Commit bd198be4 authored by Ramesh Gupta's avatar Ramesh Gupta Committed by Hari Kanigeri

OMAP4 Syslink remove unused file

This patch removes unused header file
Signed-off-by: default avatarRamesh Gupta G <>
parent 89df6521
/** ============================================================================
* @file _bitops.h
* @path $(DSPLINK)/gpp/inc/
* @desc Defines generic macros for bitwise opeartions.
* @ver
* ============================================================================
* Copyright (c) Texas Instruments Incorporated 2002-2008
* Use of this software is controlled by the terms and conditions found in the
* license agreement under which this software has been supplied or provided.
* ============================================================================
#if !defined (_BITOPS_H)
#define _BITOPS_H
#if defined (__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
#endif /* defined (__cplusplus) */
/** ============================================================================
* @macro SET_BITS
* @desc Sets bits contained in given mask.
* This macro is independent of operand width. User must ensure
* correctness.
* ============================================================================
#define SET_BITS(num,mask) ((num) |= (mask))
/** ============================================================================
* @macro CLEAR_BITS
* @desc Clears bits contained in given mask.
* This macro is independent of operand width. User must ensure
* correctness.
* ============================================================================
#define CLEAR_BITS(num,mask) ((num) &= ~(mask))
/** ============================================================================
* @macro SET_BIT
* @desc Sets bit at given position.
* This macro is independent of operand width. User must ensure
* correctness.
* ============================================================================
#define SET_BIT(num,pos) ((num) |= (1u << (pos)))
/** ============================================================================
* @macro CLEAR_BIT
* @desc Clears bit at given position.
* This macro is independent of operand width. User must ensure
* correctness.
* ============================================================================
#define CLEAR_BIT(num,pos) ((num) &= ~(1u << (pos)))
/** ============================================================================
* @macro TEST_BIT
* @desc Tests if bit at given position is set.
* This macro is independent of operand width. User must ensure
* correctness.
* ============================================================================
#define TEST_BIT(num,pos) ((((num) & (1u << (pos))) >> (pos)) & 0x01)
/** ============================================================================
* @macro GET_NBITS8
* @desc Gets numeric value of specified bits from an 8 bit value.
* ============================================================================
#define GET_NBITS8(num,pos,width) \
(((num) & ((0xFF >> (8u - (width))) << (pos))) >> (pos))
/** ============================================================================
* @macro GET_NBITS16
* @desc Gets numeric value of specified bits from an 16 bit value.
* ============================================================================
#define GET_NBITS16(num,pos,width) \
(((num) & ((0xFFFF >> (16u - (width))) << (pos))) >> (pos))
/** ============================================================================
* @macro GET_BITS32
* @desc Gets numeric value of specified bits from an 32 bit value.
* ============================================================================
#define GET_NBITS32(num,pos,width) \
(((num) & ((0xFFFFFFFF >> (32u - (width))) << (pos))) >> (pos))
/** ============================================================================
* @macro SET_NBITS8
* @desc Sets specified bits in a 8 bit entity to given value.
* ============================================================================
#define SET_NBITS8(num,pos,width,value) \
(num) &= ~((0xFF >> (8u - (width))) << (pos)) ; \
(num) |= (((value) & (0xFF >> (8u - (width)))) << (pos)) ;
/** ============================================================================
* @macro SET_NBITS16
* @desc Sets specified bits in a 16 bit entity to given value.
* ============================================================================
#define SET_NBITS16(num,pos,width,value) \
(num) &= ~((0xFFFF >> (16u - (width))) << (pos)) ; \
(num) |= (((value) & (0xFFFF >> (16u - (width)))) << (pos)) ;
/** ============================================================================
* @macro SET_NBITS32
* @desc Sets specified bits in a 32 bit entity to given value.
* ============================================================================
#define SET_NBITS32(num,pos,width,value) \
(num) &= ~((0xFFFFFFFF >> (32u - (width))) << (pos)) ; \
(num) |= (((value) & (0xFFFFFFFF >> (32u - (width)))) << (pos)) ;
/** ============================================================================
* @desc Macro to swap bytes within a 16 bit word.
* ============================================================================
#define BYTESWAP_WORD(x) (unsigned short int) (( (unsigned short int) ((((unsigned short int)(x)) << 8u) & 0xFF00u) \
| (unsigned short int)((((unsigned short int)(x)) >> 8u) & 0x00FFu)))
/** ============================================================================
* @desc Macro to swap bytes within a 32 bit dword.
* ============================================================================
#define BYTESWAP_LONG(x) ( (((x) << 24u) & 0xFF000000u) \
| (((x) << 8u) & 0x00FF0000u) \
| (((x) >> 8u) & 0x0000FF00u) \
| (((x) >> 24u) & 0x000000FFu))
/** ============================================================================
* @desc Macro to swap two 16-bit values within a 32 bit dword.
* ============================================================================
#define WORDSWAP_LONG(x) ( (((x) << 16u) & 0xFFFF0000u) \
| (((x) >> 16u) & 0x0000FFFFu))
/** ============================================================================
* @macro SWAP_LONG
* @desc Returns a word-swapped or non-swapped dword based on the parameter
* passed.
* ============================================================================
#define SWAP_LONG(value, swap) (((swap) == FALSE) ? \
(value) : WORDSWAP_LONG (value))
#if defined (__cplusplus)
#endif /* defined (__cplusplus) */
#endif /* !defined (_BITOPS_H) */
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