Commit b00cf4a0 authored by reimar's avatar reimar

Add a part explaining that API should be considered unstable after major

version changes and list dates of last major version increase.

git-svn-id: file:///var/local/repositories/ffmpeg/trunk@17878 9553f0bf-9b14-0410-a0b8-cfaf0461ba5b
parent 6738b9c3
Never assume the API of libav* to be stable unless at least 1 week has passed since
the last major version increase.
The last version increases were:
libavcodec: ?
libavdevice: ?
libavfilter: ?
libavformat: ?
libpostproc: ?
libswscale: ?
libavutil: 2009-03-08
API changes, most recent first:
20090308 - r17869 - lavu 50.0.0 - AVFifoBuffer 20090308 - r17869 - lavu 50.0.0 - AVFifoBuffer
av_fifo_init, av_fifo_read, av_fifo_write and av_fifo_realloc were dropped and replaced av_fifo_init, av_fifo_read, av_fifo_write and av_fifo_realloc were dropped and replaced
by av_fifo_alloc, av_fifo_generic_read, av_fifo_generic_write and av_fifo_realloc2. by av_fifo_alloc, av_fifo_generic_read, av_fifo_generic_write and av_fifo_realloc2.
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