Commit e3451586 authored by Jean-Paul Saman's avatar Jean-Paul Saman

Doxygen updates.

parent 95403168
......@@ -45,6 +45,10 @@ extern "C" {
* Helper for GCC version checks borrowed from VLC.
* \def DVBPSI_GCC_VERSION(maj,min)
* \brief Helper macro for GCC version check
#ifdef __GNUC__
# define DVBPSI_GCC_VERSION(maj,min) \
((__GNUC__ > (maj)) || (__GNUC__ == (maj) && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= (min)))
......@@ -62,8 +66,8 @@ extern "C" {
typedef struct dvbpsi_s dvbpsi_t;
* \typedef enum dvbpsi_msg_level dvbpsi_msg_level_t
* \brief DVBPSI message level enum
* \enum dvbpsi_msg_level
* \brief DVBPSI message level enumeration type
enum dvbpsi_msg_level
......@@ -72,6 +76,10 @@ enum dvbpsi_msg_level
DVBPSI_MSG_WARN = 1, /*!< Error and Warning messages */
DVBPSI_MSG_DEBUG = 2, /*!< Error, warning and debug messages */
* \typedef enum dvbpsi_msg_level dvbpsi_msg_level_t
* \brief DVBPSI message level enumeration type definition
typedef enum dvbpsi_msg_level dvbpsi_msg_level_t;
......@@ -214,6 +222,12 @@ typedef void (* dvbpsi_callback_gather_t)(dvbpsi_t *p_dvbpsi, /*!< pointer to d
* \brief Common members for all dvbpsi table decoders. These should be the first
* members of a table decoder struct, such that they can be casted to a
* dvbpsi_decoder_t type.
/*! \
......@@ -339,13 +353,23 @@ bool dvbpsi_decoder_present(dvbpsi_t *p_dvbpsi);
* deprecated API's
* \typedef struct dvbpsi_decoder_s * dvbpsi_handle
* \brief deprecated dvbpsi handle. It is replaced by a dvbpsi_t type.
typedef struct dvbpsi_decoder_s * dvbpsi_handle;// __attribute__((deprecated));
/* dvbpsi.h */
* \fn void dvbpsi_PushPacket(dvbpsi_handle h_dvbpsi, uint8_t* p_data)
* \fn __attribute__((deprecated)) void dvbpsi_PushPacket(dvbpsi_handle h_dvbpsi, uint8_t* p_data)
* \brief function is deprecated and should no longer be used. Use
* function dvbpsi_packet_push() instead.
* \param h_dvbpsi handle to dvbpsi_s struct
* \param p_data pointer to TS packet data (usually188 bytes)
* \def dvbpsi_PushPacket(h,p) dvbpsi_packet_push(h,p)
* \brief backwards compatibility wrapper around dvbpsi_packet_push()
void dvbpsi_PushPacket(dvbpsi_handle h_dvbpsi, uint8_t* p_data);
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