the palette data. The size of the array is * num_palette_entries * entry_bytes in size. The order of the components * in the palette is described by the component_order in VASubpicture struct */ unsigned char *palette ) { INIT_DRIVER_DATA /* TODO */ return VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; } VAStatus dummy_SetSubpictureChromakey( VADriverContextP ctx, VASubpictureID subpicture, unsigned int chromakey_min, unsigned int chromakey_max, unsigned int chromakey_mask ) { INIT_DRIVER_DATA /* TODO */ return VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; } VAStatus dummy_SetSubpictureGlobalAlpha( VADriverContextP ctx, VASubpictureID subpicture, float global_alpha ) { INIT_DRIVER_DATA /* TODO */ return VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; } VAStatus dummy_AssociateSubpicture( VADriverContextP ctx, VASubpictureID subpicture, VASurfaceID *target_surfaces, int num_surfaces, short src_x, /* upper left offset in subpicture */ short src_y, short dest_x, /* upper left offset in surface */ short dest_y, unsigned short width, unsigned short height, /* * whether to enable chroma-keying or global-alpha * see VA_SUBPICTURE_XXX values */ unsigned int flags ) { INIT_DRIVER_DATA /* TODO */ return VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; } VAStatus dummy_AssociateSubpicture2( VADriverContextP ctx, VASubpictureID subpicture, VASurfaceID *target_surfaces, int num_surfaces, short src_x, /* upper left offset in subpicture */ short src_y, unsigned short src_width, unsigned short src_height, short dest_x, /* upper left offset in surface */ short dest_y, unsigned short dest_width, unsigned short dest_height, /* * whether to enable chroma-keying or global-alpha * see VA_SUBPICTURE_XXX values */ unsigned int flags ) { INIT_DRIVER_DATA /* TODO */ return VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; } VAStatus dummy_DeassociateSubpicture( VADriverContextP ctx, VASubpictureID subpicture, VASurfaceID *target_surfaces, int num_surfaces ) { INIT_DRIVER_DATA /* TODO */ return VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; } VAStatus dummy_CreateContext( VADriverContextP ctx, VAConfigID config_id, int picture_width, int picture_height, int flag, VASurfaceID *render_targets, int num_render_targets, VAContextID *context /* out */ ) { INIT_DRIVER_DATA VAStatus vaStatus = VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; object_config_p obj_config; int i; obj_config = CONFIG(config_id); if (NULL == obj_config) { vaStatus = VA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_CONFIG; return vaStatus; } /* Validate flag */ /* Validate picture dimensions */ int contextID = object_heap_allocate( &driver_data->context_heap ); object_context_p obj_context = CONTEXT(contextID); if (NULL == obj_context) { vaStatus = VA_STATUS_ERROR_ALLOCATION_FAILED; return vaStatus; } obj_context->context_id = contextID; *context = contextID; obj_context->current_render_target = -1; obj_context->config_id = config_id; obj_context->picture_width = picture_width; obj_context->picture_height = picture_height; obj_context->num_render_targets = num_render_targets; obj_context->render_targets = (VASurfaceID *) malloc(num_render_targets * sizeof(VASurfaceID)); if (obj_context->render_targets == NULL) { vaStatus = VA_STATUS_ERROR_ALLOCATION_FAILED; return vaStatus; } for(i = 0; i < num_render_targets; i++) { if (NULL == SURFACE(render_targets[i])) { vaStatus = VA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_SURFACE; break; } obj_context->render_targets[i] = render_targets[i]; } obj_context->flags = flag; /* Error