Commit 3b220c84 authored by Zou Nan hai's avatar Zou Nan hai Committed by Xiang, Haihao

i965_drv_video: fix rendering issue

parent 2f21a30e
......@@ -860,7 +860,8 @@ i965_render_upload_vertex(VADriverContextP ctx,
struct intel_region *dest_region = render_state->draw_region;
struct object_surface *obj_surface;
float *vb;
float src_scale_x, src_scale_y;
float u1, v1, u2, v2;
int i, width, height;
int box_x1 = dest_region->x + destx;
int box_y1 = dest_region->y + desty;
......@@ -872,26 +873,28 @@ i965_render_upload_vertex(VADriverContextP ctx,
width = obj_surface->width;
height = obj_surface->height;
src_scale_x = ((float)srcw / width) / (float)destw;
src_scale_y = ((float)srch / height) / (float)desth;
u1 = (float)srcx / width;
v1 = (float)srcy / height;
u2 = (float)(srcx + srcw) / width;
v2 = (float)(srcy + srch) / height;
dri_bo_map(render_state->vb.vertex_buffer, 1);
vb = render_state->vb.vertex_buffer->virtual;
i = 0;
vb[i++] = (destx + destw) * src_scale_x;
vb[i++] = (desty + desth) * src_scale_y;
vb[i++] = u2;
vb[i++] = v2;
vb[i++] = (float)box_x2;
vb[i++] = (float)box_y2;
vb[i++] = destx * src_scale_x;
vb[i++] = (desty + desth) * src_scale_y;
vb[i++] = u1;
vb[i++] = v2;
vb[i++] = (float)box_x1;
vb[i++] = (float)box_y2;
vb[i++] = destx * src_scale_x;
vb[i++] = desty * src_scale_y;
vb[i++] = u1;
vb[i++] = v1;
vb[i++] = (float)box_x1;
vb[i++] = (float)box_y1;
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