recovery */ if (VA_STATUS_SUCCESS != vaStatus) { obj_context->context_id = -1; obj_context->config_id = -1; free(obj_context->render_targets); obj_context->render_targets = NULL; obj_context->num_render_targets = 0; obj_context->flags = 0; object_heap_free( &driver_data->context_heap, (object_base_p) obj_context); } return vaStatus; } VAStatus dummy_DestroyContext( VADriverContextP ctx, VAContextID context ) { INIT_DRIVER_DATA object_context_p obj_context = CONTEXT(context); ASSERT(obj_context); obj_context->context_id = -1; obj_context->config_id = -1; obj_context->picture_width = 0; obj_context->picture_height = 0; if (obj_context->render_targets) { free(obj_context->render_targets); } obj_context->render_targets = NULL; obj_context->num_render_targets = 0; obj_context->flags = 0; obj_context->current_render_target = -1; object_heap_free( &driver_data->context_heap, (object_base_p) obj_context); return VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; } static VAStatus dummy__allocate_buffer(object_buffer_p obj_buffer, int size) { VAStatus vaStatus = VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; obj_buffer->buffer_data = realloc(obj_buffer->buffer_data, size); if (NULL == obj_buffer->buffer_data) { vaStatus = VA_STATUS_ERROR_ALLOCATION_FAILED; } return vaStatus; } VAStatus dummy_CreateBuffer( VADriverContextP ctx, VAContextID context, /* in */ VABufferType type, /* in */ unsigned int size, /* in */ unsigned int num_elements, /* in */ void *data, /* in */ VABufferID *buf_id /* out */ ) { INIT_DRIVER_DATA VAStatus vaStatus = VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; int bufferID; object_buffer_p obj_buffer; /* Validate type */ switch (type) { case VAPictureParameterBufferType: case VAIQMatrixBufferType: case VABitPlaneBufferType: case VASliceGroupMapBufferType: case VASliceParameterBufferType: case VASliceDataBufferType: case VAMacroblockParameterBufferType: case VAResidualDataBufferType: case VADeblockingParameterBufferType: case VAImageBufferType: /* Ok */ break; default: vaStatus = VA_STATUS_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_BUFFERTYPE; return vaStatus; } bufferID = object_heap_allocate( &driver_data->buffer_heap ); obj_buffer = BUFFER(bufferID); if (NULL == obj_buffer) { vaStatus = VA_STATUS_ERROR_ALLOCATION_FAILED; return vaStatus; } obj_buffer->buffer_data = NULL; vaStatus = dummy__allocate_buffer(obj_buffer, size * num_elements); if (VA_STATUS_SUCCESS == vaStatus) { obj_buffer->max_num_elements = num_elements; obj_buffer->num_elements = num_elements; if (data) { memcpy(obj_buffer->buffer_data, data, size * num_elements); } } if (VA_STATUS_SUCCESS == vaStatus) { *buf_id = bufferID; } return vaStatus; } VAStatus dummy_BufferSetNumElements( VADriverContextP ctx, VABufferID buf_id, /* in */ unsigned int num_elements /* in */ ) { INIT_DRIVER_DATA VAStatus vaStatus = VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; object_buffer_p obj_buffer = BUFFER(buf_id); ASSERT(obj_buffer); if ((num_elements < 0) || (num_elements > obj_buffer->max_num_elements)) { vaStatus = VA_STATUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN; } if (VA_STATUS_SUCCESS == vaStatus) { obj_buffer->num_elements = num_elements; } return vaStatus; } VAStatus dummy_MapBuffer( VADriverContextP ctx, VABufferID buf_id, /* in */ void **pbuf /* out */ ) { INIT_DRIVER_DATA VAStatus vaStatus = VA_STATUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN; object_buffer_p obj_buffer = BUFFER(buf_id); ASSERT(obj_buffer); if (NULL == obj_buffer) { vaStatus = VA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_BUFFER; return vaStatus; } if (NULL != obj_buffer->buffer_data) { *pbuf = obj_buffer->buffer_data; vaStatus = VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; } return vaStatus; } VAStatus dummy_UnmapBuffer( VADriverContextP ctx, VABufferID buf_id /* in */ ) { /* Do nothing */ return VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; } static void dummy__destroy_buffer(struct dummy_driver_data *driver_data, object_buffer_p obj_buffer) { if (NULL != obj_buffer->buffer_data) { free(obj_buffer->buffer_data); obj_buffer->buffer_data = NULL; } object_heap_free( &driver_data->buffer_heap, (object_base_p) obj_buffer); } VAStatus dummy_DestroyBuffer( VADriverContextP ctx, VABufferID buffer_id ) { INIT_DRIVER_DATA object_buffer_p obj_buffer = BUFFER(buffer_id); ASSERT(obj_buffer); dummy__destroy_buffer(driver_data, obj_buffer); return VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; } VAStatus dummy_BeginPicture( VADriverContextP ctx, VAContextID context, VASurfaceID render_target ) { INIT_DRIVER_DATA VAStatus vaStatus = VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; object_context_p obj_context; object_surface_p obj_surface; obj_context = CONTEXT(context); ASSERT(obj_context); obj_surface = SURFACE(render_target); ASSERT(obj_surface); obj_context->current_render_target = obj_surface->base.id; return vaStatus; } VAStatus dummy_RenderPicture( VADriverContextP ctx, VAContextID context, VABufferID *buffers, int num_buffers ) { INIT_DRIVER_DATA VAStatus vaStatus = VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; object_context_p obj_context; object_surface_p obj_surface; int i; obj_context = CONTEXT(context); ASSERT(obj_context); obj_surface = SURFACE(obj_context->current_render_target); ASSERT(obj_surface); /* verify that we got valid buffer references */ for(i = 0; i < num_buffers; i++) { object_buffer_p obj_buffer = BUFFER(buffers[i]); ASSERT(obj_buffer); if (NULL == obj_buffer) { vaStatus = VA_STATUS_ERROR_INVALID_BUFFER; break; } } /* Release buffers */ for(i = 0; i < num_buffers; i++) { object_buffer_p obj_buffer = BUFFER(buffers[i]); ASSERT(obj_buffer); dummy__destroy_buffer(driver_data, obj_buffer); } return vaStatus; } VAStatus dummy_EndPicture( VADriverContextP ctx, VAContextID context ) { INIT_DRIVER_DATA VAStatus vaStatus = VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; object_context_p obj_context; object_surface_p obj_surface; obj_context = CONTEXT(context); ASSERT(obj_context); obj_surface = SURFACE(obj_context->current_render_target); ASSERT(obj_surface); // For now, assume that we are done with rendering right away obj_context->current_render_target = -1; return vaStatus; } VAStatus dummy_SyncSurface( VADriverContextP ctx, VAContextID context, VASurfaceID render_target ) { INIT_DRIVER_DATA VAStatus vaStatus = VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; object_context_p obj_context; object_surface_p obj_surface; obj_context = CONTEXT(context); ASSERT(obj_context); obj_surface = SURFACE(render_target); ASSERT(obj_surface); /* Assume that this shouldn't be called before vaEndPicture() */ ASSERT( obj_context->current_render_target != obj_surface->base.id ); return vaStatus; } VAStatus dummy_QuerySurfaceStatus( VADriverContextP ctx, VASurfaceID render_target, VASurfaceStatus *status /* out */ ) { INIT_DRIVER_DATA VAStatus vaStatus = VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; object_surface_p obj_surface; obj_surface = SURFACE(render_target); ASSERT(obj_surface); *status = VASurfaceReady; return vaStatus; } VAStatus dummy_PutSurface( VADriverContextP ctx, VASurfaceID surface, Drawable draw, /* X Drawable */ short srcx, short srcy, unsigned short srcw, unsigned short srch, short destx, short desty, unsigned short destw, unsigned short desth, VARectangle *cliprects, /* client supplied clip list */ unsigned int number_cliprects, /* number of clip rects in the clip list */ unsigned int flags /* de-interlacing flags */ ) { /* TODO */ return VA_STATUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN; } /* * Query display attributes * The caller must provide a "attr_list" array that can hold at * least vaMaxNumDisplayAttributes() entries. The actual number of attributes * returned in "attr_list" is returned in "num_attributes". */ VAStatus dummy_QueryDisplayAttributes ( VADriverContextP ctx, VADisplayAttribute *attr_list, /* out */ int *num_attributes /* out */ ) { /* TODO */ return VA_STATUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN; } /* * Get display attributes * This function returns the current attribute values in "attr_list". * Only attributes returned with VA_DISPLAY_ATTRIB_GETTABLE set in the "flags" field * from vaQueryDisplayAttributes() can have their values retrieved. */ VAStatus dummy_GetDisplayAttributes ( VADriverContextP ctx, VADisplayAttribute *attr_list, /* in/out */ int num_attributes ) { /* TODO */ return VA_STATUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN; } /* * Set display attributes * Only attributes returned with VA_DISPLAY_ATTRIB_SETTABLE set in the "flags" field * from vaQueryDisplayAttributes() can be set. If the attribute is not settable or * the value is out of range, the function returns VA_STATUS_ERROR_ATTR_NOT_SUPPORTED */ VAStatus dummy_SetDisplayAttributes ( VADriverContextP ctx, VADisplayAttribute *attr_list, int num_attributes ) { /* TODO */ return VA_STATUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN; } VAStatus dummy_CopySurfaceToBuffer( VADriverContextP ctx, VASurfaceID surface, unsigned int *fourcc, /* following are output argument */ unsigned int *luma_stride, unsigned int *chroma_u_stride, unsigned int *chroma_v_stride, unsigned int *luma_offset, unsigned int *chroma_u_offset, unsigned int *chroma_v_offset, void **buffer ) { /* TODO */ return VA_STATUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN; } VAStatus dummy_Terminate( VADriverContextP ctx ) { INIT_DRIVER_DATA object_buffer_p obj_buffer; object_surface_p obj_surface; object_context_p obj_context; object_config_p obj_config; object_heap_iterator iter; /* Clean up left over buffers */ obj_buffer = (object_buffer_p) object_heap_first( &driver_data->buffer_heap, &iter); while (obj_buffer) { dummy__information_message("vaTerminate: bufferID %08x still allocated, destroying\n", obj_buffer->base.id); dummy__destroy_buffer(driver_data, obj_buffer); obj_buffer = (object_buffer_p) object_heap_next( &driver_data->buffer_heap, &iter); } object_heap_destroy( &driver_data->buffer_heap ); /* TODO cleanup */ object_heap_destroy( &driver_data->surface_heap ); /* TODO cleanup */ object_heap_destroy( &driver_data->context_heap ); /* Clean up configIDs */ obj_config = (object_config_p) object_heap_first( &driver_data->config_heap, &iter); while (obj_config) { object_heap_free( &driver_data->config_heap, (object_base_p) obj_config); obj_config = (object_config_p) object_heap_next( &driver_data->config_heap, &iter); } object_heap_destroy( &driver_data->config_heap ); free(ctx->pDriverData); ctx->pDriverData = NULL; return VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; } VAStatus __vaDriverInit_0_30( VADriverContextP ctx ) { object_base_p obj; int result; struct dummy_driver_data *driver_data; int i; ctx->version_major = VA_MAJOR_VERSION; ctx->version_minor = VA_MINOR_VERSION; ctx->max_profiles = DUMMY_MAX_PROFILES; ctx->max_entrypoints = DUMMY_MAX_ENTRYPOINTS; ctx->max_attributes = DUMMY_MAX_CONFIG_ATTRIBUTES; ctx->max_image_formats = DUMMY_MAX_IMAGE_FORMATS; ctx->max_subpic_formats = DUMMY_MAX_SUBPIC_FORMATS; ctx->max_display_attributes = DUMMY_MAX_DISPLAY_ATTRIBUTES; ctx->str_vendor = DUMMY_STR_VENDOR; ctx->vtable.vaTerminate = dummy_Terminate; ctx->vtable.vaQueryConfigEntrypoints = dummy_QueryConfigEntrypoints; ctx->vtable.vaQueryConfigProfiles = dummy_QueryConfigProfiles; ctx->vtable.vaQueryConfigEntrypoints = dummy_QueryConfigEntrypoints; ctx->vtable.vaQueryConfigAttributes = dummy_QueryConfigAttributes; ctx->vtable.vaCreateConfig = dummy_CreateConfig; ctx->vtable.vaDestroyConfig = dummy_DestroyConfig; ctx->vtable.vaGetConfigAttributes = dummy_GetConfigAttributes; ctx->vtable.vaCreateSurfaces = dummy_CreateSurfaces; ctx->vtable.vaDestroySurfaces = dummy_DestroySurfaces; ctx->vtable.vaCreateContext = dummy_CreateContext; ctx->vtable.vaDestroyContext = dummy_DestroyContext; ctx->vtable.vaCreateBuffer = dummy_CreateBuffer; ctx->vtable.vaBufferSetNumElements = dummy_BufferSetNumElements; ctx->vtable.vaMapBuffer = dummy_MapBuffer; ctx->vtable.vaUnmapBuffer = dummy_UnmapBuffer; ctx->vtable.vaDestroyBuffer = dummy_DestroyBuffer; ctx->vtable.vaBeginPicture = dummy_BeginPicture; ctx->vtable.vaRenderPicture = dummy_RenderPicture; ctx->vtable.vaEndPicture = dummy_EndPicture; ctx->vtable.vaSyncSurface = dummy_SyncSurface; ctx->vtable.vaQuerySurfaceStatus = dummy_QuerySurfaceStatus; ctx->vtable.vaPutSurface = dummy_PutSurface; ctx->vtable.vaQueryImageFormats = dummy_QueryImageFormats; ctx->vtable.vaCreateImage = dummy_CreateImage; ctx->vtable.vaDeriveImage = dummy_DeriveImage; ctx->vtable.vaDestroyImage = dummy_DestroyImage; ctx->vtable.vaSetImagePalette = dummy_SetImagePalette; ctx->vtable.vaGetImage = dummy_GetImage; ctx->vtable.vaPutImage = dummy_PutImage; ctx->vtable.vaPutImage2 = dummy_PutImage2; ctx->vtable.vaQuerySubpictureFormats = dummy_QuerySubpictureFormats; ctx->vtable.vaCreateSubpicture = dummy_CreateSubpicture; ctx->vtable.vaDestroySubpicture = dummy_DestroySubpicture; ctx->vtable.vaSetSubpictureImage = dummy_SetSubpictureImage; ctx->vtable.vaSetSubpictureChromakey = dummy_SetSubpictureChromakey; ctx->vtable.vaSetSubpictureGlobalAlpha = dummy_SetSubpictureGlobalAlpha; ctx->vtable.vaAssociateSubpicture = dummy_AssociateSubpicture; ctx->vtable.vaAssociateSubpicture2 = dummy_AssociateSubpicture2; ctx->vtable.vaDeassociateSubpicture = dummy_DeassociateSubpicture; ctx->vtable.vaQueryDisplayAttributes = dummy_QueryDisplayAttributes; ctx->vtable.vaGetDisplayAttributes = dummy_GetDisplayAttributes; ctx->vtable.vaSetDisplayAttributes = dummy_SetDisplayAttributes; ctx->vtable.vaCopySurfaceToBuffer = dummy_CopySurfaceToBuffer; driver_data = (struct dummy_driver_data *) malloc( sizeof(*driver_data) ); ctx->pDriverData = (void *) driver_data; result = object_heap_init( &driver_data->config_heap, sizeof(struct object_config), CONFIG_ID_OFFSET ); ASSERT( result == 0 ); result = object_heap_init( &driver_data->context_heap, sizeof(struct object_context), CONTEXT_ID_OFFSET ); ASSERT( result == 0 ); result = object_heap_init( &driver_data->surface_heap, sizeof(struct object_surface), SURFACE_ID_OFFSET ); ASSERT( result == 0 ); result = object_heap_init( &driver_data->buffer_heap, sizeof(struct object_buffer), BUFFER_ID_OFFSET ); ASSERT( result == 0 ); return VA_STATUS_SUCCESS; }